In the Kingdom of Winter, a series of photos were placed on the desk of the"clown".

In the photos, a long-haired man looked shocked, and next to him was a girl named Peruvian whom he knew well.

Pinching his brows with his fingers, the"clown" searched his memory and confirmed that he had never seen this man.

Maybe he should ask the queen?

But before the"doctor" left, he said that the queen had persuaded him to give up the investigation.

It seems that this man is a being that even gods are afraid of.

「It had been a long time since the Clown had felt powerless.

Perhaps the last time he felt this way was during the Battle of Kanrea five hundred years ago?

I can't control it. I can't control it.

He waved his hand and called over the Fatui soldiers who were waiting not far away.

"Go find the"Scattered Soldiers"」…" moment

「"Sanbing" pushed the door open and said,"Hey? What does the commander-in-chief want to see me about?""


「The Clown put a fist on his forehead and pushed a few photos in front of the Soldier.

"This person is probably the mysterious demon we have been looking for."

「Sanbing raised his eyebrows. He was very familiar with the person in the photo and even wanted to laugh.

"So what? You want me to die?"

「"The clown" waved his hand and said,"Go and take good care of Kujavina. Don't let her see these photos. It's best to make sure she has no time to take care of other things except training new recruits.""

"Well, that's easy."

「The Clown watched the"Scattered Soldiers" leave and couldn't help but sigh. For some reason, he always felt that the Fatui's various plans at this stage had encountered various obstacles.

Especially those made by the"Doctor", it couldn't be that the person in the photo did it...

Maybe there was a traitor among the Fatui?

The current executive officers are old friends who have been in office for more than ten years or even hundreds of years, so it is unlikely that there will be a traitor.

"Looks like we need to investigate the Fatui camp."


At the same time, Fu Sheng and others were standing on an isolated island, about to leave Fengdan.

Yae Shenzi looked at the two little girls beside him. The little girls were fine.

But there were Gui Zhong and Ge Chen Langshi Zhenjun, and a black-haired woman he had never seen before...

The original plan to secretly enjoy Fu Sheng alone was completely stranded.

"Fu Sheng, I can't fly."

Yae Shenzi looked at Fu Sheng, come and carry me! Quick!

Fu Sheng looked at A Ping,"Put her in the pot." A Ping looked at Shenzi, her eyes seemed to ask her whether she wanted to enter the pot.

Shenzi wanted to beat Fu Sheng in his heart,"Alas, Fu Sheng, why don't you understand my little sister's heart?~?"

Fu Sheng's face was full of question marks.

He took the Dust Song Pot from Ah Ping, and directly wrapped the Eightfold God Child with his immortal power, and stuffed her in.

In a blink of an eye, the God Child appeared in the Dust Song Pot, and in front of him were four girls who looked at him curiously.

"Hey hey hey~"

"Humph, this guy…"

Outside, Fu Sheng pointed in the direction of the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain.

"Come on, follow me~"


The sun shines on the Frost Sky Nail. It is clearly high in the sky, but it is much warmer than the snowy mountains below.

A scarlet chalcedony floats quietly above it.

""Wow~ It's so high~"

Krevy jumped from the long sword to the Frost Sky Nail. Although the sword can fly higher, standing on the Frost Sky Nail is a different experience.

The surroundings are endless, and you can even see the mountains of various countries. You can also vaguely see the mountaintops in the distance.

"Is the power emitted by this pillar the light realm force that Pepe mentioned?"

"It's amazing."

Krewei felt the light power emitted by the Frost Sky Nail. This familiar yet strange power made her wonder if she could really transform the immortal power into elemental power.

Unfortunately, she couldn't do it at all.

Krewei felt a little disappointed and wanted to eat roasted wild boar.

She took the scarlet chalcedony and looked at Peruvian.

""Pepe, let's go down and hunt wild boars!"

Peruvili didn't care. She had little interest in the beautiful scenery in the sky.

After the two of them explored the remaining ruins of the snow mountain, the information that the ruins guards who were half buried in the soil wanted to express was also pieced together by Fu Sheng.

「For the sake of the country, we cannot give up this power brought from heaven, but we failed."

A corner of Kanreya's history was revealed before Peruvian's eyes.

"More than 500 years ago, Kanreya sent what they called"tillage machines", or ruins guards, to explore the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain."

"Pursue the power of this cold nail, the power of the light world"

"Why was Shar Findenir destroyed? The Relic Ice Cannon is the answer"

"They came into contact with the power outside the world, the power of the abyss, and this power would gradually erode everything on Teyvat."

"The Frost Nail is a good tool to neutralize the power of the abyss."

"So it was the same with Kanreya. After they saw the harm brought by the power of the abyss, they saw the light realm power emanating from the snowy mountains. Unfortunately, they did not have the ability to master and use the light realm power."

"Eventually, it was swallowed by the abyss, bringing a near-catastrophic disaster to Teyvat."

"However, thanks to me, ahem, and of course the other gods who contributed their strength in that battle…"

After revealing the last information about the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain, Fu Sheng also told Peluviri everything he knew without reservation.

"So, as long as the power of the abyss doesn't overflow, everything will be fine?"


Fu Sheng smiled softly,"This world is well protected. Teyvat is protected by an"eggshell", but this"eggshell" can't hold out for much longer."


Peruvian pondered, so at some point in the future, will the protection of Teyvat be destroyed by the abyss...

Fu Sheng smiled and touched Peruvian's head,"Don't worry, I'm here."

Peruvian shook his head, he still had to be strong himself, Fu Sheng didn't know how to clone himself, he couldn't become a burden to him at that moment in the future...

On the side, Klevi, who had just finished rummaging through the treasure chest, came over and saw the two silent people.

"What's wrong?"

Peleweli saw that Krevy was carefree and patted her head,"It's okay, don't you want to eat barbecue? Let's go find some meat." He flew directly to the territory of the wild boar king. The blood and fire melted the wild boar in the ice. Krevy punched the wild boar inside while the ice was completely melted.

Three ice cubes and six pieces of frozen meat were obtained.

At this time, an angry pig snort came from a cave not far away.

"So big!"

In Krewei's eyes, this wild boar king has a different meaning.

So much pork! Enough to eat for a year!

The wild boar king, as big as a small hill, rushed out suddenly, and the two of them nimbly dodged.

"Wow, the food is hitting people!"

The wild boar king's eyes were covered by bristles, and only the red light overflowing from his eyes could be seen faintly.

The wild boar king with red eyes threw snowballs, summoned his minions, and jumped high on the spot, for a while, the two had to dodge frequently.

Peruvian drove the blood and fire, but was frequently blocked by falling ice. Moreover, this guy had a thick skin. Even if he punched it in a low temperature environment, the power of the blood and fire was also reduced.

"Pepe, there is no heat source here."

Feeling the temperature getting lower and lower, Krevy hurriedly looked for a place to keep warm.

"Over there."

Peruvili took Krevi's hand and flashed to the side of a ruins candle. The wild boar king also rushed towards the two of them, but was blocked by a fallen tree on the way and could not move forward at all. He kept jumping around in anger.


Krevy looked at the Wild Boar King and seemed to have seen something interesting.

Although the boar king's jumping generated a lot of huge ice blocks around them, they were useless at their speed.

Krevy chuckled and let the talisman fly to the distant wild boar king.

A slap.

The pig head was stunned.

The snow was falling heavily, and the wild boar king could not see the talisman. He could only feel that he was slapped inexplicably.

Then Krevy urged the greatsword and chopped the wild boar king from a distance.

Under the long-range consumption of the talisman and the greatsword on the left and right, even the thick-skinned wild boar king had to fall down slowly.

The last sword, in conjunction with the attack of the talisman, was inserted into the wild boar king's forehead, finally announcing the death of this large food.

"Great! Let’s grill!"

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