That's right, he is...

The young man in front of him scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly.

"Uh... My name is Marcosius, I am the Demon God of the Stove, born from the sparks of people cooking."

"And in this city, the smell of fireworks is the strongest within a radius of hundreds of miles, so I was attracted by the smell of fireworks."

"Seeing people racking their brains to adjust the taste of food, as the Demon God of the Stove, I have a lot of experience in food making, and I couldn't help but start teaching."

"I know that it is very presumptuous to enter your territory without permission."

"I'm sorry, please forgive my presumptuous behavior, I will never do it again next time."

The face of the Demon God of the Stove Marcosius was full of apology.

The Demon God of the Stove?

Born from the sparks of people cooking?

The way the demons are born is strange and varied.

But the birth of this Demon God of the Stove Marcosius is really unique.

Morax did not feel any hostility from Marcosius, but seemed very sincere.

"So that's how it is. I think it should be a good thing to teach people more skills in making delicious food."

"I have to thank you."

Gui Zhong covered his face with his sleeves and said with a smile.

"Well, it is true in terms of universal rationality."

"People now have a life without shortage of food, but the types of food are too single, and people lack the skills to make food."

"In the long run, if you eat one or two or three things, I think even a demon god will feel bored."

Morax touched his chin and thought seriously.

Ordinary people are not like Brother Zennos, who can easily materialize many delicacies through materialization. According to Morax's observation.

That delicacy contains many different condiments.

With the blessing of these condiments, coupled with unknown food making skills, and the full intention of the chef, such a delicacy can be carefully made in the end.

"This is indeed a problem."

"The solution to this problem is also very simple."

"One of them is to increase the variety of food so that the people can eat more different kinds of food, and they won't feel bored if they eat in different ways."

"Another way is to give the people more food making skills, just like what Marcosius did."

"In this way, the people can make more food with different tastes by improving their cooking skills."

Gui Zhong analyzed seriously.

Molax thought that Gui Zhong's words made sense.

It's just...the skill of making food, whether it's Morax or Gui Zhong.

This is not their specialty.

It seems that I can only trouble Brother Zennos to materialize more different kinds of food.

Lin Yu glanced at Marcosius, and then at Morax.

He had a good idea.

Prepare to pull Marcosius into their great Guiyuli City.

Let's work! Lord Demon!

"Well, what Sister Guizhong said makes sense."

"I can easily solve the problem of food types."

He came from a country of food on Blue Star. It was a bit difficult for him to come up with thousands of different kinds of vegetables and fruits, but it was not difficult to come up with hundreds of them.

"But if you don't have the blessing of cooking skills and don't know how to use condiments and seasonings, you can't make delicious food."

"It's probably not easy to rely on the taste of the food itself."

Lin Yu said with a smile.

Gui Zhong saw Lin Yu's smile and looked confident, so he knew that he should have a solution.

So Gui Zhong asked Lin Yu.

"Then Lin Yu, do you have any good solutions?"

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Of course."

Lin Yu set his eyes on Marcosius.

And Morax and Gui Zhong also followed Lin Yu's eyes and looked at Marcosius together.

"The key lies in the stove demon Makosius."

"The stove demon Makosius was born from the sparks of people's cooking, so he has many skills in food preparation."

"In my opinion, Makosius is the best at this."

"If the stove demon Makosius can join us in Guiyuli City, he will become a great help to our Guiyuli City in people's livelihood!"

After listening to Lin Yu's words, Morax understood.

It turned out that this kid had paid attention to the stove demon Makosius.On the body of Marcosius.

But can such words be said directly to the stove demon god Marcosius?

The intention is too obvious.

Doesn't it mean to let Marcosius work for Guiyu Licheng?

The demon gods all have their own dignity.

As the saying goes, a real man is born between heaven and earth, how can he be depressed and under others for a long time.

Lin Yu is still the same Lin Yu, which is really a bit outspoken, and what he said seems to be a lot of offense.

But the problem is not big.

In front of the three demon gods, Marcosius is weak, even if he is dissatisfied in his heart, he probably dare not do anything in person.

After listening to Lin Yu's words, Marcosius also showed a surprised expression.

Generally speaking, no demon god will easily accept an outside demon god.

And this demon god Zennos, the embodiment, actually invited himself right away.

This is really a bit too unexpected.

But at the same time, Marcosius also felt a little happy in his heart.

He had said it before.

Within hundreds of miles, even thousands of miles, only the city of Guiyuli has such a lively atmosphere.

At the same time, people no longer lack food, and have enough time and energy to improve their food making skills.

For Marcosius.

It is a good place to realize his grand wish!

If he can really stay in this place, Marcosius can be said to be willing to do it!

"Marcosius, the Demon God of the Stove, Lin Yu has no other meaning in his words. If you don't want to leave, don't worry about it."

Guizhong said with a little apology.

If you don't want to, just leave? !


Why leave?

I don't want to leave!

"Uh... that, I don't feel offended."

"That is, can I really stay? I am willing to pass on all my food skills to the people of Gui Yuli."

Marcosius said.


At this moment, both Gui Zhong and Morax slowly typed a question mark.

Why does something seem a little wrong?

Why didn't Marcosius feel offended? Why did Marcosius choose to stay?

Is it that their understanding of the demon god is biased? !

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"Of course you can stay. You don't have to care about the opinions of Gui Zhong and Morax. I, the demon god Zennos, represent their agreement."

"From now on, Marcosius, you are the fourth demon god of our Gui Yuli!"

After hearing what Marcosius said, Lin Yu was delighted, and a smile instantly burst out on his face, and then he didn't wait for Gui Zhong and Morax to react.

He agreed to Marcosius' request at once.

After Morax saw Lin Yu's actions.

He immediately looked helpless.

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How could such a sloppy let an unknown demon join the ranks of Gui Yuli?

But the problem is not big.

According to his perception, the stove demon Marcosius should be a newborn demon.

The stove demon Marcosius was born not long ago.

He is also a demon born from the sparks rubbed by people when cooking.

At the same time, he is close to humans and is willing to teach humans all the skills he has about food making.

I think he should not be a demon with a bad character.

Such a demon, joining Gui Yuli, will indeed greatly improve the people's livelihood in Gui Yuli.

It is a good thing.

After Lin Yu agreed first, Marcosius set his sights on Morax and Gui Zhong.

Marcosius knew that there were three demon gods in Guiyuli City, and the status of these three demon gods was equal, so if he wanted to join, he needed to get the permission of the other two demon gods.

And both of them felt the fiery gaze from Marcosius.

Morax carefully considered the pros and cons of letting the stove demon Marcosius join.

Finally, he looked at Marcosius and said very solemnly.

"That's good, since Brother Zennos has agreed, then I can no longer refuse."

"In the future, the stove demon, Marcosius, will be a member of our Guiyuli."

Since Morax has agreed.

Then Guizhong has no more objections.

And she herself is inclined to let the stove demon Marcosius join Guiyuli.

Contribute a part of her own strength for a better tomorrow for Guiyuli!

"Well, welcome to join, Marcosius."

"In the future, IWe are a family now." Gui Zhong said with a smile. After getting everyone's consent, Marcosius showed a very excited and happy smile. He knew that he was one step closer to achieving his great goal! And this Gui Yu Licheng is the starting point for him to pass on his gourmet skills to the world! "Thank you, thank you." "One day, I will spread gourmet food all over the world, so that people can eat delicious food and have happy and satisfied smiles on their faces! "

Marcosius said very firmly.

This is the ultimate goal of his life!

After having a new partner join, it is natural to celebrate for him.

Lin Yu added a chair to the pavilion in the clouds.

Each chair has a name written on it.

Lin Yu sits here, Zhongli sits here, Guizhong sits here, sit here?

When writing the fourth name, Lin Yu fell into hesitation, and the materialization power in his hand could not be used for a long time.

Everyone used their own worldly names.

This stove demon Marcosius has a four-character name. Wouldn't it destroy the charm if it was added?

If it is Marco? Or Xius?

It's a bit weird.

Could it be possible to engrave the word Guoba on this chair?

"What's wrong? Lin Yu. "

Gui Zhong saw that Lin Yu was unmoved, so he asked with some doubt.

At the same time, Morax and Marcosus also looked over.

Lin Yu spread his hands and said with a little helplessness.

"Hey, Sister Gui Zhong, Brother Morax, look."

"On these three chairs, Lin Yu, Zhongli, Gui Zhong, the names we three have chosen are engraved respectively."

"And Marcosus doesn't have it. If the four words Marcosus are engraved, wouldn't it seem less reasonable? It destroys the unique charm of this pavilion in the clouds. ”


Morax slowly typed a question mark.

Destroy the unique charm of this pavilion in the clouds?

Isn't it just a name?

But he knew what Lin Yu wanted to do.

This move seemed a little familiar.

It was like this last time. Morax gave himself a name to walk in the world.


So is it the turn of the stove demon Marcosius this time?

Marcosius was not the Guoba of later generations at this time, so he was smart in his heart.

He naturally heard the meaning of Lin Yu's words.

But if you want to give yourself a name.

To be honest, he is not very good at it.

Marcosius scratched his head and looked at Lin Yu and said.

"Well, if Marcosius is engraved, it will seem a bit unique. "

"But naming is not something I am good at. ”

“Every time I want to name a dish, I need to struggle for several months before I can finally choose a name that I think is good.”

“So, can you help me choose one?”


It turns out that Marcosius is still a difficult person to name.

It takes several months to struggle for a name, which is really terrifying!

But from another perspective.

Marcosius, this is a serious attitude towards food.

The main focus is on the spirit of craftsmanship.

For each dish, he is very focused and serious.

So it takes several months to struggle for the name. Doesn’t it seem more reasonable?

Reasonable, too reasonable.

Lin Yu touched his chin. To be honest, he is not very good at names.

After thinking for a while.

Morax and Guizhong didn’t speak again.

I think they should think I have to make my own decision.

Oh, I should not have asked this question earlier. Marcosius is also good.

In the end, Lin Yu simply broke the jar and broke the pot.

Previously, the stove demon god, in order to be able to integrate into Guiyuli City, taught humans his food making skills.

He deliberately transformed into a human appearance.

Marcosius looks like a young man, his face has clear lines, his facial features are slightly delicate, his eyes are deep and bright, revealing intelligence and determination.

His lips are soft and slightly upturned, revealing a gentle and friendly atmosphere.

Overall, Marcosius's youth image is full of youthful vitality, showing his sunny and positive personality traits.

Why not call it...

"Marcosius, what do you think of the name Yi Ya?"

Lin Yu said with a smile

(The author's naming is useless, everyone understands long live, if you think it doesn't sound goodIt doesn't matter, Marcosius is still the main one. As for the name in the world, it's hard to say whether he has a world in the world~)

(Yi Ya is taken from the famous chef in the Spring and Autumn Period of ancient times, also known as Di Ya. He was a famous witch and a famous chef in the Spring and Autumn Period. He was good at frying, boiling, burning and roasting. He was also a seasoning expert and was favored by Duke Huan of Qi.)

Yi Ya?

Marcosius didn't have much opinion on the name in the world.

As long as it's not unpleasant.

"Okay, then my name in the world in the future will be Yi Ya."

Marcosius nodded and said.

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