With the help and guidance of the people of Liyue, these newly arrived refugees successfully learned the unique planting techniques of Liyue.

Reclaiming wasteland and planting food.

In this way, the whole of Liyue gradually prospered.

Now there are two very prosperous industries in Liyue. The first one is agriculture, which is the foundation of the survival of the entire Liyue people.

The other is mining.

There are many huge amounts of minerals in Tianheng Mountain, so so many minerals must be used.

The mined minerals are enough to bring the entire Liyue territory into the Iron Age.

The food is accumulating day by day, and the storage time is limited. If it is not made into other by-products, it will all go bad.

The people have given full play to their wisdom.

It was discovered that food can be used to make wine, so Liyue's wine industry has gradually begun to develop.

People are no longer short of food, so naturally they have begun to improve their quality of life.

Now they occasionally use Mora to buy some wine or other by-products to try.

Carpenters have also been improved.

With the increase of Liyue's population, more and more houses are being built, and carpenters have naturally accumulated a lot of experience in this process.

These experiences enable them to skillfully use mortise and tenon structures.

Some two-story Chinese-style small buildings have also been built.

The first-story people usually use it to open some shops to make a living, and the entire Liyue's buildings have begun to become prosperous.

A rich life also means crazy expansion.

The accumulation of a large amount of materials will inevitably lead to foreign trade.

The people of Liyue spontaneously organized caravans, which have their own guards. They look majestic in iron armor and holding spears.

However, in such a world, iron armor and spears cannot bring them enough sense of security.

However, the benefits brought by the caravan are considerable. In order to change the current situation of their lives, some people have to take risks.

The caravans carry all kinds of goods, wine, iron tools, pottery, salt, beautiful handicrafts, etc.

To conduct trade towards the territories near Liyue territory.

The target they chose was also very simple.

Friendly demon god territories, and godless territories.

That's right, there are many tribes in this world with hundreds or thousands of people. Without the protection of demon gods, they can only struggle to survive in this world.

Every step must be extremely cautious. If you are not careful, it may bring a devastating blow to the entire village.

After all, without the protection of gods, any powerful monster can uproot it.

Goods from Liyue are very popular in friendly demon god territories or in wild villages.

The external trade of Liyue goods has led to a result.

That is the spread of the Mora system.

People have discovered the usefulness of Mora as a currency. Sometimes the caravan does not want that kind of goods when bartering, which will result in them not being able to exchange for goods.

So in the process of trading, they will trade Mora as much as possible, and then use Mora to buy the goods they want.

Over time, Mora, as a currency system, began to accompany the departure of the caravan, with the entire Liyue as the center point, and continued to radiate outward.

This laid a solid foundation for Mora to become the recognized currency of the Teyvat continent in the future!

Three years passed like a snap of the fingers for Lin Yu.

Lin Yu now is no longer as frivolous as when he first came to this world. He needs to calm down and practice to improve his power.

And this kind of practice and improvement is an instinctive behavior for the demon god.

For each demon god, the way and name of this practice and improvement are different, but for the demon god itself, it is!

It is the kind of thing that can only be understood but not expressed in words.

When Lin Yu was practicing and improving, his perception of time gradually blurred. In his cognition, perhaps only one or two hours had passed, but the outside world had already changed drastically.

In this way of practice and improvement, Lin Yu sat in meditation and suspended in the room, closed his eyes and entered a mysterious state of meditation.

Inexplicably, his strength was improved.

For Lin Yu, it was like...sleeping for a good night?

For this reason, Lin Yu also specifically asked Morax about some ways to improve his or other demon gods' strength.

Most demon gods, including Morax, improve their strength by fighting and using authority to accumulate their own experience and skills.Coincidentally.

Become stronger by doing this.

Lin Yu's way of increasing strength is very explosive in the entire demon circle.

"Brother Zennos, why are you asking this? Do you want to start improving your strength?"

Morax looked at Lin Yu with some doubts.

In Morax's eyes, Lin Yu has never done anything to accumulate combat experience and skills, and most of his use of authority is on the embodiment of some living materials.

Now hearing Lin Yu's question about increasing strength, Morax thought for a moment that Lin Yu had suddenly changed.

"What do you mean by wanting to improve your strength? It sounds like a sudden whim."

"Do I look like the kind of person who says one thing and does another? I have been improving my strength all the time!"

Lin Yu pursed his lips slightly unconvinced.

Morax pondered for a while after hearing Lin Yu's rebuttal.

Lin Yu doesn't seem to have done anything to improve his strength, right? Even when he went to Qingxu, he only played chess and drank with Qingxu. Apart from that, he did not fight with him in terms of force.

"Okay, I understand." Morax said perfunctorily.

In his heart, he still did not believe that Lin Yu was improving his strength.

Morax did not think anything of this. Lin Yu's current strength was considered very strong among the demon gods.

And now, Morax can protect the territory of Liyue alone.

There is no need for Zennos to make any special efforts.

The implication is that he, the demon god Zennos, is protected by Morax!

I just don't know if he can still easily have such an idea when he needs to protect Lin Yu and Guizhong at the same time after the Demon God War begins.

Lin Yu rolled his eyes.

"Tsk, believe it or not, why would I lie to you if nothing happened."

"Forget it, you stone won't understand even if I tell you, I'm going to practice in seclusion, don't disturb me if nothing happens."


After saying that, Lin Yu turned around and left Morax.

He returned to his room, closed the room, and set a ban with the authority of embodiment.

Then Lin Yu returned to the state of meditation again.

Manifested authority +1

Manifested authority +1

Manifested authority +1

It is worthy of being the authority crystal from Pinduoduo....


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