As Tianquan Xing Ningguang finished her speech, the people in the audience began to sob to varying degrees for the death of Emperor Yanwang.

For the people of Liyue, the death of Emperor Yanwang was a very difficult thing to accept no matter how you put it.

"Ah... the contract of 3,700 years, burned and burned, and turned into ashes..."

"The long dream of the land of gods is endless..."

"Emperor... How can we live in Liyue without you?"


After Tianquan Xing Ning finished her speech, Ganyu, as the secretary-general, said to the people at the ceremony of sending off the immortals.

"Then, Lord Tianquan's speech ends here."

"Does Lord Yuheng have anything else to say?"

Ganyu followed the procedure and looked in the direction of Yuheng Xing Keqing.

At the same time, Paimong noticed that Yuheng Xing Keqing seemed to be looking in the direction of him and Kong, and suddenly felt a little strange.

"Huh? Why does she seem to be looking at us?"

"Not seem, but indeed." Lin Yu said lightly.

As Lin Yu said, Keqing, as Yuhengxing, walked towards Kong and Paimeng.

Because of Yuhengxing Keqing, Kong and Paimeng suddenly became the focus of the crowd.

"Is that the traveler who repelled the ancient gods in the rumor?"

"So young..."

"Ahem... she looks okay..."

Fortunately, the person who spoke was still a long distance away from Kong, otherwise Kong would not know how to respond if he heard these comments?


"The Seven Stars of Liyue will repay a favor, and I believe you have also heard that we have a wide range of power and can do anything."

"Tell me what you want as a reward, because that is what you should receive."

Yuhengxing Keqing said to Kong.

At the same time, Lin Yu smiled and said, "Although the description of being all-powerful and omnipotent is a bit exaggerated, at least within Liyue, the Liyue Seven Stars can still do a lot of things. If you want anything or need help, just ask."


After listening to the words of Yuhengxing Keqing and Lin Yu, Kong immediately fell into thinking.

He thought about it and found that he didn't seem to want anything in particular.

His goal of traveling around the seven countries of the mortal world has always been to find his lost relatives.

"Then, help me post a few missing person notices." So Kong said softly.

Hmm? This request made Kong directly confused Yuhengxing Keqing in front of him.

What the hell is posting a few missing person notices?

"It's like this, Kong's sister is missing, so Kong has been looking for his sister." After noticing the doubts on Yuhengxing Keqing's face, Paimeng, who deserves to be called the mouth of God, immediately explained.

Yuhengxing nodded, and her eyes softened when she looked at Kong.

I didn't expect that Kong had such an experience behind him.

"Then give me your sister's information later. I promise to post the missing person notice for your sister on every street and alley in Liyue, and do my best to help you find your lost relatives." Yuhengxing Keqing said.

"Thank you." Kong nodded.

After Yuhengxing Keqing's affairs were finished, the main part of the Sending Immortals Ceremony came to an end.

The rest of the Sending Immortals Ceremony was that the people gathered at the Sending Immortals Ceremony site would burn incense to the statues of the Emperor and the Soul God.

This was to comfort the deceased Emperor Yanwang.

"The death of the Rock King is a top priority for the entire Liyue. Brother Zhongli, don't you go up and burn some incense?" Looking at the people coming and going to burn incense, Lin Yu couldn't help but look at Zhongli beside him.

Zhongli nodded: "That's good."

Kong and Paimeng, who were also beside Zhongli, were shocked when they heard Zhongli's answer.

What is this? Burning incense for yourself? But then he thought about it, Zhongli had already prepared his own funeral, so it didn't seem so outrageous to burn incense for himself now.

"What about you? Don't you want to burn a stick of incense together?" After getting Zhongli's definite answer, Lin Yu immediately set his sights on Kong and Paimeng.

Paimon shook his head quickly: "No, no!"

"I suddenly remembered that when Kong was cooking for me this morning, the rune stove seemed to be left open. It would be bad if a fire broke out because of this, so Kong, let's go back and take a look!"

"What Paimon said makes sense!" Kong nodded.

Then the two of them quickly evacuated the scene, and the speed of evacuating the scene was really jaw-dropping.

For Kong and Paimon, knowing that Liyue's God of Rock was not dead, they came to attend the funeral of the God of Rock and met the God of Rock himself at the funeral. This situation was already strange enough.

And Lin Yu also wanted to bring Zhongli with him and let Zhongli burn incense for him...

This kind of dispute between the two gods of Liyue, a small person like him should not get involved!

So the thirty-six strategies, running away is the best strategy!

"Hey, wait a minute!"

"What's the matter?" Lin Yu was a little puzzled when he was stopped by someone.

The man smiled and said, "You two want to burn incense for the emperor, right? The incense provided by Qixing for free is just ordinary goods. In my opinion, it is not enough to express our respect for the emperor in our hearts!"


"Ahem! So of course I have to use my incense to express my respect for the emperor to the greatest extent. "

"One stick of incense only costs 10,000 Mora!"

.....It turns out that he is selling incense and candles for so long. This guy can really seize the business opportunity.

"Okay, three sticks of incense."

Lin Yu decisively took out his Liyu bank card and bought the best incense from him.

Is it because better and more expensive incense can express his respect for the emperor? No, of course not, but Zhongli deserves better!

"Take it, brother Zhongli, you deserve better! "Lin Yu said with a smile.

And Zhongli fell into silence. If it weren't for the expression on Lin Yu's face that he wanted to have fun, he would probably believe Lin Yu's words.

Then, under Lin Yu's gaze, Zhongli respectfully offered three incense sticks to the statue of the Rock King.

Thinking that it was almost over, Zhongli was pulled by Lin Yu to worship in front of the soul statue.

After that, Lin Yu was satisfied.

"Let's go, buddy will take you to play games. "Lin Yu smiled and put his hand on Zhongli's shoulder, then took Zhongli to the direction of the Oasis game store.

Of course, he didn't think of simply playing games with Zhongli.

He came here just to fulfill his previous promise to Qingyu. He didn't forget that he promised Qingyu that after the invitation ceremony was completely over, he would update the content of the games in the Oasis game.

After all, he and Qingyu still wanted to promote the Oasis game to the entire Teyvat continent. If there were only these few games, how could such a feat be achieved?

"Lin Yu, you are here! And Brother Zhongli!" Seeing his good buddy Lin Yu walking towards him, Qingyu's face was filled with a happy smile.

Lin Yu nodded: "Didn't you keep mentioning that the Oasis game needs to update more games? I came here today for this matter, and by the way, I also played a few games with Brother Zhongli. "

Qingyu became even more excited when he mentioned the new game, and quickly took Linyu and Zhongli into his office.

"Finally, everything is settled, so what kind of games do you want to play?" Qingyu was concerned about the type of game, and he did not doubt Linyu's ability to make games.

He just wanted to play more fun and interesting new games, so he was a little worried that Linyu would directly port the game of Yunshang Palace.

Linyu smiled mysteriously: "You will know later, but I can guarantee that you will not be disappointed. "

Will you not be disappointed? After hearing Lin Yu's words, Qing Yu now only had the expectation for the new game.

Then a white light flashed in Lin Yu's hand, and a game tablet with the same configuration as the one in the store appeared in Lin Yu's hand. Then Lin Yu used his own materialization authority and began to display the new game he conceived on this game tablet.

The update of the game content this time can be regarded as a major update.

Lin Yu updated more than 20 games in one go, but most of these more than 20 games were accompanying games, similar to "Snake Big There are two games of the size of "Operation" and various chess and card games.

Among them, there are two most important and key games.

They are "Original God Glory" and "Minecraft". The latter is easy to understand as Lin Yu almost copied it completely, but the former "Original God Glory" is different.

This is a 5V5 MOBA game with fair competition. The characters and skills used in the game are all made by Lin Yu based on the existing character skills in the Teyvat continent, and after avoiding troubles through deformation and redrawing.

WithAfter this game, Lin Yu didn't dare to think about how crazy Qingyu, who was already obsessed with game competitions, would be in this game with great game competition viewing in the future.

With the last ray of light of the materialized power flashing, Lin Yu successfully completed the update of this game.

"Okay, it has been updated. All the game content is in this game tablet. You can take it to the game tablets in the store to synchronize the data."

Qingyu, who took the game tablet from Lin Yu, chose to turn on the game tablet as soon as possible, and then checked the game content updated by Lin Yu in the game tablet.

"One... two... twenty-seven games!"

"Ah! Lin Yu, I really love you to death. You actually updated the amount that only lasts for hundreds of years at one time."

Facing Lin Yu's update of twenty-seven games at one time, how could Qingyu not be excited? After all, before this, he had been accustomed to the frequency of Lin Yu's update every few hundred years.

Moreover, a large part of the games here are new games, not simply transplanted from Yunshang Palace!

Qingyu felt the feeling of being surrounded by games. He felt that he was so happy at this moment!

Lin Yu broke away from Qingyu's arms helplessly. Didn't he just update a little more games at one time? Is it necessary to be so excited about it?

Qingyu is really an Internet addict.

"Okay, okay, there is no need to say thank you. We are good brothers."

"So now you should quickly synchronize the game data. After the game data is synchronized with me, the three of us can play the newly updated game." Lin Yu said with a smile.

Qingyu nodded: "Okay! I'll go now!"

Then Qingyu left his office at his fastest speed, and then announced the news of the Oasis game update to the Oasis game store, among the game fans like Qingyu.

Immediately, it stirred up waves in the crowd.

As Qingyu completed the work of synchronizing the game tablet data, the Oasis game store fell into silence again. This is not because they are not interested in the new game, but because they have devoted themselves to the research and exploration of the new game.

After handling these tasks, Qingyu returned to the office.

Under the leadership of Lin Yu, the three of them picked up a game tablet together, and then the original god glory started!

After a simple novice tutorial, Lin Yu pulled Qingyu and Zhongli to open a room. He placed himself opposite the two, and the rest of the vacancies were filled by AI.

After completing these, he officially entered the game start interface.

The original god chosen by Lin Yu is Xiao (Xiao), a handsome and cool Yaksha boy, holding a green spear and walking in the jungle.

Since the hero in the novice tutorial is Amber (Amber), Qingyu also chose this character.

Amber is a development road character, simple and easy to operate.

Zhongli chose the role that suits him best, the auxiliary named Yanjun. The biggest feature is that you can use the second skill to shield yourself and your teammates, and you can also smash meteorites to cause group control and slow down the enemy.

It can be said to be an excellent auxiliary that takes into account both protection and attack modes!

After both parties confirmed the heroes, the game officially kicked off after a short loading. Since the AI ​​selected by Lin Yu was not very difficult.

So Lin Yu directly chose Ke Qing (Keqing) to start. As soon as he entered the blue zone, he saw Ke Qing was hitting the blue. Then he moved up with the first skill and then strengthened the normal, and then strengthened the normal again.

Xiao's first skill can be stored for three layers, which means that the first skill can be used three times.

Under Lin Yu's normal and first skills, Ke Qing's first blood and blue buff were easily collected.

Qingyu and Zhongli, who don't know how to counter jungle, don't know at this time that what will come next will be Lin Yu's invincible jungle rhythm!

After countering the blue, go back to brush your own jungle area and start with three buffs directly.

At the same time, Lin Yu is on the way to the development road to support.

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