Get Black Technology From Marvel

Chapter 158: Double slaps again. ㄋ That ё Zheng? a>

"What's wrong?"

Lu Cheng slowly curbed the golden light curse he was about to cast, and looked at Gu Qingzhu.

Gu Qingzhu looked at Lu Cheng, slightly startled, showing a curious look:

"Hey, boss, how do I feel that you have changed?"

Lu Cheng touched his face:

"Where has it changed?"

Gu Qingzhu said:

"It's not's just temperament, how should I say, it seems to have become more stable!"

Lu Cheng was slightly startled, but came over soon.

He now has the appearance of a fairy, and his body will naturally change.

The first thing to change is naturally the unintentional temperament!


He honed in the world of "Under One Man" for about a year and a half, and participated in no fewer than a dozen battles, large and small.

The whole person naturally became calm.

Almost lost the youthfulness he should have at his age.

Lu Cheng shook his head, without explaining much, looked at Gu Qingzhu and said:

"What happened, panicked."

In Lu Cheng's memory, it was a year and a half ago that he formed a company and then developed a prosthetic limb.

Fortunately, he has extraordinary memories, so this feeling of alienation doesn't have much effect on him.

Then Gu Qingzhu said:

"Oh, by the way, boss, I took Shen Jia to visit the company just now, and then people from the operation department approached me and said that someone on the Internet was framing our company's products with problems!"

"Moreover, there are more than one. The operation side has found more than a dozen posts that are unfavorable to our company!"

"These posts are posted on influential forums such as Tieba, Weibo, Maopu, Tianya, etc. Some posts are even popular, and many people are beginning to question our company's products!"

Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows.

He can be sure that the quality of the smart prosthesis produced by a 3D printer is absolutely impossible!


In order to ensure product quality, he even reduced production capacity, just to avoid product failures that would lead to a decline in the company's reputation.

"Those posts, send me a look." Lu Cheng said.

Gu Qingzhu immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a few links to Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng clicked on one of them and found that it was a post on the Tianya forum.

Tianya Forum is by far the most influential social forum.

Lu Cheng clicked on this post and read it, and found that this post was actually popular on the Tianya forum.

There are even thousands of comments!

The title of the post is also very eye-catching: [Chengxi Prosthetic Limb, a spicy chicken product under the banner of intelligence]

The following is a detailed picture of the process of the poster from purchasing Chengxi prosthesis to use!

This poster bought a mid-range Chengxi prosthetic arm worth 20,000.

This is also the prosthesis with the most purchases!

Currently, Chengxi Technology has three types of prostheses.

The low-end has only the most basic functions, such as adjusting the length, thickness and size, and the price is about 10,000 yuan.

In addition to the basic functions, the mid-range has an additional sensor system that can truly simulate the induction of muscles. This is also a product of Chengxi Technology, which costs about 20,000 yuan.

In addition to the functions of the first two gears, the high-end also adds a power source, which can simulate muscle strength, can carry more weight, and so on.

This most high-end prosthesis can even be comparable to ordinary limbs, and in terms of strength, it can even surpass ordinary limbs.

The price is above 100,000 yuan.

It can be used by people who have money and love sports!

After the poster posted a screenshot of the purchase, a picture of using Chengxi's prosthesis was followed.

The first few pictures show no problem.

But when it came to the third picture, Chengxi's prosthesis suddenly burst open, injuring the poster's leg!

After that, it was the picture of the poster who went to the hospital for treatment!

As soon as the post was posted, it caused heated discussion.

[My God, it's true, this prosthetic is so hot recently, I just wanted to buy one to try. 】

[Some people buy this kind of spicy chicken products, have their heads caught in the door? ! 】

[Chengxi's prosthetic limb is just a joke. 】

[Chengxi Technology has only just been established for less than half a year. Is it possible to develop such a high-end product? You can think of it with your brain. This is fake! 】

[Don’t be fooled anymore, or you’ll be blown up next time! 】

[Chengxi prosthesis, a new type of explosive product! 】

[Haha, it should be marked with flammable and explosive materials on the label! 】

Looking at the entire post, it was almost a mockery and attack on Chengxi's prosthetic limbs.

Even if someone defends Chengxi's prosthetic limbs, they will be sprayed as naval forces.

No way, this post is too inflammatory.

The poster portrayed himself as a worker with a leg deformity, and finally pooled money to buy a prosthetic leg, but the prosthetic leg exploded!

Therefore, this caused a lot of "Keyboard Man" psychology among onlookers who didn't know the truth.

Gu Qingzhu angrily said:

"How can this group of people be like this? Our prostheses have all gone through layers of testing, how could they explode."

Seeing more and more floors, Gu Qingzhu became more and more anxious.

She looked at Lu Cheng and said:

"Boss, do you want to contact the poster to see what is going on?"

Lu Cheng looked very calm, waved his hand and said:

"Not urgent."

He clicked on the other links.

One of them is an article from the tiger sniffing network.

Tiger Sniffing Network is a small well-known technology website.

This article was posted on the evaluation page of, which has almost 600,000 page views.

This is an article evaluating Chengxi's prosthesis.

This article disassembled Chengxi's prosthetic limbs, and then carried out a systematic analysis of the various material components of Chengxi's prosthetic limbs!

It specifically pointed out that there are a few materials that are suspected of having emissive substances, which can cause harm to the human body.

It also vaguely indicated that the combination of the materials of this Chengxi prosthetic limb poses a certain safety hazard.

The whole article seems to be using a professional tone to belittle Chengxi's prosthesis.

The following comments are also a complete denial of Chengxi's prosthetic limbs.

The rest of these posts are almost all belittling Chengxi's prosthetic limbs.

The number of views is not low!

Lu Cheng keenly discovered that the time when these posts and articles appeared was at most one or two days apart.

What a coincidence!

"It seems that someone has been involved." Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows.

Gu Qingzhu was obviously aware of this, and said:

"Boss, have we been targeted by competing companies, do you want to come forward and issue an announcement to clarify?"

Lu Cheng looked at Gu Qingzhu and said:

"There is no substantive evidence, and the announcement is of little significance. On the contrary, it will drop the tongue and think it is an excuse!"

He deeply understands the brain circuits of people who eat melons.

All they want is excitement, regardless of the truth!

Posting now, it is very likely to be attacked by groups, and it will not solve the problem at all!


These posts and articles have appeared at the same time.

The opponent is very likely to be prepared to deal with it.

As long as your company makes a pointless response, you will be attacked even more frantically.

Therefore, what we have to do now is to find the key evidence for framing our company, and then give the other party a fatal blow!

Gu Qingzhu frowned and frowned:

"It's not clarification, it's not clarification, then what should I do?"

Gu Qingzhu was only doing finance-related work before, and he still lacked experience in PR handling.

Lu Cheng thought for a while and said:

"You first arrange for someone to contact a professional evaluator to help evaluate our prostheses."

"Furthermore, go to randomly find ten users who have purchased Chengxi prosthetic limbs, do after-sales return visits, understand their feedback after use, and be truthful."

"These videos will not be posted temporarily!"

Gu Qingzhu's eyes lit up:

"Yes, since they say that our product has a problem, then we will find a more professional to appraise it!"

"Boss, you are so smart."

After a pause, she said with some doubts:

"However, this kind of video, isn't it better to send it out as soon as possible, why do you want to save it temporarily?"

Lu Cheng opened his mouth and said, "You'll know soon, go to the contact person."

"Okay, boss, I am waiting for your good news here." Gu Qingzhu nodded, then turned and left the office.

Lu Cheng looked at the phone and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He had already guessed who was behind it.

It is nothing more than AIA Prosthetic Company and Ruixiang Prosthetic Company, the two oldest prosthetic companies in China.

Before Chengxi Technology did not produce Chengxi prostheses, these two companies could be regarded as the leaders in the field of prosthetics!

However, the emergence of Chengxi's prosthetic limbs completely broke their monopoly of the market.

Directly and indirectly caused them to lose more than half of the market share.

They had sent someone to Lu Cheng to discuss cooperation before, but they were all turned down by Lu Cheng!

Lu Cheng is now not short of money, no lack of channels, and there is no need to cooperate with these companies.

What he has to do is to monopolize the prosthetic market!

If the competition fails, no one can be blamed even if it goes bankrupt.

Business is not doing charity. You can get a share of the pie if you are pitiful.

It was estimated that the two companies could not compete with Lu Cheng, so they began to use the navy to pour dirty water.

This is the usual business routine!

It is very effective even if it is very indiscriminate.

Once the reputation of Chengxi's prosthetic limb is damaged, no matter how good the quality is, the sales volume will likely drop drastically.

"As long as you have a connection on the Internet, there is no secret in front of me!" Lu Cheng squinted.

If someone is really behind the scenes, then there is bound to be a deal.

As long as the super server is used to obtain screenshots of each transaction, the rumors are naturally self-defeating.

At that time.

You can also promote Chengxi's prosthesis for free in a disguised form.

Lu Cheng turned on the super server and began to search for the information of the first person who posted on the Tianya forum.

This guy, although he did not register with his real name, he also left his mobile phone number.

Through the mobile phone number, it is easy to be human!

Lu Cheng quickly retrieved his information and obtained his bank card information through the super server.

On the day before he posted, his bank card account had an extra remittance of 50,000 yuan for no reason.

"Oh, it's really tricky."

Lu Cheng once again found the relevant information of the remittance account through the super server.

After some searching, it was found that this account was a private account.

After retrieving relevant information, Lu Cheng quickly discovered that this private account belonged to Ruixiang's financial wife's account!

In other words, the money should have been indirectly paid by Ruixiang Company.

Lu Cheng also retrieved information from other posts and articles, and through careful investigation, he also found that behind these people, there are more or less shadows of Ruixiang and AIA.


Among them, their employees are posting to discredit Chengxi Technology.

"This is all members going into battle!"

The corner of Lu Cheng's mouth twitched.

He also quickly found the content of the transaction between the two companies and the navy.

After thinking about it, he found another clever employee and asked him to contact a private investigator to take pictures of the life records of these posters.

See if Chengxi's prosthetic limbs are really as unbearable as they describe!

The next period of time.

Lu Cheng used a super server to quickly collect screenshots of various evidences framing Chengxi Technology on the Internet.

at the same time.

He brought in Chen Nuo, the chief technical officer.

This guy has basically done nothing since he helped improve the 3D printer and various equipment.


He didn't stay idle either, but used his personal connections to recruit a few skilled programmers for Chengxi Technology.

However, Chengxi Technology has no new products to release.

Therefore, these programmers are basically in an idle state and do not need to work overtime or anything.

Lu Cheng didn't take care of it.

Now, Chengxi Technology can reach hundreds of millions of dollars in net profit per month based on the income of prosthetics alone, and it doesn’t care about raising a few more all——

If Lu Cheng wants to earn more technology points, he may not be able to rely solely on the prosthetic product.

Sooner or later, new products will be released, and sooner or later these programmers will come in handy.

"Boss, what can I do for you?" Chen Nuo smiled.

Lu Cheng opened the mouth and said:

"Do you know the navy here? It's the kind that can publish news on the whole network."

He used the super server, and the information he collected must not be sent out through formal channels.

Have to rely on the navy!

After all, only the navy can defeat the navy.

Chen Nuo immediately patted his chest and said:

"Boss, you are looking for the right person. I started as a navy army."

Lu Cheng nodded:

"Well, I have some materials to send to you later, you arrange for someone to write a few targeted articles, and then publish them on the whole network."

Since this AIA and Ruixiang want to pour dirty water on Chengxi Technology, he doesn't mind pour the dirty water back.

"No problem, it can be done in one day if you just post an article on the whole network!" Chen Nuo said.

Lu Cheng smiled:

"Don't worry, let this matter ferment for a while, it will be more joyful to slap your face like this!"


Five days in a row.

After deliberate rendering and fermentation by the navy.

Chengxi's prosthetic body was listed on the hot search again, and it became a hit again!

Of course.

This time it was not a compliment, but a lot of doubts about Chengxi Technology.

The topic is also being criticized around the quality and material hazards of Chengxi Technology.

Many melon-eating people who don't know the truth have also joined in.

In three months, the companies that have been searched for several times in a row have completely aroused their interest!

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