Three days have passed.

I have to say that the people in Guiyuli City Affairs Department are still very efficient!

They have informed all the families of the fallen Qianyan Army soldiers about the death ceremony, and notified them of all the things about the death ceremony.

Now the people in the whole city of Guiyuli know that Lord Yushen will personally preside over the death ceremony!

The purpose is to praise and commemorate the Qianyan Army who died bravely in front of Tianheng Mountain.

The people were all very moved by this. It turned out that we are so important in the eyes of Lord God that Lord God would personally hold the death ceremony for us.

When they thought of this, some people in Guiyuli couldn't stop crying.

Touched, so touched!

Under the active preparation of Guiyuli City Affairs Department, all the preparations needed before the death ceremony began have been prepared in accordance with Lord Yushen's requirements.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing...Lin Yu.

Lin Yu calculated the time in Yushen Palace and thought it was about time, so he went to Guiyuli City Affairs Department on time.

"Lord Yushen, everything you told us to do is ready."

"Do you think we should start the death ceremony next?"

Jiang Yun, director of the City Affairs Department, looked at Lin Yu respectfully and said.

"Well, according to my previous arrangements, let's start."

"As for my part, I will arrange it myself, you don't have to worry about it."

Lin Yu nodded slightly and instructed Jiang Yun, director of the City Affairs Department.

With Lin Yu's order, Jiang Yun took the people of the City Affairs Department and prepared to start the death ceremony.

The time was chosen at 12 noon today.

Before that, the people of the City Affairs Department sent people to invite the family members to the scene first, and then sent people to pass the news of the death ceremony to the entire Guiyuli.

This is the death ceremony that Lord Yushen will personally preside over!

People naturally want to witness this scene in person.

The crowd of people returning to Yuli began to pass through several streets and approached the Guiyuli Square, where the rebirth ceremony was held.

There were already people from the city guards maintaining order at the scene, so there was no need to worry about the crowds gathering together and some other unexpected events.

After all, the general quality of our people who returned to Yuli should be quite high, right?

"Who can explain to me what the rebirth ceremony is?"

"Ah? Don't you know? That is a ceremony that Lord Yushen will personally preside over! It is to commemorate our Qianyan Army who died in the Tianheng Mountain Range."

"Lord Yushen is in charge of the way of the soul. He will personally comfort the souls of the deceased and reincarnate into a wealthy family in the next life."

"Ah! I don't know why, a ray of tears began to flash in the corner of my eyes."

"Lord Yushen... woo woo woo"

The crowd at the scene was looking forward to the start of the rebirth ceremony.

In such an atmosphere of expectation, time soon came to twelve noon.

It was the first time that Jiang Yun, the director of the City Affairs Department, held such a large-scale event and showed his face in front of so many people at the same time.

To be honest, it would be a lie if I wasn't nervous.

Jiang Yun took a deep breath in the backstage and walked towards the built stage.

The layout style of the entire stage was arranged entirely according to Lin Yu's instructions.

It was mainly black in style, with some white banners, and a circle of flowers around the bottom of the stage. While solemn and serious, it also revealed a hint of mystery.

Jiang Yun stood on the stage in a white dress with a white ribbon on his head.

"Everyone, today is a sad day, because we are going to commemorate the 2,400 Qianyan Army soldiers who died in the Tianheng Mountain Battle!"

"In order to protect Gui Yuli's safety, they never left their posts from beginning to end!"

"Fighting to the last moment with their lives!"

Jiang Yun's voice was low and firm, revealing respect and mourning for the brave soldiers.

Although he had not personally experienced that tragic battle, it was a war against nine demon gods!

Just based on the survivors' accounts, he could remember the tragic scenes in his mind.

What's more, they experienced it personally!

"The Battle of Tianheng Mountain was the most difficult battle in the history of our Qianyan Army, but it was also our greatest victory!"

"Those soldiers were not afraid of hardships, sacrificed their lives, and wrote a legend of fearlessness and loyalty with their blood and lives!"

"Let us deeply remember their bravery and sacrifice, and always miss their selflessness and bravery!"

Jiang Yun's words resounded on the stage,It also deeply touched everyone present. In silence, everyone stared at the memorial plaque hanging in front of the stage, and looked at the names engraved on the monument one by one, and the tears in the corners of their eyes could not stop flowing down.

They are all heroes who protected Gui Yuli!

With their flesh and blood, they built such an indestructible Tianheng Mountain defense line!

If they had not put their lives aside and fought hard to resist the enemy's attack, the battlefield of the nine demon gods might have continued to Gui Yuli City.

What a huge impact it would have on the entire Gui Yuli at that time.

"Now, let's start the first item of the ceremony, giving pensions to the relatives of heroes!"

The relatives of Qianyan Army had already burst into tears.

However, while they were hurt, they were also very moved in their hearts. They were moved by the efforts of their sons or fathers, which were remembered and praised by the world!

There will also be Lord Yushen, who will personally rectify their names!

In this way... they will no longer have regrets in their hearts.

The people from the City Affairs Department personally handed over a token with the anti-counterfeiting logo of the Liyu Bank to the family of the deceased.

With this token, you can go directly to the Liyu Bank to exchange currency and get a one-time pension of 200,000 Mora.

And you can get a subsidy of 800 per month for eight years.

Don’t look at the amount of 200,000. It is nothing compared to the hundreds of millions of Mora in the future of the Teyvat continent.

But you should know that the Mora financial system at this time, under the operation of the Liyu Bank, has not been inflated to such an alarming degree in the future.

So, Mora is very valuable now.

The expenses of ordinary people are only tens of thousands of Mora a year.

The amount of 200,000 Mora, plus the subsidy for eight years, is enough.

This is the conclusion given by the staff of the City Affairs Department after repeated discussions.

After all, they can't make Mora out of thin air, so this Mora must be allocated from the finances of the City Affairs Department.

This is the maximum limit that can be obtained without affecting the operation of Gui Yuli City Affairs Department.

After all the tokens were issued by the staff of the City Affairs Department.

Jiang Yun also stepped down from the stage.

Next is Lin Yu's home court!

Lin Yu had actually been watching all this in the sky for a long time, and with him were Morax, Gui Zhong, Marcosius and Qing Yu.

It was just because of the existence of the invisible position that Gui Yuli's people did not notice their existence.

Lin Yu lifted the invisible position for himself alone, and then appeared in the sky out of thin air.

With a little white particle light, Lin Yu slowly descended and landed steadily on the stage.

These are of course the special effects that Lin Yu added to himself with the power of embodiment.

Because of the arrival of Lord Yu Shen, all the people at the scene immediately restrained their voices, and the scene entered a quiet state.

"All the people of Gui Yuli."

"We have seen everything that the Qianyan Army has done to protect Gui Yuli."

"They are fearless warriors, and they are the brave Qianyan Army! They have written a legend with their lives to protect Gui Yuli's safety!"

"Today, we gather here to pay the highest respect and pay tribute to them."

Lin Yu's voice was full of solemnity and solemnity, and every word seemed to be deeply engraved in people's hearts.

It was rare to be serious for such a while.

Morax in the sky was moved after seeing it.

Then Lin Yu waved his hands, and white light appeared on his fingertips. Lin Yu was using his own power to mobilize the power of the soul.

"Now, I will personally preside over the rebirth ceremony to see off those brave Qianyan Army soldiers."

Under the influence of Lin Yu's authority, the sky darkened instantly.

Of course, it was not to change the rising and setting of the sun, but to cover the sky with the soul field, wrapping the entire Guiyuli City in it.

Then, in front of the relatives of the deceased, the figure of the deceased's soul appeared.

The family members were stunned, and then their eyes were filled with tears, and they shouted the names of their loved ones.

When they wanted to hug, they hugged nothing.

Yes, now they are separated from each other.

Most of their souls have actually been absorbed by the earth veins, and although Lin Yu temporarily took them out with the power of the soul, these souls have become empty shells.

Lin Yu continued the ceremony.

"At this moment, I will send the souls of the deceased to the road to rebirth. May your hearts be peaceful and your tears turn into memories."

"Heaven and earth witness, I will guide the souls of the deceased to the rebirth in the name of the feather god"The Gate of Rebirth, open!" In fact, there is no Gate of Rebirth. This is just Lin Yu's artistic processing of it. He used the power of embodiment to create a Gate of Rebirth in a special effect way. The Gate of Rebirth opened in front of everyone. Dark and deep, captivating! Everyone resonated with this gate from the depths of their souls. "Dead, why do you bear the pain and troubles of the world? Please follow my guidance and embark on the journey home." The soul figures seemed to have heard his call and began to slowly approach the deep and dark Gate of Rebirth. But in fact, it was just Lin Yu who was leading these souls. "Go, take the last step, pass through the Gate of Rebirth, and seek eternal tranquility and peace. "

Lin Yu's voice gradually weakened, and all the souls had their own direction, walking towards the Gate of Rebirth, and stepped into the Gate of Rebirth without hesitation.

And their relatives, the tears on their faces had already flowed away, and their eyes were red from crying.

Watching them walk into the Gate of Rebirth, they would be able to reincarnate in the future, and their hearts seemed to be comforted and consoled.

"Gate of Rebirth, Close"

After all the souls were thrown into the Gate of Rebirth, Lin Yu made a gesture, and then the Gate of Rebirth closed and disappeared.

And the souls of the deceased also re-entered the earth veins and were absorbed by the continent of Teyvat.

Under the influence of the soul authority, the process of their absorption was accelerated, and they could start their next life earlier.

The influence of the soul authority stopped, and the sky returned to clarity again.

But people have not yet recovered from the shock just now.

"The dead are gone, and the living are like this"

"Give you the Thousand Rock Medal to remember their immortal merits. "

After Lin Yu finished speaking.

More than 2,000 medals in the space flew out and fell accurately into the hands of each family member of the deceased.

In the design of the medal, the symbols of Gui Yuli and Qianyan Army were fully utilized.

It was built with Mora materials.

But these are not important, because in addition to this, Lin Yu also gave the Qianyan Medal a kind of buff. Only those who wear the medal for a long time can prolong their life and be healthy.

This can be regarded as a blessing from Lin Yu to the families of the Qianyan Army who died in order to protect the direction of Tianheng Mountain.

At the moment of touching the medal, You can feel a sense of peace of mind.

The medal given by Lord Yushen must have a special effect!

They firmly believe it, but it is true.

At this point, Lin Yu's content about the rebirth ceremony has been completed. The next moment, Lin Yu gradually rises into the clouds, turns on the invisible position and gradually disappears from everyone's sight.

The director of the City Affairs Department, Jiang Yun, came to the stage again. He will be responsible for the aftermath of this rebirth ceremony.

However, these things can be completed by the people of the City Affairs Department.

It has nothing to do with Lin Yu.

Lin Yu and the gods returned to the Pavilion in the Clouds. Lin Yu also cancelled his special effects and invisible position, and then sat down on the seat in the Pavilion in the Clouds.

Pick up a cup of tea and drink it.

"How is it, how is it."

"Morax, do I look like a demon god of the soul? "

Lin Yu looked at Morax and said.

Holding his forehead.jpg

As expected, Lin Yu's solemnity and seriousness were all temporary.

He returned to them, took off all the disguises, and returned to the original Lin Yu, without any change.

Morax smiled helplessly.

"From a universal rational point of view, he really has the demeanor of the Soul Demon God. This rebirth ceremony was very successful, and all kinds of effects have been achieved."

Morax praised.

Although he had never seen the Soul Demon God, nor did he know the demeanor of the Soul Demon God.

But is it important? It does not hinder Morax's ability to lie with his eyes open.

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