Get Black Technology From Marvel

Chapter 204: The Ark Reactor project team is established!

Lu Cheng took Yun Tianming to a pavilion and said:

"Sit on the stool first, and I will read you a formula, and you will remember it."

Yun Tianming scratched his head, although he was puzzled, he still spoke:

"Oh fine."

Lu Cheng recalled the magic formula of the Golden Light Curse in his heart, and then he said:

"Xuanzong Heaven and Earth, Wan Qi's roots. Extensively cultivate billions of calamities to prove my supernatural powers..."

This golden light spell can also be used to refine the sense of Qi.

Yun Tianming raised his eyebrows:

"Teacher, is this the Taoist method of meditation?"

He usually studies some Taoist books to increase his knowledge.

Listening to this method, you are very familiar with it.

It's just that this kind of meditation, at best, can make one's mind more peaceful.

Does it really help your body?

Yun Tianming couldn't understand that a university teacher would still engage in superstition.

This is completely out of the scope of Chinese medicine.

"Don't be distracted, follow the formula I told you to luck!" Lu Cheng reminded.

Yun Tianming subconsciously suppressed his thoughts and listened carefully to the formula passed by Lu Cheng.

His personality was introverted, but after just meditating for a while, he could easily enter a calm posture.

Then, according to Lu Cheng's formula, he began to subconsciously close his eyes and sink his mind to the position of his dantian.

Seeing this, Lu Cheng stretched out his hand and pressed the Baihui acupoint on Yun Tianming's head!


The strands of congenital qi followed the Baihui acupoint and poured into Yun Tianming's limbs, and finally gathered at the pubic area!


It's like a drop of water sinking into the ocean.

Yun Tianming only felt that there was some power in his body that had been activated.

The cells in his body seemed to be coming to life.

The whole body is sour and refreshing as if it is electrified!


The pleasant feeling made Yun Tianming exhale deeply.

The whole person is like entering the sage mode.


When he was distracted, this feeling immediately stopped.

Lu Cheng's hand also left from the top of Yun Tianming's head.

"How do you feel?" Lu Cheng smiled.

Yun Tianming turned and looked at Lu Cheng, only to feel that the young teacher in front of him had become extremely mysterious and tall.

This ability to surpass common sense just appeared before his eyes.

He could feel that everything just now was not a dream, but really happened!

It's just that the kind of power just now still puzzled him.

This unscientific!

Lu Cheng saw Yun Tianming's doubts and explained:

"It's not surprising, you can use a scientific method to explain it."

After thinking about it, Lu Cheng continued:

"The world we live in is in three dimensions."

"We are like little people living in a three-dimensional ball. We can't see the full picture of the world."

"However, the human body itself can perform self-enhancement. The formula I taught you just now is the power to promote the human body's ascent."

"Once you succeed, you can get rid of the three-dimensional world and see a brand-new four-dimensional world!"

"In ancient times, we also called this phenomenon as soaring!"

This is actually not a deception to Yun Tianming.

It was Lu Cheng's real feelings about cultivation.

The energy used by aliens is actually slightly higher than the three-dimensional energy that has not reached the four-dimensional level.

But even so. The use of these energies by other people can also produce all kinds of incredible abilities.

Such as the release of thunder and lightning, teleport and so on.

Lu Cheng still remembered a passage introduced in "Three-Body: Dark Forest".

In ancient times, there was a witch who could take away the entire brain of others.

In fact, this is also a power beyond three dimensions!

According to the original record, it was because the witch had mastered the four-dimensional fragments.

This kind of four-dimensional fragment made her look at all creatures in the three-dimensional world on a flat surface.

All the organs are transparent to her, fully presented in front of her eyes.

Therefore, she can do this miracle so easily!

In "Three-Body: Death Eternal Life", there are also related records about four-dimensional space.

Those astronauts who escaped from the earth can clearly see all the parts and structures in the spacecraft after entering the four-dimensional space.

All the details of the three-dimensional world are infinitely magnified in the four-dimensional space.

In the past.

Humans cultivate immortals, perhaps because they have come into contact with four-dimensional space.

Therefore, a variety of formulas have been created to allow people in the three-dimensional world to temporarily touch the threshold of the four-dimensional world.

When Yun Tianming heard Lu Cheng's explanation, he only felt that his three views were severely impacted.

For a time, there was still some reaction.

Lu Cheng patted Yun Tianming on the shoulder and said:

"Of course, not everyone can use the power in the body to perform self-enhancement."

"There is no one in this kind of person. I just saw you have this kind of talent, so I passed this formula to you."

"This is a secret that belongs to both of us, but don't tell it to you."

Yun Tianming nodded:

"Well, teacher, don't worry, I didn't have any friends, and there was no rumor."

Why does this sound so disturbing... Lu Cheng patted Yun Tianming on the shoulder:

"All right, after class every afternoon, you come to the office to find me, and I will pass on the basic methods to you."

"After you become proficient, you can practice by yourself!"

Yun Tianming nodded:

"Okay, thank you teacher."

Lu Cheng stretched his lips and said:

"Okay, that's it for today. Go back and consolidate the formula I taught you."

"Of course, don't delay your studies for cultivation."

"This world is still dominated by technology."

"Look at the teacher, don't I have to teach to support myself?"

Yun Tianming's somewhat dull cheeks finally showed a trace of smile, nodded and said:

"Well, I got it."

Lu Cheng didn't talk much, and turned back to the office.

Seeing that Zou Yun was still waiting for him in the office, he chatted with Zou Yun for a while, and it was about 11:30 before he and Zou Yun went to the cafeteria for dinner.

Lu Cheng had no class in the afternoon and had nothing to do, so he asked Luo Ji to go hiking.

College life is just good.

There are only two or three classes a day at most, and other times can be arranged freely.

As a professor, Luo Ji has fewer classes.

I usually do academic reports and papers.

Lu Cheng doesn't have a car now, so naturally he took Luo Ji's car.

In the car.

Luo Ji changed into a more casual outfit, and said with a pleasant expression:

"Why, Lao Lu, when I entered Beihang University, he invited me to climb the mountain. You are too unjust."

Lu Cheng sat in the back seat and said with a smile:

"Am I this kind of person? When you climb to the top of the mountain, I'll give you another baby!"

He came out of Yoluo Ji this time, naturally, not for climbing specifically, but to teach Luo Ji's cultivation techniques.

Despite his intervention, whether Luo Ji can become a wall-facer or not is a matter of two things.

However, just in case, it is better to teach Luo Ji some protective methods.

Luo Ji looked at Lu Cheng curiously, and said:

"What baby can you have?"

Lu Cheng sells off:

"You'll know when you go!"

Luo Ji was naturally free and easy, but he didn't ask further, and changed the subject:

"I heard from Director Hu that you have recently developed an amazing energy source."

Lu Cheng shrugged:

"I just put forward a concept, and then listed some data. As for whether it can be achieved, it depends on the progress of the project team."

Principal Li Guoqing should be intensively organizing personnel.

It is estimated that in another week, the Ark Reactor Project Team will be formally established.

Luo Ji smiled:

"Yes, Lao Lu, he had his own project team when he first entered school, and the company has not been opened in vain over the years!"

Lu Cheng opened the mouth and said:

"There are more powerful things, you will know when this project is completed."

"We are the ones who want to change the world!"

Luo Ji opened the mouth and said:

"Oh, ambition is not small, I can wait to see how you change the world."

"Don't forget me buddy then!"

Lu Cheng looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the car:

"Ha, of course, didn't you always want to find the perfect girl in your heart, I'll help you find it then!"

Luo Ji obviously didn't care:

"Okay, if you can really find it, I'll call you brother for the rest of your life."

The two were chatting, and soon came to Xiangshan.

Since it is not a weekend, there are not too many people.

Lu Cheng and Luo Ji walked to the top of the mountain while chatting.

Luo Ji often exercises, so his physical strength is very good.

When I reached the top of the mountain, I didn't feel too tired.

The two came to a booth and quietly looked at the white cloud dog on the horizon.

Luo Ji couldn't help but said with emotion:

"Sometimes looking at the world, it always feels unreal. We are like people living in paintings."

Lu Cheng smiled:

"Maybe one day, the entire earth and even the solar system will become a painting."

Luo Ji opened the mouth and said:

"This day is too far away from us."

After a pause, he continued:

"Well, didn't you say that you would give me a baby when you climb the top of the mountain, baby?"

Lu Cheng said lightly:

"Sit underground first."

Luo Ji raised his eyebrows:

"You still sell Guanzi... I am not a girl, so there is no need to surprise me."

Lu Cheng opened his mouth and said: "Who is selling to you? My baby is not a real thing. Only if you sit down, I can tell you."

"All right, I want to see what you make."

Luo Ji felt helpless, so he could only pat the dust, and sat down.

Only then did Lu Cheng speak:

"Now, close your eyes, hold your breath, and do what I say."

Luo Ji shook his head, but did so.

"Shen Dantian, Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, Wan Qibengen..." Lu Cheng recited the export formula.

Luo Ji opened his eyes and said:

"Lao Lu, no, do you want to teach me to meditate?"

Lu Cheng opened the mouth and said:

"Don't talk, close your eyes and feel the changes in your dantian."


Lu Cheng gently pressed one of his hands on Luo Ji's Baihui Point.

As always, while chanting the tactics, he guided the innate Qi in Luo Ji's body to make him feel Qi.

Luo Ji felt the inexplicable change in his body, and his heart was also a little surprised.

He didn't get up, but was directly immersed in this feeling.

Until the end.

His anger finally produced a tingling sensation, which made him feel more comfortable than ever before.

When Lu Cheng saw Luo Ji feel sick, he stopped and said:

"Not bad. Although you are a little older, you can still improve your physical fitness by practicing well."

Luo Ji opened his eyes and stood up to look at Lu Cheng, with a complex expression on his face:

"This... Lao Lu, what's the matter?"

This sudden change made Deloji feel a little unreal.

It was the same as Yun Tianming's initial reaction.

Lu Cheng and Luo Ji explained the concept of cultivating immortals on one side.

Luo Ji raised his eyebrows:

"So, where did your practice formula come from?"

Lu Cheng's face was not red and heartbeat, and said:

"As seen in an ancient book, I have entered the field of aerospace and aviation in recent years, in fact, to explore higher energy that can increase the speed of cultivation."

"Space, naturally is my first goal."

"The research of the Ark reactor is also for training and service."

"There are countless resources in space, which may allow me to upgrade to four-dimensional life faster."

When Luo Ji listened to Lu Cheng's account, he only felt This is crazy! "

A friend from childhood to adulthood turned out to be a cultivator, which shocked his three views.

Lu Cheng opened the mouth and said:

"At present, only the two of us and one of my students know about this. We are all people who can carry out the upgrade, so don't disclose it to the public for the time being."

"Of course, this kind of cultivation can only slightly improve the physique and gain some special powers. It is impossible to become a superman."

"You still have to believe in science!"

You teach me to cultivate immortals, and then tell me to believe in science?

Luo Ji curled his lips.

But soon he became excited:

"Unbelievable, Lao Lu, at the end of this practice, can you really take away other people's brains in the air as you said?"

Lu Cheng nodded:

"If you upgrade to a new life, it's okay."

"How is this baby, are you satisfied?"

Luo Ji spread his hands:

"I have taught me how to cultivate immortals, can I say that I am not satisfied?"

Lu Cheng opened the mouth and said:

"I'll pass on all the formulas to you later. You can practice according to the formulas. If you don't understand, ask me at any time. Don't practice it alone."

Luo Ji nodded naturally and agreed.

For him, even if he can improve his physique, it is good news.

At least it will make him last longer in bed.

Down the mountain.

The two of them found a restaurant nearby, had a meal, and went back separately.

The next day.

While attending class, Lu Cheng coached Yun Tianming and Luo Ji in their practice.

A week passed quickly.

this day.

Li Guoqing approached Lu Cheng and said that the Ark reactor project had been approved.

In addition, the candidates for the project team have been roughly selected, and the project can be officially opened at any time!

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