On the battlefield, the commander of the coalition forces stared with wide eyes at the sword of the Kuchitori that split most of his chest in two, and fell silently to the ground.

At the same time, a firework bloomed in the sky, exploding in the shape of a thunder triple-barrel.

The sound of thousands of troops and horses galloping suddenly broke out from the rear of the shogunate army.

Hundreds of soldiers who were armed to the teeth with only eyes and no armor rode on horses that were several times stronger than ordinary horses and rushed straight to the center of the shogunate army.

The armored cavalry broke through the weak defense with unstoppable force.

Any soldier who dared to appear in front of them was turned into a pool of meat paste under the impact of tens of thousands of pounds.

In the absence of strong people to stop them and the commander to dispatch, the shogunate army finally collapsed after being ravaged for just a few minutes and announced its surrender.

At this point, the situation in Japan has changed dramatically.


A hundred miles away, General Lei Dian was looking down at the foot of the mountain from Ying Xiang Mountain. The land had become bare. The plants in the fields matured earlier than other places under the nourishment of spiritual energy, so they were harvested earlier.

The civilians at the foot of the mountain also received instructions from Ming Shen Taisha, reorganized the fields, planted a new round of seeds, and waited for Ming Shen's divine power.

The sky was full of purple clouds, and with the control of General Lei Dian, thunders carrying a touch of light green evenly hit the fields, and the seeds in the land were stimulated and popped up one after another.

May I ask what the grass element + thunder element in the original god =? ? Reaction.

That is undoubtedly an intensified reaction.

Now this reaction is under the control of General Lei Dian, allowing the grain seeds in the land to take root and sprout quickly, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye in the eyes of the onlookers.

More than ten minutes later, the farmland at the foot of Ying Xiang Mountain had become golden again, and the branches were bent by the full ears of rice.

When people saw that the thunder in the sky was no longer flashing, they knew that the miracle was over, and they hurried forward to look at the crops. However, in addition to shock and joy in their eyes, their faith in General Lei Dian became purer.

General Lei Dian also nodded with satisfaction. Since she helped Kikyo create a body, she has become more and more familiar with the rules of life, and has obtained a large number of high-end cultivation methods, and her control over power has become more and more sophisticated.

Because there is no residual elemental force in the crops at the foot of the mountain, their vitality is the same as that of ordinary plants, their seeds can grow normally, and the pressure on the land is extremely light.

Kikyo, who was watching General Lei Dian perform such a method, also had a glittering look in her eyes. She knew better than anyone how powerful it was to make a large area of plants grow to such an extent in a short period of time.

"Lord Baal is so powerful!"

Firefly Grass, who was watching from the side, also gained a lot. She also had a great understanding of the abundant life force in her body, and was able to make the plants grow as fast as General Thunder.

General Thunder patted Firefly Grass's little head, glanced at the void next to him, and said helplessly:"Zi, can't you have the bearing of a monster sage? You are either peeping or on the way to peeping, and you also sneakily take away the delicacies in the shops to enjoy."

"You know this will make my Narukami Group lose its dignity."

A crack appeared in the air, and a jade hand holding a plate of fragrant dessert appeared next to General Raiden. General Raiden took the plate and enjoyed it with the girls next to him.

"It seems that Baal is not as dignified and upright as I imagined, and has become corrupt as I am."

Yakumo Yukari walked out with a smile, and said with a teasing tone, looking at the more than 2,000 souls above General Raiden's head, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"It seems that the war that your clone is leading has caused heavy losses. So many people have died. I thought you would let them use those high-tech weapons to fight."

"Alas, you also know that this is not very realistic! This Japan will eventually be managed by us."

General Raiden said helplessly, you can't let primitive people directly explode into the Iron Age in terms of technology. The science and technology involved need time to accumulate. It's a joke to make a leap forward just by talking.

Without sufficient material foundation and motivation, years of accumulated technical experience, and sufficient manpower, the so-called industrial revolution is a joke.

Yakumo Yukari just smiled and said nothing. She naturally understood that General Raiden was not qualified to use those energy weapons in Japan. After all, General Raiden didn't have many copper mines here, let alone develop firearms.

"How do you deal with these souls? Do you keep them in your own divine realm like the birdmen in the West, or do you let them reincarnate?"

"If it is reincarnation, our Gensokyo has its own territory in the Three Rivers of Huangquan, which is enough for these people to reincarnate."

General Raiden nodded and said after hearing Yakumo Yukari's suggestion,"Of course, let them reincarnate, but I also have to solve their affairs and some details after their death. We can't let them disappear between heaven and earth."

Yakumo Yukari took out a fan and opened it, fanning her crystal face lightly. Thinking of what Higurashi Kagome said, she couldn't help but understand why General Raiden spent three years to unify Japan and why he was always respected as the supreme ruler.

Sometimes details determine everything in the future, and only steady steps can truly unify Japan.

"The forces established by the big monsters in Kanto have already been notified. As long as your members of the Narukami Group come with a large army, they will surrender to you. As for the forces established by the small monsters, you can only rely on yourself."

"By the way, where did that girl named Higurashi Kagome go?���Why didn't you feel her breath? Then Daobal, you~"

General Raiden glanced at Yakumo Yukari, thinking that these people who have lived for thousands of years are really good at testing. They have been testing themselves from the beginning. It's really tiring.

"Naturally, she was asked to go home to see her parents. After all, she had lived in Mingjin Taisha for more than a month, so she naturally wanted to go home and report that she was safe."

"I see, it's just as I thought. I heard a piece of news from humans that Inari God was once one of the gods under Lord Narukami. I don't know if it's true or not."

General Raiden felt the softness on his arm and the slightly sweet smell on that face, and sighed in his heart that Yakumo Yukari was really good at making things happen.

"Look what I was doing just now?"

"Just now?"

Yakumo Yukari looked at the golden rice fields at the foot of the mountain and couldn't help but blurt out:"Why do you want to persecute Yuzhongjin!"

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