Back to the bedroom of Peruvian and Krewei.

Guizhong sighed softly. It took her a long time to sort out her feelings before accepting the memories that Fu Sheng passed on to her.

During the years of digesting the memories, she could always feel the strange yet familiar feeling from Fu Sheng.

But now, Fu Sheng's position in her heart is extraordinary.

Krewei and Peruvian were stunned to listen to Guizhong's story, and they were speechless.

There was shock and sadness.

"I didn't expect that he had experienced such a thing..."

Krewei's eyes rarely flickered. She always felt indescribable that someone who loved to laugh so much would let the whole world forget about him.

"Getting old friends to accept you again is a very lonely process.", Krewe wiped her eyes with a handkerchief and couldn't help but hold Peruvian's hand tightly.

Finally, she laughed and said,"In fact, it's not true.~"


"I don’t know about the other immortals, but the old man accepted the fact in an instant."


Krewe could fit an egg in her mouth. She is worthy of being the God of Rock. Maybe she has experienced a lot...

Guizhong put his finger on his chin and recalled,"When Fu Sheng came back, the Battle of Kanreya had been over for a year. He helped Nashida settle Xumi before returning to Liyue."

"When he returned to Liyue, although the memory was unfamiliar, everyone went to greet him, and the old man even hugged Fu Sheng."

"That was the first time we saw the old man hugging someone else!"

"Don't think that Fu Sheng always calls Zhongli"Grandpa". In fact, the two are about the same age, and their relationship is more like comrades-in-arms."

Gui Zhong smiled and touched the heads of the two girls.

"Well, just treat it as a bedtime story. This kind of thing will never happen again.…"

"Sister Guizhong, stop it!"

Krevy immediately raised her hand to interrupt Guizhong.

"What's wrong?"

"Fu Sheng said that we can’t set flags randomly!"

"Uh, that makes sense, that makes sense."

Gui Zhong quickly covered his mouth and nodded repeatedly.

At this time, Peruvian raised his head and really looked at Gui Zhong,"Can our next stop be changed from Layered Rock Abyss to Xumi?"

"I need to ask Fu Sheng about this."

"I want to see that battlefield."

From Gui Zhong's description, Fu Sheng's power was enough to wipe out a wave of abyss monsters with one punch.

She also wanted to see the battlefield where Fu Sheng had been.

"I'll go ask him!"

Gui Zhong got up quickly and walked out the door.

Whenever he thought of what Fu Sheng did in the Battle of Kanreya, Gui Zhong would always be secretly shocked.

Fortunately, Fu Sheng has the ability to convey memories, otherwise who knows what the future will be like. Will the two of them really be strangers, or even have no intersection?

Gui Zhong leaned against the door, feeling powerless.

But thinking about Fu Sheng's character, the two will definitely meet again.

Thinking of this, Gui Zhong chuckled and walked towards Fu Sheng's room.

Gui Zhong smiled and pushed open the door of Fu Sheng's room.

"Why did you tell these things to the two girls without permission?"

Fu Sheng was leaning on the bed, flipping through a light novel.

Yae Shenzi gave Peruvian fifty light novels, so she could read them herself.

"Uh~ You heard it all~"

"You didn’t use your magic power to block the sound…"

Fu Sheng stood up and patted Gui Zhong on the head with a book.

Gui Zhong stuck out his tongue and giggled,"Wrong, wrong~"

Fu Sheng raised his eyebrows,"Will you make the same mistake again next time?"

"Hmm~ I will do it again next time~"

"I don't care about you."

Fu Sheng spread his hands. He actually didn't care whether other people knew about this matter or not. It was just that after Kanriya, every time he thought of Buyer, he felt uneasy.

"They want to go to Xumi, do they want to change the location?"

"It's a spring outing, why not change it, just treat it as seeing the scenery~"

Fu Sheng shrugged. His original destination was also Xumi, but it was arranged later.

After hearing that Xumi's current, no, now former great sage Azar was burned to death in a fire, Fu Sheng wanted to go to his grave to dance.

But Azar should have been buried by now, what a pity.

I have to reward"Sanbing" with a mecha later.

Thinking about it, Fu Sheng's thoughts drifted from going to Xumi for a spring outing to driving a mecha himself.

It turns out that mechas are the romance of men!

"Hey, mecha…"

Gui Zhong saw Fu Sheng holding his chin up, looking at the ceiling with a silly smile, full of doubts.

"What's wrong with you? Is there a beauty on the ceiling?"

Fu Sheng replied naturally,"No, there is a mecha on the ceiling!!"

Gui Zhong raised his eyebrows,"Huh? Where? Where? I want to see it too!"

Fu Sheng smiled and cleared his throat,"Ahem, let's get back to the topic!"

"Then we will go to Xumi after some time. I feel that after Pepe becomes proficient in using the Blood of the Red Moon, he should be able to pin Kugavina to the ground and beat her!"

"Ah? Isn't it too fast? After all, I haven't even been practicing for a year."

"Oh, it's not that easy to master the use of five-star weapons. I will teach him some boxing skills later. It won't be long before the"servant" executive officer seat has to be replaced."

"What? Do you have a candidate for this seat?"

"How could it be? The executive officers were appointed by the White-haired Queen herself. What does it have to do with me?~?"

Gui Zhong felt that Fu Sheng's tone was a bit strange. It was not sarcastic, but also cunning.

At the same time, Peruvian and Krewe held hands and lay flat on the bed. There were stars on the ceiling in front of them. They were the starlight emitted by the night light that Fanan had sent.

"Pepe, do you want to go see Canrea?"


Peruvian shook his head and stretched his hand toward the ceiling, as if trying to grab the starry sky above.

"I want to see the traces that Fu Sheng once left behind"


To reach Xumi, you can walk on the Layered Abyss, but you need to climb the mountain, which is troublesome.

After having lunch at noon, several people prepared to set off for the Layered Abyss and then reach Xumi. When

Fu Sheng told A Ping that they were going to Xumi this time, A Ping felt that she no longer needed to go.

In her impression, there were only two places where Fu Sheng would not mess around, one was Liyue, and the other was Xumi.

A Ping said that she would take care of Master Mao's family. Although A Ping temporarily withdrew from the team, there was another Eightfold Son of God in the team.

A few people arrived at the Layered Abyss in a day.

The mountains and ridges surrounded a huge basin like a whirlwind, and one of the seals sealed the bottomless hole in the middle of the basin.

On the sentry tower high above the Layered Abyss, a four-armed strong man with purple hair was looking at the entrance of the Layered Abyss with a bright smile on his face.

It was a healthier smile than Fu Sheng's.

"Yo, Fushe"

"Oh? Hahaha, aren't these Qingchun Zhenjun and Chenshen? Why are they here in the Layered Rock Abyss? Oh, and who are these three?"

"You should call me Fu Sheng. This is Yae Shenzi. The two kids next to him are my disciples."

""It's been a long time since I last saw you, Grand Marshal Teng Snake."

Fu She laughed,"It's only been a few hundred years, not that long." Gui Zhong was ashamed, because these few hundred years could be traced back to the day when Fu Sheng returned from Kanreya.

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