The three of them walked into the Red King's Mausoleum. All the ruins in front of them, including the energy constructs in the ruins, were triangular. It was naturally useless to fight against the self-regulating mechanism of the energy construct. Krewe and Peruvian easily defeated it.

Even if this self-regulating mechanism could be invisible, it would naturally be exposed under the burning of blood and fire.

"In my hometown, this huge triangular sandstone building is called a pyramid."

Fu Sheng said slowly while watching the two girls fighting.

"Your hometown?"

Peleweli said as he pierced through the self-regulatory mechanism in front of him and threw away the prism he had taken out.

They all knew that Fu Sheng was an Adventer, but they had never heard Fu Sheng mention his hometown.

"A place similar to Liyue."

Peruvian paused, a trace of worry appeared in her eyes. There are many worlds outside of Teyvat. What if Fu Sheng wants to go back one day?

Will he take them back with him?

Peruvian hesitated for a moment, and Krevi came over, frowned and whispered:"Will you go back?"


Fu Sheng said firmly, you are kidding, you can't go back at all, who knows how far the earth is from Teyvat.

Hearing this, Peruvian and Krevy both breathed a sigh of relief.

Several people continued to visit the ruins while going deeper.

The Red King's Mausoleum is very large, much larger than it looks from the outside.

The internal space gradually went deeper into the ground.

Along the way, Peruvian could not count how many mechanisms he had deciphered, and Krevy could not count how many treasure chests he had opened along the way.

As soon as she saw the deciphering, Krevy gave up thinking directly.

It's better to leave the deciphering to Pepe.

It's also good to be a thug, although Pepe also contributed more in the battle.

The raw stones in Krevy's ring piled up into a mountain.

Fu Sheng suddenly felt that even if so many raw stones could not increase the elemental power, he could freely summon the traveler by putting an exclamation mark on his head...

Summon the spirit, summon Durin, and finally summon the traveler...

Krevy was going further and further astray on the road of practicing immortal magic... Maybe she would become a summoner.


Krewei stood on the cliff, behind her was a stone gate with a mechanism in the Red King's Mausoleum, in front of her was a huge empty cave, the sun shone through the hole on the top of the cave, making the whole underground golden.

"There is such a big hole below... Why doesn't the Red King's Mausoleum collapse?"

Fu Sheng shrugged,"Teyvat, it's amazing, isn't it~"

After all, there are countless caves under the entire Xumi.

Fu Sheng pointed to a stone door below. In front of the closed stone door, quicksand kept flowing down from the top of the stone wall. Two huge stone statues with dog heads and human bodies stood on both sides of the stone door with stone staffs.

"Do you see the two dog heads over there? Falushan is in there."

The two looked where Fu Sheng pointed, and Krevy said,"I don't think they are dog heads, they look like lizard heads."

""Whatever the head is, go down and save people..."

At this time, Falushan was busy deciphering the code in the ruins.

In the dark ruins, only the faint light of the blue crystal allowed her to see the words on the ruins.

The ground was already engraved with her deduction formulas.

"Just a little bit more, just a little bit more…"

This may take nearly twenty years to think about…

In the past eighty years, Falushan didn’t know what force had affected her. She didn’t eat, drink, or go to the toilet. Time seemed to have stopped for her.

Although her body was fine, the mental fatigue made these decades extremely painful.


Suddenly, a tiny friction sound came from the stone door beside her.

Falushan immediately perked up.

Is there hope?

She immediately threw herself into the decryption mechanism again.

Not knowing whether she had finally solved the mechanism, the stone door slowly opened.

Light slowly shone from the crack of the door. The light slowly came out until the entire stone door was fully opened and the light completely illuminated the secret room. For a moment, Falusan had to squint slightly.

Having lived in a nearly dark environment for so long, even the light that was not strong could not adapt to it in a short time.

She could only vaguely see that there seemed to be three people standing in the light.

As the stone door opened, the clock in Falusan's soul started again. She felt an intense hunger and her body's energy was rapidly lost...

The seemingly eternal curse collapsed in an instant. The moment Falusan fainted, the three of them heard a gurgling sound coming from her stomach.

Fu Sheng:"She fainted from hunger."

Peruvili:"She fainted from hunger..."

Krevy:"I brought barbecue!"

Fu Sheng touched Krevy's head helplessly. Falusan's stomach probably couldn't stand the barbecue."Forget the barbecue, let's have sugar water..."

As they were talking, suddenly, the whole stone room was lit up with a turquoise light.

Peruvili immediately became alert.

Fu Sheng raised his eyebrows. This breath...

A golden object suddenly emerged from the space, with a turquoise round gem inlaid in it.

This is obviously the Eye of the Wind Element God!

Peruvili breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that there should be no danger.

Krevy was a little greedy.

This was the first time the two saw the Eye of God descend.

"Fu Sheng, Fu Sheng, Eye of God!"

Krewei grabbed Fu Sheng's sleeve, her eyes full of desire.

"The Eye of God is bound to the user, so it cannot be used even if it is stolen. It may be used for a short time if the wish is similar."

Krewe rolled his eyes at Fu Sheng. How could this guy think of stealing someone else's Eye of God?

"Oh, who wants to rob it... I just sighed, um, sighed!"

Peruvili stepped forward, put the Eye of God in Falushan's pocket, and put her away with the ring.

It was late at night when they returned to Xumi City, and they went directly back to Jingshan Palace.

"Hey, you guys are finally back~"

As soon as he entered the house, Fu Sheng heard the slightly lonely voice of the Son of God. Gui

Zhong came over and said,"I heard from Dada that you went to the Red King's Mausoleum��?"

Nashida was sitting on the sofa. She had known that Fu Sheng and his friends would come back at this time.

Peruvili took Faluzan out of the ring and gently placed her on the sofa.

Gui Zhong looked at Faluzan and said,"Another cute little sister~"

Although Faluzan was covered in dust and even her hair was covered with sand, it could not hide her extremely high appearance.

"Is this Faluzan?"

Nashida walked forward and gently stroked Faluzan's forehead with her small hand. The warm energy continued to soothe Faluzan's tired soul. Guizhong sat aside and slowly released the immortal power in his palm to check and heal the injuries in Faluzan's body.

"She must be starving. I'll go prepare some porridge. Krevy and Pepe haven't eaten yet, so I'll make some for them."

Fu Sheng went straight into the kitchen to prepare dinner. Krevy suddenly felt very hungry and followed Fu Sheng into the kitchen.

Shen Zi was about to follow.

Bang! Click!

Fu Sheng locked the kitchen door.

Are you kidding? If Shen Zi comes in, the meal will definitely not be cooked properly... Besides, there are children in the kitchen...

Shen Zi was turned away and knocked on the door twice."I want to eat fried tofu.""


"Oh, we are still in Buyer's house, you should restrain yourself..."

Guizhong came over immediately, hugged Shenzi's shoulders and pulled her into the living room.

Shenzi smiled, her eyes full of seduction,"Don't you think it's more exciting like this?"

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