Liyue General Affairs Department should be a very serious place.

However, the prisoner was obviously not so serious at this time.

The current Tianquanxing was already a man of 50 years old, with his short hair already graying. It was estimated that he would abdicate in less than 20 years.

Tianquanxing asked the other Qianyan soldiers to leave first, and interrogated this"prisoner" alone."

"They don't know the identity of the immortal, please don't blame them"

"Well, it's work~ If there's nothing else, I'll leave first~"

Fu Sheng waved his hand casually, stood up from the wooden chair, and was about to go out

"Well, please go slowly, immortal."

"Oh, right!"

Fu Sheng suddenly remembered something and turned back to sit.

"What else does the immortal want?"

"Tianquan, if Fengdan or Zhidong come to Liyue to post a few missing person notices, you can modify the information they provide before posting it."

"What kind of missing person notice is it?"

"It's a pink-haired girl and a white-haired girl."

"OK, I'll remember that."

After sending Fu Sheng away, Tian Quanxing shook his head and sighed, then slumped down on a wooden chair.

This immortal was the least immortal he had ever seen, but since he came to Liyue Harbor more than 20 years ago, he had recommended a lot of talents to Liyue Harbor.

Even the program planning for this Lantern Festival was proposed by Fu Sheng.

I really don't understand why an immortal cares so much about mortal matters.

Back home, Krevy had already cooked the fish on the chopping board into a dish, and she and Peruvian started eating with knives they carried with them.

The door opened, and the two saw that the person who came in was Fu Sheng, and they slowly exhaled.

"Fortunately, I can cook. If you hadn't come back, we would have starved to death."

Fu Sheng was a little puzzled."Isn't it reported by enthusiastic people? I don't look like a bad person."

"Ah, yes, yes, you don’t look like a bad person~"

Krewei rolled her eyes at Fu Sheng, picked up a piece of bread and ate the fish.

Wouldn’t bread and fish taste weird?

"Hmm, it smells quite nice. Did you make this?"

""Hehe, of course."

Krewe patted her chest, very proud.

Cooking is a compulsory course for the Hearth House. After all, as the elite reserve army of the Fatui, their own survival ability is very important.

"You don't have to worry about cutting your mouth when eating fish with a knife. Tomorrow I'll teach you how to use chopsticks."

After taking a bite of bread, Clavi asked,"Hmm~ What are chopsticks?"

"A kind of tableware from Liyue. You will often eat Liyue food in the future, and using chopsticks will be a compulsory course for you."

"All right"

"Go to bed early after eating. I'm going to sleep first."

Fu Sheng yawned. Immortals usually don't feel sleepy, except for those who work like a coconut sheep.

Fu Sheng just found an excuse to go back to his bedroom to meditate. Unlike the immortals who have given up cultivation, Fu Sheng has been improving his strength.

He is also a rare physical cultivator among the immortals.

"I'll take you up the mountain tomorrow. The bathroom and toilet are on the second floor. You should know"


After finishing the meal, Krevy and Peruvili cleaned up the dishes, washed up and returned to the bedroom.

Perhaps because Fu Sheng had prepared in advance, he arranged a larger bedroom with two beds placed together, and the furnishings in the bedroom were mostly girls' style.

Krevy liked this room very much, so naturally she pulled Peruvili to use it as a bedroom.

The moonlight sprinkled on the carpet through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and there were some stars in the sky.

The girls lay on the bed, and their mood had never been so relaxed.

Krevy lay on the bed, feeling the soft big bed under her, and the girl's mood was coiled like a thin thread.

"It's like a dream"


"Pepe, why do you think he should help us?"

"I don't know."

So far, Fu Sheng has not shown any purpose to the two.

Even if Fu Sheng said earlier that he was just kind, they naturally didn't believe this reason.

At least Peruvili didn't believe it. She had never seen anyone who got up early without benefit.

Peruvili looked at the bright moon hanging high outside the window.

"Maybe after a while, his purpose will be exposed."

Maybe he is training blades for this country called Liyue... maybe he wants to make the Fatui lose two combat elites... or maybe he has some unknown experiment that requires this kind of flame...

Peruvian made all kinds of guesses, but she couldn't figure out why Fu Sheng took them to visit the Lantern Festival.

Maybe he wants to make us weak... but he has no reason to do so. A weak person cannot raise a blade to the Fatui's executive officer.

There was a slight snoring sound beside her, and the curve of Krewe's mouth told of her mental relaxation.

The spirit that had been tense for a long time was able to relax for a moment.

Peruvian held Krewe's hand with one hand. Wei's little hand, slowly closed her eyes.

In short, she must not die in vain.

Krevy: Thank you, it's better not to die. (Of course, Krevy didn't know what Peruvili was thinking.)

There was no dream of the red moon, no afterimages to disturb.

That night, both of them slept well.

The sun shone through the sea level, through the glass, on the girls' cheeks.

In this way, a dream comes true.

Perhaps because of mental relaxation, Krevy opened her eyes after the sun was high in the sky.

Peruvili was standing by the bed, looking at the sea view in the distance.

The afterglow of the Sea Lantern Festival spread over the port, with ships coming and going, and some kites flying in the sky.

"Woke up?"

"Ah, Pepe……"

Krewei rubbed her eyes, and through her sleepy eyes she could barely see the sun in the sky.

Then, she suddenly opened her eyes.

"Ah, it’s too late. If you don’t train, you will be punished by your"mother"!"

Krevy’s little hand suddenly lifted the quilt and arranged the bedding into a square shape in two moves.

Jumping off the bed, feeling the soft and warm carpet under her feet, the girl’s body suddenly froze.

She looked at Peruvian who was unmoved... looked at the warm decoration and the soft big bed.

Ah, it turned out that it was not a dream...

With dull eyes, Krevy slowly walked to Peruvian and took her hand.

Tears could no longer be stopped from falling.

The waves were sparkling in the distance...

The night had passed.

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