Shadow towards the mountain.

General Lei Dian tore through space, and her body stepped out of the void. After two months of rest, she was able to control most of her power. Now was the time to resolve the doubts in her heart. She pointed her finger at an inconspicuous cherry tree in Shadow towards the mountain, and the cherry tree suddenly split open a dark space crack. If you look closely, you can see that there is a huge tree root inside.

With a light step of lotus, General Lei Dian's figure disappeared from the spot and appeared next to the huge root. Next to the root was a mysterious space vortex.

"Let me see the real inside story that I didn't explore even though I was willing to be attacked by the puppet's body!"

General Lei Dian's heart moved slightly, and his soul immediately sank into this mysterious space where Lei Dian was buried.

The space changed for a while, and when General Lei Dian could see things in the space clearly again, he saw a quiet and peaceful woman with her eyes closed, kneeling in this empty and silent space.

But the golden thunder that flashed from time to time on her body and the will that represented the power of a moment's wish all meant that the soul of the woman in front of him had recovered by more than half, unlike the first time he saw her, when there was only a wisp of residual soul.

"Ha~ I see, no wonder you are so friendly to me and willing to give me most of your authority and status when we just met for the first time."

General Lei Dian just looked at Lei Dianzhen for a few times, and he got most of the answers he wanted to know, and the things he had never figured out before were also revealed.

Lei Dianzhen also heard what General Lei Dian said, and he opened his eyes again from resting his mind, and said with a gentle smile on his face:"I didn't cover up anything at the beginning, but you were tormented by the punishment mechanism of the puppet body and couldn't observe me carefully."

"Yes! If I hadn't come back from the other world, returned my authority and power, and used the spells of summoning and repairing souls to bring you back to the world, you would still be kept in the dark."

"It's been a long time since we last met, my real self!"

General Lei Dian was silent, because the other party had revealed her biggest secret, that Lei Dian's soul actually originated from General Lei Dian herself, but she had many doubts about this.

"You are the thought I sent to find the throne, why do you follow the trajectory of fate?"

Lei Dianzhen heard General Lei Dian's question and said helplessly,"Back then, you sent me to that space coordinate and I saw that spaceship across the turbulence of time and space, but the time I was in was before you fought with that person."

"No wonder he was so surprised when he saw my appearance and aura, and his attitude towards me was very ambiguous!"

"That's right. I was severely damaged by the automatic defense mechanism of the spacecraft and only had a little consciousness left. I was found by Istaru at that time. It happened to be the critical moment when she was creating the demon god. She used me as material and merged and debugged the most matching gene in the gene bank."

"If it weren't for the close connection between you and me, I would not have been able to entrust everything to you without reservation. It was also with your help that I was able to solve the mystery of the womb and understand my past and present lives."

Lei Dianzhen couldn't help but sigh slightly. He originally thought that he was a demon god with an extraordinary origin, but he didn't expect that fate had already arranged everything.

But he recalled some news he inadvertently heard from Istaru when his consciousness was still in chaos, and he said hesitantly:"Although I don't know much about that place, with your strength and ability, you should be able to go to the lost land with the little information I have."

General Lei Dian did not deny this. Now she has integrated most of her power and can walk in the continent of Teyvat in human form, which means that her current strength can easily suppress the first throne.

"It seems that you have made up your mind, but I still have to remind you of something. The system of Teyvat is based on the traditional power system in the universe. The strong wills like the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and the Sea of Quantum are called Star Gods, but their strength can be high or low. Below them is the Star God Envoy level, which can be regarded as a creature that has obtained the destiny and power of the Star God."

"Fate? Could this be the origin of the false heavenly seat of destiny?"

"There is a connection, but you can only know the specific information when you meet Istaru. After all, I only know a few words."

Raidenzhen said, and used his power to gather two chairs, and asked General Lei Dian to sit down, looking at the two figures in the mirror space in front of him whose initial battle was coming to an end.

General Lei Dian sat down without hesitation, and did not talk about the things in the fog anymore, but talked about some things that Lei Dian noticed.


In the space where Raiden's body was buried after his death.

The two were facing each other. After decades of fighting, both had reached the limit of their endurance, but this was a battle that Raiden could not avoid.

She no longer had her own body, and when she walked in the world, she moved completely in the body of the puppet general. After hundreds of years, Raiden could not understand the underlying code that was thousands of times more complicated than the original.

"Isn’t the so-called change you are pursuing the wear and tear on your soul without you realizing it?"

"This body has already detected that you talk to yourself in the quiet moments. It is obvious that your will has been exhausted and you can no longer distinguish reality."

"Everything will deteriorate in the long river of time. Only the law maintained by unchanging faith can resist the wear and tear imposed on the body."

The puppet general looked at the figure who had been entangled with him for decades with cold eyes. If he could not gain an absolute advantage, he would definitely let his inner self fall into meditation again.

"My belief has never changed, only my vision has changed. General, you should know the reason for drawing the sword, which determines the degree of strength. This is why you cannot defeat me."

"If I stay where I am, the eternity I pursue will be nothing but a mirage. What should not pass away can only be destroyed in a place that cannot be seen."

"That is my pain and the past that I don’t want to recall. It is also the past that I must bear and must overcome. It is the future that they should fight for their dreams."

"Really? It seems that I must use violence to correct your mistakes!"

""I am your past, I am the eternal law, I am the eternal guardian."

The puppet general said, and his body was shining with lightning. A huge floating figure appeared in front of Lei Dianying, with a majestic posture and many puppet limbs appeared around the general, and the largest hand-shaped limb was holding a giant sword.

Lei Dianying saw this scene and understood that as long as he defeated it, he could make the puppet general fall into a short blank stage, so that he could convince her.

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