

The shutter sounds of the camera kept ringing.

Fu Sheng kept doing all kinds of strange movements on the grave, making the others laugh.

"It feels so interesting~"

Yae Shinko clapped his hands and walked over with a smile.

Gui Zhong also found it interesting and finally couldn't hold back his laughter and laughed out loud

"Hahaha, I want to come too!"

Krevy had to keep changing angles to take pictures just like the photographer, and some of the pictures made her laugh.

When Krevy's fingers felt sore from pressing the shutter, she remembered,"Didn't you say you would accompany Pepe and me on the spring outing? Why are you adults playing by yourselves?"

The Son of God built a scarecrow on the grave and pasted some talismans on it, as if to prevent Azar from resurrecting.

The Son of God brushed the dust off his hands and looked at Fu Sheng with a smile,"Do you have a grudge against this Azar?"

Fu Sheng grinned,"If I put it directly, you may not understand"

"This thing is trying to collude with the Fatui's executive to create a new god to replace Nashida."

The Son of God and Gui Zhong were stunned.

Creating a god to replace the God of Grass right under the nose of the God of Grass?

Gui Zhong was sure that if Fu Sheng was the God of Grass, he would kick the shit out of Azar.

Fu Sheng waved his hands and continued,"Oh, isn't this the most absurd sage?""

"Do you know why I stayed in Xumi for a year before returning to Liyue?"

Guizhong shook his head. Logically speaking, Fu Sheng could have returned to Liyue after settling Nashida, but he stayed there for a year.

"At that time, the sage group of Xumi was not a good thing. Seeing that Nashida was too weak, they secretly wanted to imprison Nashida."

Several people were stunned. Are these sages of the Church Order Institute idle? After all, Nashida is also the god of Xumi. Can you show some respect...

Fu Sheng raised his mouth and said,"So I cleaned up the Church Order Institute at that time."

"That year was spent helping Nashida maintain her position"

"However, Nashida's appearance as a child was frequently questioned by these people."

"Look, now there is another sage who wants to create a god to replace the gods."

Gui Zhongting frowned, she herself was a demon god, and the feeling of being betrayed by the humans she protected was terrible. Yae Shenzi's eyes turned straight, with a cunning look as if he had thought of something, and looked at Fu Sheng,"Creating gods? That's really interesting. Which executive did they cooperate with?"

Fu Sheng looked at Shenzi and chuckled.

"Who else could it be? Of course it was Ah Pao, otherwise how could this guy be burned to death when he failed to steal a chicken."

Shen Zi waved his hand teasingly,"Oh, you are really worthy of it~"

Gui Zhong looked at Shen Zi, then at Fu Sheng, wondering what the two were talking about.

"Is there anything wrong with this executive officer named A Pao?"

Shen Zi whispered in Gui Zhong's ear about the relationship between"Sanbing", Fu Sheng and Inazuma.

Gui Zhong opened his mouth wide and looked at Fu Sheng in disbelief.

"You even arranged a spy to be around her?"

Who would have believed that among the arrogant Fatui of various countries, their own executive officer would actually be a mole??

Krevy put her hands on her hips and giggled,"It seems that only Sister Guizhong doesn't know."

When Fu Sheng spent one Mora to acquire the Hearth House in Fontaine that day, although Fu Sheng did not directly reveal the identity of the young man in the bamboo hat, Krevy and Peruvian both had vague guesses. Fu

Sheng was a little confused. He really didn't deliberately arrange for the"skirmishers" to join the Fatui.

"I didn't arrange any spies around her, don't say that."

Lei Dian Guo Beng joined the Fatui purely by fate, Fu Sheng said that it had nothing to do with him. The

"she" Fu Sheng was referring to was naturally the Ice God, but he had no interest in the Fatui led by the Ice God in their plan to rebel against the law of nature.

Fu Sheng rubbed Gui Zhong's head,"Don't think too much, I'm very simple."

Ha, simple!

Gui Zhong rolled his eyes at him and looked at the sky above his head, which had already darkened.

"Ah, okay, okay, you are so naive... It's getting late, shouldn't we find a place to stay first?"

It was already past noon when they arrived at Vimo Manor from the city of Hua. They had been dancing on the grave for an entire afternoon, and there were faint stars in the sky.

Fu Sheng stood up from the grave and thought about where they should spend the night.

When he stood up, Fu Sheng felt that the stone tablet beside him was a bit of a hindrance.

A kick!



Young Jean opened the window and looked at the dim night sky.

Suddenly, a dazzling blue light streaked across the distant sky.

"Wow, mom, look, it’s a shooting star!"


"Wow, it’s so high, so high~"

Fu Sheng put his hands on his waist, raised his head, looked at the direction where the stone tablet flew with satisfaction, and looked at the crowd

""Quick, shooting star, make a wish!"

Several people shook their heads and sighed, and even the Son of God was speechless.

However, after listening to Fu Sheng's explanation of Azar's ambition, several people felt that Fu Sheng's approach was satisfying!

Fu Sheng waited for the blue light to disappear, then turned to look at everyone,"Let's fly directly to Xumi City, I'll take you to taste the special food of Xumi."

Hearing about the special food, Krevi's eyes lit up and she nodded repeatedly,"Let's go, let's go! Food! Food!"

"Mr. Fu, do you cook by yourself?"

"How can I call it Xumi specialty food if I cook it myself?…"


Across the bright starry sky.

From high in the sky, Krevi could see the huge holy tree in Xumi City from afar. It would be better to say that almost the entire Xumi City was built on that huge tree.

Fu Sheng explained like a tour guide,"This tree is called the 'Holy Tree'. Xumi City was built on the 'Holy Tree'. The 'Holy Tree' is also the symbol of the world tree in Xumi, and it is the pride of the people of Xumi."

"Let's go, if we get into the city earlier, maybe we can live in the Jingshan Palace."

When Clavi heard that she could live in the place where the gods lived, she was surprised,"Isn't that where the grass god lives?"

"Yes, there is more than one room in Jingshan Palace, and with the friendship between Nashida and me, we can really live in Jingshan Palace."

Fu Sheng grinned, thinking back to thousands of years ago, when the Jingshan Palace had not yet been built.

He proposed that the Great Compassion Tree King plan more rooms for the Jingshan Palace.

The Great Compassion Tree King originally wanted to build a huge space inside to monitor the World Tree.

But in Fu Sheng's opinion, it was too empty, and the design was like a birdcage, which really made people feel depressed.

In the end, the two of them designed a Jingshan Palace that looked more cozy.

Why is it cozy?

Because Fu Sheng directly stuffed a six-bedroom apartment in it, with blankets, sofas, and large beds.

Behind the hall where Xumi people or envoys from various countries are received, there is a huge wooden door, which can be opened by the power of the grass element. Among them is the nest designed by Fu Sheng for the Great Compassion Tree King and himself.

It was designed by Fu Sheng completely according to the memory of his previous life. It is completely different from the interior design style of Teyvat, and it can also allow the two to live together.

But now, only Nashida lives there, and it should be a lot quieter.

Several people slowly landed in the jungle not far from Xumi City. It was completely dark when they arrived in front of the gate of Xumi City.

The guards standing guard at the door saluted the few people.

"Are you all travelers from afar?"

Fu Sheng nodded,"Yes."

"Welcome, traveler from afar, do you have the relevant documents to enter Xumi City?"

The guard was wearing a green uniform, which was very Xumi-style.

This was a Xumi City without a void terminal, so it was impossible to monitor travelers through the void terminal, so naturally they had to check their documents at the door.

Fu Sheng touched his pocket, took out a booklet, and handed it to the guard.

The guard took the booklet and turned to the second page, and his eyes widened in an instant.

Looking at Fu Sheng, who was smiling in front of him again, the guard's eyes were full of disbelief.

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