Get Black Technology From Marvel

Chapter 195: Become a celebrity! (Four thousand words)

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Wudaokou University.

Those who come and go are young students, full of vigor.

Gu Qingzhu showed a trace of envy:

"It's nice to be young."

Lu Cheng smiled:

"You are talking about yourself like a seven-year-old eighty."

Gu Qingzhu wrinkled his nose:

"Then you said before that I am not a young girl!"

Lu Cheng spread his hands.

I didn't expect this woman to hold such a grudge.

It's been so long, but I still keep it in my heart.

Xie Bin smiled and said:

"Two, even if you change into school uniforms now, no one will say that you are not students."

Lu Cheng opened the mouth and said:

"Wouldn't it be necessary to pretend to be tender like a star in an idol drama, who is obviously in his 30s, and still pretends to be a student? I don't like such a nondescript appearance."

Xie Bin said:

"Haha, President Lu is young and promising, with outstanding temperament, even if he is dressed as a student, no one will say no."

A group of people chatting.

Soon I came to the Materials Research Institute of Wudaokou University.

This is a three-story building, similar to the appearance of a school building.

Occasionally, students will come and go here.

Xie Bin began to introduce the institute:

"The lowest level of the research institute is a small processing plant, which houses a series of sophisticated equipment.

The middle floor is the office area of ​​the institute.

At the top level, there are small laboratories to experiment with various instruments and new materials.

Occasionally, it is also used to teach graduate students and current students! "

Lu Cheng nodded slightly.

He had also seen the structure of some research institutes before, and they were basically like this.

The instructor will bring the research institute to experiment and even pay the salary.

Occasionally, I also conduct business cooperation with some companies.

Of course, like this research institute, more should be research and development projects designated by the state.

A group of people even wanted to enter, and a few students walked out slowly.

One of the quiet-looking girls with glasses came over timidly and looked at Lu Cheng and said:

"Excuse me, are you brother Lu Chenglu, the chairman of Chengxi Technology?"

Lu Cheng glanced at the girl and said:

"Hello, I am, what's the matter?"

The girl immediately screamed with joy:

"Wow,, no, I am your fan, thank you for inventing such a good prosthesis, my dad bought one, and now I can’t put it down, saying that he has worn the best prosthesis!"

It turned out to be a customer... Lu Cheng smiled:

"Your father is satisfied."

Several classmates beside the girl also immediately said:

"Lu Dong, I snapped up a Dabai online, when can I ship it?"

Lu Cheng opened the mouth and said:

"Within three months, the specific time cannot be guaranteed, but the quality can definitely be guaranteed. You can wait for the surprise with peace of mind."

The classmate immediately became happy.


At the request of a few classmates, Lu Cheng took a few more photos with them.

"Come on, Mr. Lu, we are waiting for you to develop better products. We will definitely buy it as soon as possible!"

A few classmates did not expect that Lu Cheng was so approachable and became a fan in seconds.

Lu Cheng smiled:

"You have to buy within your own ability. I don't want you to spend ahead of time in order to buy my products."

It is not uncommon for people to be forced to commit suicide or take luo photos in order to buy cosmetics and mobile phones, then go to campus to borrow money.

A few classmates naturally readily agreed.

Lu Cheng didn't chat any more, and walked into the research institute with Xie Bin and others.

Gu Qingzhu smiled and said:

"Boss, you are a celebrity now, so remember to wear a mask when you go out."

Lu Cheng shook his head:

"My goal is to let the company's future products gradually change the lives of the people, thereby changing the world, but I don't want them to focus on me."

Xie Bin smiled and said:

"Mr. Lu is young, so he started from scratch and took on this honor."

Xie Bin has been very polite to Lu Cheng since Lu Cheng showed off his profound knowledge of materials science in the restaurant.

They have been in research for a year, and there is no substantial breakthrough in materials science.

There is an urgent need to make progress in the research of "Folding and Decomposition of Supramolecular Polymers".

It just so happens that this project has also entered a bottleneck period.

Even Director Wang didn't have any eyebrows.

Just now, Lu Cheng said that he had new ideas, so Xie Bin couldn't wait to bring Lu Cheng over.

Xie Bin looked at the equipment on the first floor and said:

"Mr. Lu, let's go to see Professor Wang first, and I'll introduce you to these devices one by one when I look back."

Lu Cheng nodded:


Xie Bin asked his student Li Xiang to do experiments on the third floor, and he took Lu Cheng and Gu Qingzhu to the office area on the second floor.

This is a townhouse office. There are four rooms in total, and each room is filled with three or four people.

Lu Cheng followed Xie Bin to the room on the far left. Only an old man in a tunic was sitting inside.

The old man looks sixty or seventy years old, but his bones are very strong and he sits upright!

He is wearing reading glasses, looking at the computer, it seems that he is inputting a piece of data in the form.

Xie Bin knocked on the door.

The old man said:


Xie Bin walked in with Lu Cheng and said:

"Teacher, Mr. Lu is here."

Then the old man stopped his movements, stood up, and walked towards Lu Cheng:

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Lu is so young, he seems to be in his twenties."

With that said, he shook hands with Lu Cheng, much like an old pedantic.

Lu Cheng smiled:

"Well, this year happens to be twenty-three."

Wang Wentao smiled, wrinkles grew:

"The hero is a boy, at a young age, he has such a high level of accomplishments in materials science."

Xie Bin had secretly told Wang Wentao about Lu Cheng on his mobile phone.

That's why he dropped the afternoon class and came to meet Lu Cheng.

He believed in the eyes of his students.

Since this young man can persuade his students to come and meet him, he must have real talent for learning!

It can be said.

He asked Xie Bin to go to the appointment, but he also kept his mind to test Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng humbly said:

"Professor Wang has been awarded, I am just a little interested in this aspect, I can only say that I understand a little bit!"

Wang Wentao laughed and said:

"You don't need to be humble. As the so-called threesome, there must be my teacher. Age is never a problem."

"Although we old guys have been immersed in this industry for a long time, our minds will become rigid because of this, and your young people's brains are not as active as you."

Xie Bin opened his mouth and said:

"Teacher, President Lu's research in materials science is really deep. You can chat with him more, you will definitely be rewarded."

Wang Wentao looked at Lu Cheng:

"My student is not good at doing research, but I have always been very accurate. This time you came to our research institute to cooperate, it should also be to discuss with me new ways in the field of materials."

Lu Cheng nodded:

"Our company is in the field of intelligence, and there will be many products in the future that require the assistance of high-tech materials."

"Therefore, a breakthrough in the material field is of great benefit to our company."

"I also need to find a reliable research institute to make relevant ideas and material breakthroughs."

Wang Wentao smiled and said:

"Young man, it's a good thing to be motivated."

"The country has paid more and more attention to the research of basic materials in recent years. If there are good projects, the country will definitely support it."

After a pause, he continued:

"I heard Xie Bin say that you have some thoughts and insights on my recent research projects. If you don't mind, can you please teach me this old man?"

Lu Cheng opened the mouth and said:

"I don't dare, it's just a bit of an idea, and Dr. Wang needs to verify it himself."

Wang Wentao said:

"It just so happens. I have recorded some experimental data on my computer. Look at what needs improvement."


He led Lu Cheng to the computer, on which there was a form that recorded the combination of various synthetic materials.

Wang Wentao said:

"I have been conducting this research for almost a year. I tried every material and there was no way to fold the supramolecular material and then synthesize a new material."

Lu Cheng didn't need to look at it at all.

Because these materials research has already existed in the Marvel world.

He knows all the proportions and ingredients of the basic materials.


Lu Cheng still pretended to look carefully at the computer.

After a while.

He just said:

"Most of the data is still correct, but I think the arsenic element here can be replaced with arsenic aluminum alloy, and then the ratio can be adjusted to 0.5%..."

Lu Cheng looked at the computer and pointed out some loopholes in the data one by one.

Listening to Lu Cheng's explanation, Wang Wentao nodded slightly:

"It makes sense, this combination is indeed something I haven't thought of."


He couldn't wait to pull Lucheng up to the third floor:

"It just so happens that the relevant materials are ready, let's do a small experiment first to see if we can succeed!"

Lu Cheng nodded.

A group of people left the office directly and walked towards the laboratory on the third floor.

Open a laboratory dedicated to Wang Wentao.

According to Lu Cheng's explanation, Wang Wentao began to deploy supramolecular materials among the various equipment.

Three full hours have passed!


The machine buzzed, and a row of green lights lit up on it.

When Wang Wentao saw this scene, his vicissitudes of life suddenly lit up:

"Passed, really passed!"

Although, this is not really a new material.

However, at least it proves that all the data and ingredients are correct.

This means that they have taken the most important step in the research of new materials.

The rest is just a matter of time.

Lu Cheng was not surprised by this.

This material is rotten in Marvel!

In other words, the real world is just a new type of material.

Wang Wentao looked at Lu Cheng and said:

"Young man, your thoughts have really benefited me as an old man. In a few words, I have solved the problem that has plagued me for almost a year."

"Let's talk about it, how do you want to cooperate with our research institute?"

Lu Cheng's operation was considered to be recognized by Wang Wentao.

He also wanted to see what Lu Cheng wanted to do with higher-tech materials.

Lu Cheng opened the mouth and said:

"Based on some of the products I will develop in the future, I currently want to develop materials with the following functions."

He explained the material functions needed to make the holographic phantom system.

With the current technology in the real world, there is still an opportunity to develop this material.

It is nothing more than a coupling and compatibility of some optical materials and electrical materials.

All you need to do is to give the appropriate proportions of ingredients, and then invest personnel and funds for R&D and production, and you will be able to make super photoelectric materials soon!

Wang Wentao looked at Lu Cheng and said:

"Young man, ambition is not small, this material is many times more high-end than the research I have done in the past!"

Lu Cheng smiled and said:

"Professor Wang, with all due respect, I feel that the world's materials field is still very backward."

"There is no way to match the products that I will develop in the future."

"I have some new ideas here, maybe we can communicate more later."

Wang Wentao nodded and said:

"Well, you can contact me if you have any ideas in the future!"

Lu Cheng nodded.

The initial cooperation between each other can be regarded as established.

Of course, he will not take out all the basic knowledge of materials at once.

This kind of thing, just step by step, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Do some research.

It's almost six o'clock in the afternoon.

Therefore, after Wang Wentao took Lu Cheng to visit various places in the institute, he chose a restaurant to entertain Lu Cheng and Gu Qingzhu specially.

It was completely opposite to the attitude in the morning.

After dinner, it was already around eight o'clock.

Because it's too late.

Lu Cheng and Gu Qingzhu chose a nearby hotel to stay for one night.

There was no dog-blood thing that left only one room.

The two opened a private room separately.

Until the next day, eight o'clock in the morning.

Lu Cheng and Gu Qingzhu only boarded the plane.

Afterwards, for material development and research, you only need to find a material science talent, and then go to the research institute to dock!

Lu Cheng usually has so many things, naturally it is impossible to run to the imperial capital all the time.

Until one o'clock in the afternoon.

Lu Cheng only returned to the villa.

As for Gu Qingzhu, running back and forth with Lu Cheng, he was tired all day.

Lu Cheng specifically allowed her to take a day off with pay.

Come to the villa lobby.

Lu Cheng saw Lin Xi'er wearing pajamas and sitting on the sofa watching a movie.

"Xier, I bought you roast duck."

Lu Cheng put the roast duck specially bought in front of Lin Xier.

Lin Xi'er opened the mouth and said:

"How's the talk?"

Lu Cheng smiled:

"I've been out in person, is there anything I can't talk about?"

Lin Xier curled his lips:

"show off!"

Lu Cheng squeezed Lin Xi'er's cheek:

"Did I eat on time when I was away?"

Lin Xi'er opened the mouth and said:

"I'm not a kid anymore, do you still need to teach this kind of thing?"

Lu Cheng said a few words of native affection:

"You are in my will always be my baby."

Lin Xier deliberately stayed away from Lu Cheng:


Lu Cheng smiled and chatted with Lin Xier for a while.

Only then came to the underground garage, and began to produce the "Yugioh" battle platform.

Today, one of the platforms for placing cards can probably be set up.

for the rest of the time.

Lu Cheng started to run between the company and the family.

While staring at Dabai's research and development, he began to make the holographic system of Yu-Gi-Oh.

In this way, a month passed in a row.

Lu Cheng roughly recorded the video of the first issue of "Making a Holographic Game from Scratch", and then uploaded it to major video sites such as station B.

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