The slit-mouthed woman eventually paid a heavy price for her arrogance, her body was riddled with holes in three seconds.

Takamiya Mana also had to retreat and dodge the monsters that attacked her, she knew very well how difficult these monsters were.

"Do you think I'm beautiful?"

After getting rid of the restraints of Takamiya Mana, the slit-mouthed woman shouted to Takamiya Mana in a heart-wrenching voice.

Takamiya Mana felt as if his head was hit hard by a wooden stick, and he felt a little dizzy, but he still used the controllable light beam to quickly destroy the bodies of those soldiers.

Within a few seconds, three ghosts turned gray and black under the continuous energy attack. Takamiya Mana was sure that the monsters in front of him would die if the black fog consumed too much.

Takamiya Mana wanted to say something to stimulate the slit-mouthed woman to give herself a chance for the next surprise attack, but the alarm bells in her heart rang loudly, as if Whatever she said, she would encounter horrible things.

What is this?

Although Takamiya Mana didn't know where this inexplicable sense of crisis came from, she subconsciously looked at the slit-mouthed woman, and suddenly remembered some records of urban ghost stories of her colleagues in Sakura Country, including the slit-mouthed woman in front of her.

According to legend, when a person is entangled by the slit-mouthed woman, she will ask the other party to evaluate their appearance.

No matter whether the answer makes her dissatisfied or satisfied, she will tear her mouth apart.

She can only use ambiguous things to make her think and then take the opportunity to escape.

Takamiya Mana is half familiar with this legend. She was half-believing, but the sense of crisis from deep in her heart seemed to tell her that the rumors were not groundless, and the monster in front of her seemed to have special abilities. The slit-mouthed woman seemed to have noticed Takamiya Mana's alertness, and took out a pair of shiny scissors in her hand, as if she had just bought them from the store.


The scissors opened and closed.

Takamiya Mana subconsciously stepped back, and a deep dent immediately appeared on the display device on her shoulder, which made her feel relieved.

If she hadn't felt that something was wrong, she would have instinctively retreated. She was certain that she would be cut in half, and her life would end here.

A furious look appeared in Takamiya Mana's eyes, and she stared closely at the slit-mouthed woman's every move. At the same time, the equipment on her body also activated the overload mode according to her command, and the depth of her random field increased a lot.

It was obvious that Takamiya Mana wanted to end the battle quickly. She didn't know what strange abilities the guy in front of her had.

The slit-mouthed woman saw that Takamiya Mana's skin had turned red, and she felt the flow of her own power in her body. Her expression also returned to calmness from the madness just now.

"How naive! You don't think that I was attacked by you just now because of my arrogance!"

The slit-mouthed woman said something that Takamiya Mana had never imagined under her mask, but Takamiya Mana, who was preparing for a new round of surprise attack, felt difficulty breathing, as if oxygen disappeared from her blood.

"Does the bloody smell in the air smell good? This is a gift I prepared for you guys."

The slit-mouthed woman now looks confident of winning. After all, their enemies are government agencies, elves, and girls who can use the manifestation device. How can they not develop methods specifically targeting them?

"How despicable! They actually poisoned the blood!"

Takamiya Mana said this with difficulty before she fell into a coma. The slit-mouthed woman also slightly stopped controlling the spiritual power in her body and turned her eyes to the shadow on the ground.

"Ah~ Ah~, the slit-mouthed woman is really sensitive, she easily detected my presence."

Accompanied by a charming tone, a beautiful girl wearing a black and red Gothic long skirt, irregular twin ponytails on her head, and a miniature clock in her left eye walked out.

Tokisaki Emiya Kiritsugu Kurumi The slit-mouthed woman felt the not-so-strong spiritual power and the enviable figure in front of her, and the name on the information of the Thunder General appeared in her mind.

"It turns out to be the justice partner nightmare! Her appearance is really as legendary as it is, making people envious and jealous."

When Tokisaki Kurumi heard the slightly teasing words of the slit-mouthed woman, she realized that the other party obviously knew of her existence. After all, within those governments, her existence was a taboo.

"It's really strange. I have traveled to various countries and have seen monsters without any intelligence, but it is really strange to have a monster like you who has spiritual intelligence."

The slit-mouthed woman did not answer. As a woman who was saved from the darkness by the Thunder General, a man who swore to be loyal to her for life, and a genius who had undergone mystic transformation, how could she not see Tokisaki Kurumi's temptation?

"If this is just a meaningless test, Ms. Tokisaki should not waste her time. It is better to get straight to the point. After all, in a sense, we are still the same kind of people."

"The same kind of people?"

Tokisaki Kurumi said, her eyes revealed a lonely mood, but she covered it up without leaving a trace, and instead thought about which ghosts and monsters were in front of her.

"I don't know if we can cooperate. I hope to get some information. The remuneration is definitely negotiable."

"Just some intelligence?"

"But unfortunately, the information you want to know is probably only known by the Lord Tian Ming Shen. It is difficult for us subordinates to obtain those unknown secrets."

"But this DEM fighter in front of you can be handed over to you, just treat it as a gift from a friend!"

After the slit-mouthed woman finished speaking, she turned into a puff of black mist and dissipated on the dilapidated street. The remaining ghosts beside her also disappeared one after another.

"Sure enough, this mysterious monster organization knows me���All the information I need, and the attitude towards me is also very kind. It seems that I should go to Tiangong City. Where the elves appear continuously, there must be clues I need."

Tokisaki Kurumi's clone is still thinking about the other party and her future actions, but several Tokisaki Kurumi who look the same have already walked to her side.

"The main body was not able to read the other party's memory with the Ten Bullets, and even no useful information was transmitted from the future."

"This organization is much more mysterious than we think. It may be one of our helpers in dealing with that guy."

"We can't let our guard down. Who knows if their rulers are here to specifically question us, just like she did back then?"


Tokisaki Kurumi's clones were talking at once, but the real Tokisaki Kurumi was thinking about deeper things in the shadows. After all, she was not the same person she was a few years ago when she lost her mind due to excessive use of the Ten Bullet and returned to her chuunibyou period.

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