According to Lin Yu's suggestion, the gods sat down at the banquet at will.

Why do we say that this meeting of the seven gods is not formal? Because this time, there are not only the seven gods but also the people of Liyue in the banquet of the seven gods.

Qingyu, Guizhong, Ruotu, and Marcosius are all at the table.

But the problem is not big, and the gods will not care about this matter.

"Serve the dishes."

Lin Yu said immediately.

Then a BGM belonging to food sounded from the sky, and then clouds carrying food plates floated up.

There is not much change in serving dishes from the last meeting of the seven gods.

The most important thing is that Lin Yu woke up at the right time. Without Lin Yu's help, there is not much they can change.

So the previous serving method was continued.

In a short while, the dishes were served. At Lin Yu's call, the gods began to pick up chopsticks and tasted the food they were interested in first.

The food entered the mouth, and the taste bloomed on the tip of the tongue.

It still tastes the same as it did two hundred years ago!

The memories of the gods were suddenly pulled back to the past.

Since the meeting of the seven gods, the gods have been unable to forget the memory of Liyue cuisine for a long time because of their deep memories.

Even as gods, they would feel greedy from the bottom of their hearts whenever they recalled Liyue cuisine in the past two hundred years.

But the local food could not satisfy them at all, and their taste buds had been spoiled by Liyue's top cuisine.

Fortunately, the gods had made an agreement before, agreeing to come to Liyue to hold a meeting of the gods every two hundred years.

For the gods, two hundred years would pass by just by enduring.

Seeing that the date of the meeting of the seven gods was approaching, the gods directly pushed aside their original work arrangements and headed to Liyue on time according to the agreement made two hundred years ago.

"Two hundred years have passed so quickly."

"It's just that I have been practicing hard for these two hundred years, and I have no spare time to look at the outside world. I don't know if Mora has spread to the earth after two hundred years?"

Lin Yu took a meatball and put it in his mouth. After enjoying the delicious meatball, he mentioned to everyone about Mora's spread to the earth.

Although he already had the answer to the question in his heart.

But isn't the topic at the table slowly opened like this?

"So Zennos has been practicing hard for two hundred years? No wonder Zennos is so powerful. It seems that it is inseparable from the various efforts in daily life." Nata Fire God said with a look of sudden enlightenment.

As early as when Lin Yu became the ruler of order on Sky Island, the Fire God was already very curious about Lin Yu's combat effectiveness.

In the two hundred years after the end of the Seven Gods Meeting, she has been collecting some information about Zennos.

Titles like God of the Sun, God of Architecture, God of Soul, God of Food, etc., are enough to dazzle her.

And each of these titles has enough historical stories to support it, and it doesn't look like it was made up at all.

One of the things that can most significantly show the power of the incarnated demon god Zennos is.

At the end of the Demon War, the twelve demon gods flooded Guiyuli City.

The tsunami that covered the sky and the sun was cut open by Zennos's sword, and then this move alone made the twelve demon gods unable to move and fell!

The God of Fire felt that there might be some exaggeration in this, but it was enough to prove the power of Zennos as the ruler of order.

It turns out that the strong are really working hard to become stronger all the time.

Is it because I am not strong enough because I am not working hard enough?

The Ice God emphasized: "Under the guidance of God and the excellent work of Liyu Bank, the popularization of Mora in Zhidong took only about two months and quickly spread across the country."

"The existence of Mora can really bring convenience to the people. After the people understand the convenience of Mora, they will naturally popularize Mora spontaneously."

"That's right, our Fontaine is roughly the same. The difference is that we use the power of the law. Under the effect of multiple laws, Mora's rights as a currency are guaranteed, and the speed of Mora's popularization is naturally much faster." Water God Egolia said.

Fontaine, as the kingdom of the God of Justice, has long passed the initial development of laws. Now Fontaine has a complete and systematic set of laws.

This set of systematic laws is obviously worthy of learning and communication from the other six countries.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The Liyue Seven Stars have established deep connections with the Fontaine government.The exchange of Mora included sending law students to Fontaine and many other tasks.

"Mora can be popularized throughout Teyvat, thanks to your cooperation, I, Lin Yu, am very grateful for this!"

Lin Yu began to talk politely.

The efforts made by the six gods in the popularization of Mora are certainly worthy of Lin Yu's thanks.

Although the popularization of Mora can benefit the entire Teyvat continent.

But it is obvious that in the popularization of Mora, the biggest vested interest is obviously their Liyue.

Mastering the right to mint the world currency Mora means mastering the economy of the entire world.

And Liyue will therefore become the most prosperous commercial capital in the world, and this status will not be shaken.

The reason is also very simple.

If there is a global disaster, the whole world will fall into a financial crisis. At that time, the entire world economy will be sluggish. Liyue is also a part of the Teyvat world, and it is obviously not immune.

But by that time, Liyue can transfer the economic crisis of Liyue to the other six countries of Teyvat by printing a large number of Mora.

Let the whole world pay for Liyue's financial crisis.

Currency hegemony, you deserve it!

"What are you talking about? I have seen all the conveniences after the popularization of Mora. What I should do is to help my people!" The God of Fire said cheerfully.

The God of Water also said: "Because of the popularization of Mora, free trade between countries has been opened up. The quality of life of the people of Fontaine has been significantly improved by relying on trade. In this regard, it is thanks to the proposal of Zennos."

Everyone is smart, and naturally they can guess the benefits of Liyue as the controller of Mora currency.

But they believe that Liyue will not do things too extreme.

If a monetary system collapses, it is just a change to another monetary system for them.

The most important thing is to give Lin Yu and Morax a face.

Even among the seven gods, there are human relationships.

After talking about Mora, the gods began to talk about the living conditions of their people in the past hundred years, and shared their ideas on governing the country.

"Mond is a free country with no king, so I usually don't participate in it. Under the leadership of the Mond Knights, Mond is moving forward on the road to freedom." The wind god Barbatos said.

He has been secretly observing Morax for a long time.

After discovering that Morax didn't seem to bear grudges, Wendy finally let go a lot, and then responded to the question from the water god Egolia.

What is Mond's governance philosophy?


After listening to the wind god's ideas, the gods slowly typed a big question mark at the same time.

It turns out that it can be played like this? !

The fire god is studying the duel system, the water god is studying the law system, the ice god is ruling in person, the grass god is constantly planting trees, Inazuma Raiden is ruling in person, and Liyue also has the rock god to give guidance.

Why did you just ignore it when you came to your kingdom of the wind god?

Doesn't this violate the authority and responsibility of the earthly rulers?

"Then, in that case, what is the difference between Mondstadt and those godless kingdoms?" The God of Fire asked a soul-searching question.

Even after the establishment of the Seven Earthly Rulers, there are still many godless kingdoms in this world. These godless kingdoms have no protection from gods and rely on human beings to develop alone.

Generally speaking, the scale is not large. If it can be as large as a city, it is already a superpower in the godless kingdom.

"Ahem! What do you mean by what is the difference from the godless kingdom? How can you compare like this? As the god of Mondstadt, I naturally protect Mondstadt!"

"But all these protections are in the dark places that people can't see!"

The wind god Barbatos said seriously.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Oh? You mean to protect Mond in the dark. You can't say that you can only steal wine in the dark because there is no Mora to buy wine?"

! ! !

Wendy's pupils dilated, and his eyes were full of shock.

Lin! How did Lin Yu know?

He remembered that Lin Yu should not have come to Mond? How come he even knew that he sneaked into the dark of the tavern to steal wine in the dead of night.

The gods confirmed this matter after seeing Wendy's reaction, and then they fell into shock one after another.

Ying's eyes were puzzled.

If you want to drink, just tell the people below to bring it up.

How can a god steal wine?

Ying's impression of Wendy declined.

Impression score-1

After feeling the gazes of the gods around him, Wendy began to blame Lin Yu in his heart.

If you know about this kind of thing, you know it. Why do you still talk about it in front of so many people? It's really embarrassing.

"Steal? Steal wine?!"

"I am the god of Mondstadt. How could I do such a thing? That's because the owner of the tavern prayed to me and wanted me to help him in exchange for wine. How can I steal when I respond to the prayers of my people?"

Wendy then began to talk nonsense seriously.

He had already trained a face that could be called a copper wall and iron wall, and at the same time, he had a mouth that could activate the skill of deceiving.

The water god nodded.

I think Wendy's words make sense. After all, the matter of gods stealing wine is too absurd.

In comparison, Wendy's words are more credible.

Lin Yu did not continue to say more about this matter. After all, Wendy is also his buddy. It's okay to be too much.

Mentioning the godless kingdom, Lin Yu thought of a kingdom.

That is the godless underground kingdom of Kanreya.

"The God of Fire mentioned the godless kingdom just now. Is there still a godless kingdom in the mortal world? At least we have not seen it in our Liyue area." Lin Yu asked.

The God of Fire said: "Well, there are many city-states in Nata, some of which are not under my control, so there are still godless kingdoms in Nata."

"It is better for the people to conquer these city-states. After all, the gods intervene in this duel, which is somewhat contrary to the fairness of the duel."

The volcanic environment in Nata is relatively bad, and those godless city-states are built in some dangerous areas. The God of Fire is too lazy to care and leave it to the people.

"So that's the case. It seems that people can't develop a glorious country without the protection of gods." Lin Yu is hinting frantically.

Soon the Great Compassion Tree King seemed to understand something.

She said, "Not really. The power of people's wisdom is very strong."

"As far as I know, there is a country without god protection under the Xumi Desert. It is called Kanreya. They rely on their unity and strength and rely on underground barriers to establish their own country."

According to Lin Yu, Buyer soon thought of the country of Kanreya.

As the god of wisdom, Buyer naturally knew that there was such an underground kingdom of Kanreya under the Xumi Desert.

This underground kingdom of Kanreya has been established since the Demon War.

At first, it was a group of humans who wanted to avoid the Demon War and were not protected by the Demon. They hugged each other and followed the underground passage to find a huge underground cave.

Then they established their underground settlement here.

As time went on, the settlement began to grow and then established a country called Kanreya, uniting the power of the people in the country and constantly improving their lives deep underground.

King Buyer of the Great Compassion Tree admires the spirit of this group of self-reliant humans.

Since the end of the Demon God War, Kanreya has gradually emerged from the surface. They began to trade with the outside world and even accepted a currency system called Mora.

Listening to the King of the Great Compassion Tree telling about Kanreya.

It is completely different from the Kanreya of later generations. It seems that the current Kanreya has not yet obtained the things that are crucial to promoting their technological progress.

If I go to Kanreya now and destroy Kanreya with a slap, then the disaster caused by Kanreya five hundred years ago in later generations can be avoided?

After thinking carefully, Lin Yu finally chose to give up this idea.

If he did this, wouldn't the key to uncovering the abyss in the future be transferred from the protagonist to himself? This obviously does not conform to Lin Yu's life philosophy of slacking off.

After listening to Kanreya's story, Gui Zhong was thoughtful...

Morax was very keen to find that Lin Yu seemed to be very interested in the godless country of Kanreya. It seemed that he had raised questions about the godless country in order to get information about Kanreya from the mouth of the grass god.

He knew Lin Yu too well.

But Morax was not clear about the reason.

Perhaps Lin Yu chose to do this, and there must be a deep meaning behind it.

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