Chapter 96: The possibility of reaching other worlds, the remnants of the (Tree of Imaginary Numbers) lost in the Dark Sea

“Speaking of which, you don’t know me yet..”


Because (Serpent Demon God Orobas) was beaten away by (Rock Demon God Morax) long before the establishment of the Great Qin Emperor Kingdom.

Therefore, first, it has never met Jiang Quan, and second, it has not heard about Jiang Quan’s achievements.

In this case, it is not too outrageous that it will feel strange to Jiang Quan, who hides its own strength at this time…

Otherwise, Jiang Quan alone would have single-handedly ended the (Demon God War) achievement in the entire (Liyue) region.

It is enough for Orobas to remember him forever.

How could it be that when you appear in front of it, it will feel very strange to itself and even your own whole person?

This is simply unrealistic!


Hearing this, Orobas’ big head (snake head) is full of question marks.

Looking at Jiang Quan in front of him, he was a little confused for a while.

Could it be that….

Is the human in front of you famous on (Teyvat)?

So much so that even himself, who lost the (Demon God War) and fled to the (Dark Outer Sea) (Lost Demon God), should know about him…

Jiang Quan’s words are more or less to Orobas:

“In short, there are ten dangers here.”

“If you don’t mind that I’m a loser, please come with me for a while.”

I have to say that Orobas’s character is really very gentle.

In his opinion, Jiang Quan is just unwilling to admit that he (weak) (cute human).

What bad intentions can a somewhat arrogant “little human” have?

He just wants to stay calm and confident in front of himself (behemoth (demon god)).


Sure enough, this creature (human) is the only cute species on (Teyvat Dalu)~.

No kind of existence can compare to them~.

Loved, loved…

Jiang Quan: “…..”

He always felt that the Orobas in front of him seemed to be spoiling himself as a child…

Or rather, he is petting himself as a cute creature similar to (giant pandas)…

In short, this feeling really makes Jiang Quan, who holds the (First Emperor) template, a little unacceptable…

But at the same time, he can also understand what the countless people who once hated him (the people of the lost country) think…

In any case, he also took them as (the people of Great Qin) after killing the gods (demon gods) they loved and revered.

Therefore, during that time they hated and hated themselves, Jiang Quan was completely understandable.

But in the time after that (decades later), if they dare to continue to hate and hate themselves…

Then let’s all roll into the (abyss) and build (the Great Wall)! While enjoying the benefits brought to them by the (Great Qin Empire).

While constantly scolding (Jiang Quan) for this (man (emperor)) who provides them with benefits and treatment.

Such a wolf-hearted scumbag….. Jiang Quan don’t want it!

“What a trouble…..”

That being said…

But Jiang Quan still jumped on Orobas without hesitation.

Obediently lie on its huge snake body and close its eyes.

Let it take its own action.

“I’ll sleep first and wake me up if there’s anything you need my help with.


Hearing this, Orobas nodded and carefully moved his body.

I am afraid that some of my actions will disturb Jiangquan to rest.

And then cause dissatisfaction on the other side.

After a while, Orobas took the river spring on his body to the position where he had rested before.

But when I think about it, Jiang Quan as a (human) probably doesn’t like (dark and damp) places.

So it deliberately swam in the direction of the shore, confirming that the wet and cold air around it was minimized before using its divine power to condense a quilt.

Cover Jiang Quan’s body to prevent him from sleeping here and getting cold.

“Then again, I don’t seem to have asked his name yet…..

At this time, Orobas, who seemed to have noticed something, was suddenly stunned.

Twisted his head to look at Jiang Quan lying behind him.

After much hesitation, he still did not wake the other party.

Instead, I plan to wait until he wakes up and ask his name again.

“Just call me Jiangquan.”

However, before Orobas could calm down and fall asleep with Jiang Quan.

Jiang Quan, who was lying on it, suddenly turned over.

And by the way, he told the other party about his real name.

And this move of his naturally enhanced his impression in Orobas’ heart.

Ling Oribas couldn’t help but imitate his words and introduce himself.

“Then you will call me Oribas…”

For Orobas, in this dim (dark outer sea) can be accompanied by one of his favorite (humans).

This is definitely a good thing to come by and not to be sought.

In addition, Jiang Quan’s personality is also very appetizing for it.

So that it even healed a lot of wounds in his heart for a while.

“Speaking of Orobas, what about the coral on you?”


After hearing Jiang Quan’s question, Orobas’s first reaction was confusion and incomprehension.

After all, since its birth so far, the whole body has been naked. And how can such a thing grow (coral)?


Suddenly, Jiang Quan, who was lying behind Orobas, turned over again, and said with a bit of curiosity in his tone: “Could it be that you have not obtained the wonderful power (coral branch) from the other world until now?”

Orobas: “??????”

Wonderful powers from another world (coral branches)? What kind of thing is that?

Why is it related to yourself…

“Well, look at you and know that you haven’t acquired the (coral branches) that symbolize strength:

If only Orobas had acquired a wonderful power called (coral branch).

It is estimated that Jiangquan can still return to (Liyue) with it.

And then induce it to help itself and all mankind to deal with (Tianli) and (Abyss) together.

Find a suitable and powerful helper for yourself in the follow-up plan.

And for now, this helper must obtain the wonderful power called (Coral Branch) (Serpent Orobas)!

You know, before obtaining (coral branches), (Serpent Orobas) has the ability to fight (Rock Demon God Morax) and (Gemini Demon God Ray Movie) in a short time.

If it were to gain a wonderful power called (coral branch) on this basis…

It is estimated that it should be possible to slightly oppose (the maintainer of (Tenri)) in a short period of time).

And then defeated by the other side….. Well…..

Of course!

The premise is that (the maintainer of (Tenri)) this guy can’t afford to play!

Don’t use all your strength to destroy Orobas as soon as you see it with (coral branches)…..

In that case, Jiang Quan, who is located in (The Sims), really has no fun…

“(coral branches) symbolize strength…”

After hearing Jiang Quan’s words, Orobas subconsciously fell into silence.

Vaguely, it can actually perceive the presence of a branch called (coral branch).

This made Orobas, who was still in a somewhat calm mood, instantly grow his mouth (snake mouth) in surprise!

I don’t know, I thought that Orobas was planning to eat Jiang Quan…”Bastard!”

At this moment, a lion form (demon god) who was rushing from far away suddenly appeared.

Looking at Orobas, who opened his mouth wide at this time and made a look of wanting to eat Jiang Quan.

Suddenly out of breath.

“Have you forgotten those people who faithfully followed you in the past!?”

“You ungrateful fellow, shame among (demon gods)”

Orobas: “What do you say…”

Only… It was quite unexpected…

Obviously, it didn’t have the idea of wanting to eat Jiangquan from beginning to end.

As a result, he was mistaken by a (demon god) who happened to “pass by” this place and thought that he had forgotten his former (people) and his (duty) as a (demon god).

For a while, it was embarrassing to make it…

“You misunderstood me…”

After that, under Orobas’ explanation and appeasement, the lion form (demon god) in front of him finally calmed down.

Bowed his head slightly apologetically towards Orobas.

“Sorry, this time it’s me who doesn’t distinguish between right and wrong, I hope to forgive me for disturbing a lot.”

In fact, the vast majority of (Demon Gods) located in (Demon God War) are very good talkers.

It’s just that it is hindered by the requirements and tasks of (Tianli).

They had to fight with all their might.

Fight to the death to tell the winner.

And thus to ensure the safety of oneself (the people) and (dependents).

Strive to secure a resting place for oneself (the people) and (their dependents) after the end of the war.

No need to wander around like before…

And this is the main reason why the vast majority of (Demon Gods) participate in (Demon God Wars)…

It’s not that they want to go to this war.

It’s not that they want to create this war.

It’s for the safety of one’s own people and their dependents.

Plus their future happiness and well-being…

These (Demon Gods) had to devote themselves to (Demon God War).

Create one war after another.

Countless civilians have been displaced, and then they have become (displaced people) (without god protection)…

It can be said that everyone who chooses to participate in (Demon God War).

Its original intention is to protect its own (people) and (dependents).

and leave them a piece of land that can be freely rested and used after the war.

If there are no requirements and tasks.

If there were no encouragement and expectation.

It is estimated that these (demon gods) are simply impossible to fight.

It’s even possible to sit together and chat about homely routines.

Sometimes (I can’t help myself), it’s just so uncomfortable…

But fortunately, for these defeated (demon gods), the so-called (demon god war) has long been over.

Therefore, there is naturally no need for them to fight and hurt each other.

In the vast majority of cases, the (Demon God) located in the (Dark Outer Sea) will not shoot at the same person (enemy) or (strong) as himself.

Unless there is some special reason or hatred.

Otherwise, the (Demon Gods) located in the (Dark Outer Sea) really rarely clash directly or indirectly.

Just like Orobas and this lion form (demon god) at this time.

After explaining his situation to each other and apologizing, the demon god in lion form plans to leave the place.

Return the silence here to Jiangquan and Orobas one person and one god.

However, before this lion form (demon god) could move a few steps.

Jiang Quan, who was originally resting on Orobas, suddenly said: “If you can, can you please stay and explore with us (Dark Outer Sea)?”

In any case, the combat power of the (Demon God) level is also the level of stem (T2~T3) in the current world.

In the vast majority of cases, it definitely doesn’t hurt to let a group of (demon gods) follow you.

In addition, Jiang Quan, Orobas and others have to explore the whole (Dark Outer Sea) after resting.

Therefore, one more partner is far more appropriate than one less partner.


After hearing Jiang Quan’s words, the lion form (Demon God) who originally planned to leave this place was also slightly stunned.

Slowly turned around, looked at Jiang Quan lying on the side (the big snake Orobas) and asked, “You also want to explore (the Dark Outer Sea)?”


When the lion form (demon god) proposed the word “also”, Jiang Quan knew that his invitation had been at least half successful.

And as for the other half…

It depends on whether the lion form (Demon God) in front of you is (the lone ranger).

If it is really (a lone ranger), then it is useless to waste more words by Jiang Quan.

Well…… Probably……

“What kind of treasures and secrets are hidden in this mysterious area known as (Dark Outer Sea), everyone here must be wondering~.”

As soon as these words came out, the (demon gods) who were originally hidden in the dark appeared.

In an instant, nearly ten (demon gods) gathered around Jiangquan and Orobas.

Staring at Jiang Quan with a curious face.

“It seems that you are not some (ordinary person)…..”

Being able to find them while they are deliberately hiding themselves…

This was a shocking thing for all the (demon gods) present.

In particular, some (demon gods) who were overconfident in their (hidden) or (disguised) abilities were shocked and unbelievable after seeing Jiang Quan detect their breath.

When did there be such a powerful and excellent perceptual person in this kind of skirt (human)!?

In the eyes of the surrounding (demon gods), this is completely impossible!

Sure enough, times are changing, species are progressing…

Even human beings who did not possess the slightest great power will one day give birth to very powerful beings…

And Jiang Quan at this time is undoubtedly a living example!

“I never seem to have said I was (a normal person), did I?”

In this way, at the instigation of Jiang Quan.

The (Demon God), who was originally a little strange to each other, also agreed to Jiang Quan’s proposal.

I plan to rest here for a night and explore the whole (Dark Outer Sea)…

Unearth its deep treasures and secrets.

Unravel the true secrets of this land known as the (Dark Outer Sea)……….


The next day Qing… Forehead…… Wrong!

Since the whole (dark outer sea) environment is dim and lightless.

Therefore, Jiang Quan and all the (demon gods) present can only judge the time by their own feelings.

And then explore the whole (the dark sea).

“This shape of building is really interesting…”

In this area, known as the Dark Outer Sea, Jiangquan not only saw many buildings from his past life.

I even found some fashion magazines that shouldn’t have been here, as well as some overly colorful pictures…

This made Jiang Quan, who was already curious and speculative about (Dark Outer Sea), instantly realize one thing.

That is the possibility of (the Dark Outer Sea) to other worlds10

You know, the (coral branch) that symbolizes the power of miracles from beyond the world is what Orobas obtained in (Dark Outer Sea).

Therefore, it is almost impossible to keep Jiangquan from having the idea of (the possibility of leading to other worlds)!

So, Jiang Quan jumped off Orobas’s body.

Stand on a piece of ruins here and look up at the sky.

only to find an aurora slowly flickering above.

This made Jiang Quan more convinced of his previous guess.

He also informed him of the idea (the possibility of leading to other worlds) about it (the Dark Outer Sea) to the many (demon gods) around him.

They were taken aback and couldn’t wait to explore the next area.



At the same time, in a world called Honkai.

A blonde woman who had just scanned part of the information about (Teyvat Dalu) through the special instrument of the (Mandate of Heaven Organization) couldn’t help but smile slightly.

Reach out and touch the background and pattern displayed on the computer screen (Dragon of the East Wind) (Dragon of the East Wind).

As if reminiscing about someone, his mouth opened slightly, his green eyes were a little sad, and he muttered: “Jiang Quan, I will definitely resurrect you..

It’s also strange to say…

Ming Jiangquan’s current world is (Teyvat Dalu).

It is completely different from the world the woman is currently in.

However, she said something like “I want to resurrect Jiangquan”…. What happened in the midst of this…..

Or what kind of hidden curtain…

Except for the blonde giant* woman, no one else knows about it…


At the same time, Jiangquan located in the (Dark Outer Sea) is also under the escort of many (demon gods).

Ping arrived in front of a ruin.

In this ruin, Jiang Quan is sure to know more secrets in the (Dark Outer Sea)!

“I always feel that the smell of filth in this ruin is so strong…”

In the face of Jiang Quan’s muttering, Orobas, who has been behind Jiang Quan since the beginning, has rarely used the same mantra as its former (old rival (Morax)).

The Jiang Quan located in front of it was slightly stunned.

Secretly Oribas this guy, occasionally quite interesting…..

It is that he often pretends to be deep and makes Jiang Quan, this (optimist) feel a little uncomfortable…

“Let’s go explore the way first.”

As the main “scholars” in their team merged with the “think tank”.

The safety of Jiangquan is naturally always put first in their hearts.

Seeing how serious the (filthy breath) in this ruin in front of me was.

Since they met, these people have volunteered for Jiang Quan (Demon God), who are very good to Jiang Quan.

Trying to act as a pioneer to help Jiang Quan enter this ruin first to explore the way.

Then judge whether it is safe inside.

It is inconvenient for Fang to let a “scholar” like Jiang Quan enter.

“You don’t have to.”

In response, Jiang Quan shook his head with a chuckle.

If there really is a (creature) or (existence) in it that cannot even be solved by itself…

Then even if this gang (demon gods) go together, it is estimated that there is not the slightest possibility of defeating each other…

After all, Jiang Quan’s combat effectiveness at this time is far inferior to this existence ((Tianli)’s maintainer).

But it is also enough to be called an existence comparable to the level of (Rock Demon God Morax).

And how strong is (Rock Demon God Morax) as one of the (original Seven Gods)?

Presumably, most of the people present (the Demon God) have a deep understanding… Therefore, Jiangquan does not hesitate too much here.

Directly stepped into the ruins.

Cause those (demon gods) standing behind him to look at me for a while, I look at you.

In the end, they took steps to keep up with Jiang Quan.

Prevent him from being plotted by some strange creatures and beings in the ruins:

After walking into the ruins, Jiang Quan only felt the gusts of wind around him.

Countless desolate and desperate atmospheres constantly hovered around themselves.

This made Jiang Quan, who was the person concerned, feel a burst of joy.

Sure enough, this ruin is different from the ones we’ve seen before.

“Here, we may really 090 can find something related to (dark

The Outer Sea)!”

It is worth mentioning!

Since before that, Orobas and some of the rest of the (Demon Gods) had acquired the power called (Coral Branch) in an accident.

Therefore, the overall combat effectiveness of their team can be described as one of the strongest.

Even when the god (Morax) who is the (Demon God of Rock) meets them.

Don’t even think of getting even the slightest benefit from them! Well……


After a while, Jiang Quan led many (demon gods) behind him to a secret room.

And here I saw a kind of existence imaginary divine skeleton that should not exist in the current world!

Moreover, the (imaginary divine skeleton) itself actually looked exactly like when he was young!

How could Jiang Quan and the many (Demon Gods) behind him not be surprised!?

“That’s….. Yourself!?”

I saw that the appearance and figure were exactly the same as his young self (imaginary number divine remains) out of nowhere got a (pseudo glass gun) and attacked Jiang Quan.

And soon became at war with it.

It exudes a power no less than Jiangquan.

“This is really outrageous outrageous opening to home!”

As everyone knows, the most difficult opponent to deal with in every existence in the heavens and all realms is always himself!


When dealing with yourself, the greatest possibility is to draw the hand.

It rarely happens that you can overcome the other person.

And the current Jiangquan is naturally no exception!

“Let’s go up together!”

However, before this gang (the demon gods) could act.

Space-time that was originally in a (flowing state) is suddenly (stationary).

For a time, all existence in the entire (Dark Outer Sea) is in a state of time and stop.

This makes those (demon gods) who are located below Jiangquan and (imaginary number gods) who want to support Jiangquan unable to intervene in this battle!

I can only silently feel the calm when (time stands still)….. Slowly lose consciousness…

All the memories in my mind stayed on the words of a certain (demon god) himself (let’s go together).

At this, there was silence…

“Should I really say that it is worthy of being a product of (the tree of imaginary numbers)…..

Obviously only a (wreckage) but still able to do (time stops) to the extent…

This level of opponent is really a little too difficult… “Hum one!”

Suddenly, a burst of golden spatial fluctuations suddenly spread to Jiang Quan’s body.

His whole body couldn’t help but stiffen in place.


Jiang Quan only felt that (imaginary divine remains) was getting closer and closer to him.

Trying to struggle but finding that you can’t give instructions to your body through your brain anyway.

In the end, Jiang Quan could only watch (imaginary divine remains) raise the (pseudo glass gun) in his hand.

And then pierce yourself in the head without hesitation.

Ended his legendary (life)…………


(This simulation has ended, and the life simulator has entered a cooldown period.)

(You can keep one (talent) forever and solidify it to the real world for use)

(The number of days of this simulation: 31,436 days (86 years +), the cooldown time: 24 hours, welcome to use it next time.)

Accompanied by a cold prompt about (life simulator).

Jiang Quan, who was originally immersed in the world of (The Sims), instantly woke up.

Hurriedly shook his somewhat confused head.

I looked up and looked around my room.

After making sure that he had returned to reality again, Jiang Quan couldn’t help but sigh lightly

Silently solidified one of his talents in this (Sims) One Savior (Golden)! (If you read a violent novel, you will go to the Fei Lu novel.)

After feeling that it was very compatible with his other talent (the darling of the world (golden)), he subconsciously showed a chuckle.

Lying on this large, soft bed quickly fell into a deep sleep.

It wasn’t until the next day, when Yun Pansy knocked on the door to tell him to get up to eat, that he finally woke up.

Once again, I felt the beauty of the real world (peacetime)).


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