The water goddess Funina is a god known to all the people of Fontaine.

Even in Hearth House, children must know what the gods of this country look like.

Maybe she will become a mission target in the future?

However, now that Hearth House no longer exists, the first move made by the Fatui in Fontaine was eaten by Fu Sheng.

"Hello, Lady Funina"

"Hello, little friend, why are you here alone? Have you lost your family? Don't worry, I, the water god Fucaros, will definitely help you find your family."

Finina smiled and put her hands on her hips. This place basically belongs to the backyard of the Opikle Opera House, and almost no one comes here.

Did this little girl lose her family?

Seeing the cute appearance of the white-haired girl, Finina couldn't help but want to reach out and touch Peruvian's head.

Cute girls are like cute cakes and cute cats, always making people love them.

Peruvian turned her head slightly and avoided Finina's palm.

Finina: Uh?Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

"Thank you for your concern, Lord Water God, but my family is over there."

Peruvian nodded slightly to Funina, stood up and walked outside.

Although under the influence of Fu Sheng and the immortals, Peruvian's murderous intent has been greatly reduced, compared with the time in the Hearth House, Peruvian is now much gentler than before.

But he also doesn't want to communicate too much with strangers.

Funina touched her head, what a strange child.

It's rare to see a child who is not surprised or pleasantly surprised to see herself.

Funina walked behind Peruvian, watched Peruvian walk around the corridor and go to a long-haired man, and breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good that it's not a lost child.

Feeling the man's friendly gaze towards her, Funina made an expression of"Thank you very much for helping Lord Water God take care of your child."

Then she hurried to the side to avoid Fu Sheng's sight.

When there was no one around,

Funina smiled easily, returned to the flower bed, squatted down and picked up the cat in the grass.

"Hey, little thing~ let me touch it~"

Outside the venue, Fu Sheng was holding a ticket worth 2.5 million, and his heart was bleeding.

After asking the ticket seller, Ha learned that Lady Funina had started the promotional preview a month in advance, and a ticket for the play she starred in could be sold for a million Mora.

Thinking about it this way, it was not a loss.

"Hmm? Is that Funina?"

Seeing Funina rushing around with a strange expression on her face, Fu Sheng looked at Peruvian beside him.

"Did you bully her?"


"No, she thought my family and I were lost, so she came to show some concern."

Fu Sheng scratched his head, thinking that Funina would never escape the fate of being bullied by Peruvian.…

"Well, she's a very nice person. Let's go in."

As the top opera house in Teyvat, the interior design and construction materials of the Opikle Opera House are also the best.

Fu Sheng held two buckets of popcorn in his hands and handed one bucket to Peruvili.

"I don't eat popcorn, you eat it."

The host was dressed in a formal suit and holding a script card in his hand.

"As we all know, the light novel"Narcissus Cross Society" that has been popular in Teyvat recently was written by Miss Fox, a teacher of Inazuma. The story refers to the historical events of Fontaine. The story of several girls fighting for all the beauty in the world has brought countless readers to tears."

"This drama was supervised and directed by Miss Fox. Finally, with the joint efforts of the water goddess Funina and the crew, this masterpiece was presented in the form of a drama."

"Next, let's enjoy the play"Narcissus Cross Society" brought by the water goddess Furninna and the Mikhail Group.》!"

Fu Sheng: Huh?

The story I told casually back then was copied by this little fox?

The author of this pen named Miss Fox is naturally Yae Shenzi. Fu Sheng never thought that this little girl would still remember the story he told casually hundreds of years ago.…

"What kind of country is Inazuma?"

Peruvian looked at Fu Sheng. The first impression Inazuma gave her was that it was a distant island country, but it seemed that many of the more famous novels came from Inazuma.

"Inazuma is a country that pursues"eternity". This eternity in the mouth of their gods generally refers to the eternity of dreams."

Peruvian nodded, then looked at the stage, and the protagonist Funina was the first to appear.

Fu Sheng looked at the front seats in the audience, and a pink-haired woman turned her head to look at him with a smile. Fu Sheng immediately turned his head away and stopped looking at her.

The little fox lying on his shoulder that year has grown up...

I thought that the son of the eight gods would copy the story I told exactly, but I didn't expect that he made a lot of changes, such as changing the prophecy of flooding Fontaine to flooding the whole world...

After the play ended, Fu Sheng sat in his seat for a long time, ate the remaining popcorn, and looked at Peruvian who seemed to be recalling the plot of the play.

"Let's go, let's go out and get some fresh air."

Although he already knew the direction of the drama plot, when he saw the last scene where the protagonist played by Fu Nina was alone in an unknown space waiting for the end of the world, Fu Sheng's heart was still moved.

He didn't know if Peruvian could understand it.

"It's a good story."

Peruvian nodded thoughtfully, stood up and pulled up Fu Sheng's clothes.

"Let's come again next time if there's a good play."

"Hehe, the play is good, isn't it?"

It's just that it's too hard to get tickets for Funina, there are scalpers.

Arriving outside the Opikle Opera House, from darkness to sunlight, the dazzling sunlight makes it hard to open your eyes for a while.

Outside the theater, Funina and Yae Shenzi are being interviewed.

Yae Shenzi turns a blink of an eye and sees Fu Sheng and Peruvian who have just walked out of the crowd.

"Yo, Fu Sheng geigei~"

Fu shivered all over and turned back to look at Yae Shen Zi mechanically.

The look in Yae Shen Zi's eyes when he looked at him was like a hungry fox seeing a rabbit.

This little girl, I'll pull out your tail hair!

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