Late at night, Gui Zhong and Shen Zi found a room and lived together like good girlfriends.

Fu Sheng couldn't understand why the relationship between the two suddenly became so good, but he didn't want to think too much. He was the only one who didn't prepare a birthday gift for Peruvian. He tossed and turned in bed for a while. Unable to sleep, Fu Sheng went to the kitchen to prepare some midnight snacks.

In the living room, Du Lin was chatting and laughing with Krevi. Fu Sheng walked up to them with a plate of puffs.

"Do you want to eat?"


Krewei picked up a piece of puff and ate it without hesitation.

Fu Sheng looked at Du Lin. Oh, she was a soul that seemed to be inedible.

"Didn't Pepe come out yet?"

Fu Sheng sat down next to Keliwei and put a plate of puffs on the coffee table.

"Pepe is reading a book, Mr. Fu," Krevy leaned close to Fu Sheng's ear and whispered,"Have you bought it, have you bought it?"

"Oh yeah, here you go."

"Hey, it’s still packed, haha~"

The gift box hasn’t been packed yet, and Krevy took out a telescope and looked at it with satisfaction.

"Fu Sheng, what have you prepared?"

Fu Sheng collapsed on the sofa, indicating that he did not want to respond.

"I've been thinking about it for a whole day, but I can't figure it out.…"

"You haven't figured it out yet. Du Lin has already prepared it."

"Ah? Alas…"

Seeing Fu Sheng’s helpless look, Krevy patted Fu Sheng’s thigh and said,"Hurry up, we’ll be there the day after tomorrow~"

""Do you have any other good ideas?"

Fu Sheng looked at Krewei, who shrugged. There were too many people or immortals who knew that Peruvili was going to have a birthday.

Peruvili was Fu Sheng's disciple, and everyone would give him all kinds of gifts. It would not be easy to come up with some new ideas.

"How about weapons?"

Du Lin whispered. She can be considered a weapon at present, and this is what he thought of first.

Giving a weapon for her birthday...

Peruvian is now taught by him to fight almost exclusively with fists...

Liyue respects the gun, so could he teach her a set of gun techniques?

The old man knows this, but Fu Sheng knows nothing about it.

"I think it's ok," Krewe nodded,"After all, I have Durin now, you can't be partial to one over the other."

Fu Sheng raised his eyebrows. If you can't be partial to one over the other, Durin is now a five-star weapon... a five-star weapon... it seems that I have to go out for a trip.

"Well, okay, I'll go out tonight."

Seeing that Fu Sheng seemed to have an idea, Keliwei smiled sweetly, swung her feet, and waved at him.

"Well, come back soon."



A sonic boom sounded in the night sky, and the earth shook... causing a great deal of panic.

"Oh shit, what’s going on!"

"Damn, who is so unethical so late at night!"

"It's not even the festival yet, who's setting off firecrackers!"

Zhongli sat in the attic, looking in the direction where Fu Sheng flew.

He took a sip of tea, smiled and shook his head.


Xumi, desert.

Fu Sheng didn't know how long he hadn't been here.

Maybe four or five hundred years?

Fu Sheng was suspended in the air, looking at the towering Jingshan Palace in the distance.

He sighed softly and shook his head.

Let's do business first, and we can talk about it later.

Xumi is infinitely deep underground.

In the pitch-black space, a light from nowhere shone into the cave.

The white palace gate that was hundreds of meters high came into view.

Fu Sheng stood under the white gate, looking extremely small and huge.

Fu Sheng pushed open the stone door, and the ancient door made a creaking sound.

It was like the groan of a hundreds-year-old man before his death.

Behind the door, the ruins of Kanreya.

In the endless space.

The broken palace, the suspended rubble and the earth, and the occasional wailing of souls in the air.

Silence, emptiness, and ruins.

All the scenes are telling of a great battle that took place here five hundred years ago.

Continuing to go down in the deep space, a white and gold palace appeared in front of him.

Fu Sheng went deep into the palace. A red spear covered with thick dust was deeply inserted into the white ground.

He smiled gently and pulled out the spear.

The shape of the red moon, this should be the most suitable weapon for Peruvian.

Gently brushing off the dust on the spear, Fu Sheng wiped the spear clean.

Holding the spear in his hand, he injected some strength.

On the tip of the spear, a huge red scimitar gradually condensed.

"Well, it is worthy of being Alecino's five-star special weapon, a good thing!"

Fu Sheng pretended to brush it twice, nodded with satisfaction, and put away the Red Moon Shape.

Back to the ground.

The sky was slightly bright, and Fu Sheng looked at the Jingshan Palace in the distance, wondering whether he should go to see his old friend.

"Let's go and have a look."

Standing on the top of the Jingshan Palace.

Fu Sheng took a deep breath and slowly condensed a golden light in his hands.

The golden light pinched out a few runes, and the space around him gradually distorted.

Under the dark chaos, a blue scene gradually appeared in front of his eyes.

The grass was pink and surrounded by mountain walls, as if in a canyon.

The color of the sky was as blue as the sky illuminated by the stars at night.

Under the sky, a pink and white tree took root in the earth, and its huge roots connected all directions in the valley.

The giant tree was hollow, and the bark that rotated like the wind was suspended around it. The huge pink canopy covered the sky, and there was a faint golden light in between.

Fu Sheng walked up to the roots of the world tree and looked far away under the tree.

A smaller girl was sitting on the edge of a bed made of huge leaves, and a girl who looked very similar to the girl was lying on the bed.

The girl looked eighteen or nineteen years old, with her eyes closed, as if she was in a coma, or as if she was sleeping.

"Hmm? Is it Fu Sheng?"

Nashida looked at Fu Sheng and smiled after confirming who it was.

"Hey, long time no see, Nashida."

"How did you find time to come here?"

In Nashida's memory, she had only met Fu Sheng once or twice.

Thinking back to the first time, it should have been five hundred years ago, when Fu Sheng broke off the purest branch from the World Tree and turned it into himself.

At that time, Nashida became the new generation of the God of Grass. In addition to managing Xumi, she was assigned an important task by Fu Sheng.

To take care of the unconscious Great Compassion Tree King.

The second time they met was when Fu Sheng came to visit them.

Since then, no one else has come to the World Tree.

"Hey, I'm looking for a weapon for my disciple, so I just happened to come by and see you guys."

"I see. I thought you had forgotten about us."

Nashida smiled faintly and looked at the Great Compassion Tree King behind her."I feel that the Great Compassion Tree King will wake up soon."

Fu Sheng nodded. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to enter the space of the World Tree. It is indeed unnecessary for him to come here to confirm the situation of the two.

"Well, there are still eighteen to nineteen years..."

Fu Sheng shook his head. All these times were so coincidental. Eighteen years later would be the time when the traveler would arrive at Teyvat or Xumi.

"I hope nothing else happened. You've worked hard these years."

Nashida smiled faintly, and she didn't feel it was that hard.

The only thing that bothered her was that the new Great Sage didn't seem to trust her own gods. Out of curiosity, she wanted to see what this Great Sage could do. Unexpectedly, this man colluded with the Fatui, but he was burned to death in an accidental experiment some time ago.

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