"Woo, back and forth~back and forth~"

Back to the cave entrance where they first entered, Krevy took the lead in looking for clues to the first"key" near the cave entrance.

Looking around, they found a stone tablet that they had previously ignored.

"This stone tablet is very weathered."

Krevy squatted beside the stone tablet and waved her hand to remove some of the dust on it.

The stone tablet was even more weathered.

"Now put three Cecilia flowers in front of this stone tablet."

Fu Sheng's voice came over suddenly, and he felt very strange at this moment.

In his memory, it was Paimeng who reminded the traveler to put some flowers in front of this stone tablet. I don't know how she knew this method of revealing the secret. Put three Cecilia flowers in front of the stone tablet... Ordinary people will never think of this decryption method in their lifetime!

"Flowers, flowers are here with me!"

Gui Zhong struggled back and forth in the snowball and glared at Fu Sheng fiercely.

"Hurry up and untie me."

Fu Sheng:"Hey~"

Fu Sheng split the snowball in half. Gui Zhong turned his arms and twisted his waist, and pounced on Fu Sheng fiercely,"Don't, do this to me again!"

Fu Sheng had no choice but to stretch out his arms to press against Gui Zhong's forehead. Gui Zhong waved his hands, and his little hands were still five centimeters away from Fu Sheng, but he just couldn't touch him.

"Stop messing around and get down to business."

"Humph! Do it for the sake of my sisters!"

Fu Sheng withdrew his arm. Gui Zhong tapped Fu Sheng's chest angrily and then took out three Cecilia flowers from his sleeve.

Fu Sheng saw Gui Zhong taking out his sleeve like a treasure bag, so he also wanted to reach in and see what good things he could take out."What kind of alien sleeve is this?"

""Immortal power, immortal power, what do you care about it?"

Krevy carefully inserted three Cecilia flowers into the ground.


A huge white and gold treasure chest suddenly appeared from the side.

Krevy's eyes widened instantly.


"Pepepepe, look! Look!"

Krevy put her hands on Peruvili's shoulders and kept shaking them.

Peruvili shook her head helplessly and stretched out her hand to pinch Krevy's elastic face,"I see, go open it."

This treasure chest! Different from the wooden boxes I've seen before, this treasure chest is made of pure metal, with shiny gold edging around it. The silver-white metal material of the treasure chest is even more attractive.

There must be a lot of raw stones!

"Hey, raw stones, shiny raw stones!"

Krevy imagined that such a beautiful treasure chest must contain hundreds of raw stones!

Her little hand rested under the lid of the treasure chest, and the lid was heavier than usual!


Krewei lifted the lid and leaned out to look inside impatiently.


There were no piles of raw stones as I had imagined... only a solitary yellow metal box.

"There is not a single raw stone... not even a cabbage."

Krewei took out the box and felt that it was an eyesore.

Krewei: QAQ

""Pepe, look at what this is?"

Peruvian took the box and examined it.

The bottom of the box was engraved with words in Teyvat language, which Peruvian could recognize.

Peruvian read the words at the bottom of the box softly.

"This box is called the Recorder's Box"

"The contents inside talk about…"

"「May this icy sky burn until there is no life left in the world.」

「May we turn into ashes, sail with the wind, and catch up with the foreigner who abandoned the princess and never returned.」

「May the black dragon that the princess dreamt of, covering the sun, paint the hateful earth with red poison.」

「I am the last one. There is no need to stay any longer.」

「I heard that someone is building a godless country. Then, maybe they also have the power to fight against the world.」"

After reading the text at the bottom of the box, Peruvian was in a state of confusion.

The content of this text obviously echoes the content of the stone tablet on the top of the Starlight Cave that he had seen before, both of which are telling the story of an ancient country.

The black dragon that the princess met in her dream should be the magic dragon Durin who invaded Mondstadt hundreds of years ago. The poisonous blood of the magic dragon spread all over the snow-capped mountains, and deep red stones appeared.

As for the"godless country" mentioned in the penultimate sentence. Peruvian's impression is that the only country that can be called a godless country is Kanreya.

The people of Kanreya's Red Moon Dynasty have been chasing or longing for someone who transcends God. A country with such an idea must not be the kingdom of God. (From"Herebery in Love" also known as"Pelenneri")

From now on, it seems that when this country is about to perish, Kanreya is still in the stage of being established.

As for the last sentence about expectations for Kanreya, Kanreya was destroyed five hundred years ago, so it seems that Kanreya has failed.

But there is one sentence that Peruvian is puzzled.

「May the sky that rained down this ice and snow burn."

The sky rained down this ice and snow... the sky?

"Is this sky referring to Sky Island?"

Peruvian looked at Fu Sheng, his eyes full of uncertainty. It is said that Sky Island is the land of gods, and those who have enough power to become gods will be qualified to go to Sky Island.

It can be said that Sky Island is a sacred place in the hearts of the people of Teyvat.

Fu Sheng nodded silently.

Is it really Sky Island that caused this kingdom to be buried in ice and snow...

What kind of power is this, a country with gods can be destroyed in an instant?

"Explore the stories here. I believe that at the end of the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain, you will have a new understanding of this world and your power."

Unlike Peruvian who was immersed in thought, Krevi didn't understand at all.

"Report to Fu Sheng, I didn't understand"

"Hey, Pepe, tell her again…"

Sky Island or something doesn’t matter to Krewe. She doesn’t have the worries that Peleweli has about her own bloodline. Not long ago, her only worry was the Hearth House.

However, now the"Doctor" and「���"Dear" has left the Hearth House, and the only worry for Klevy is"Doctor".

Peruvian touched the hair of"No Worry". In fact, she didn't care much about her own bloodline. Now the premise of all the improvements in her own strength is to kill Kugavina.

The exploration of the Star Glowing Cave came to an end, and Peruvian didn't plan to jump off the cliff as planned at the beginning and fly to the territory of the final BOSS. At the fork in the road in front of the stone tablet, one leads to the Star Glowing Cave, and the other leads to the Sleeping Dragon Valley. After passing the Sleeping Dragon Valley, you can still reach the territory of the final BOSS.

After Peruvian finished talking about her new planned route, Klevy hugged Peruvian's arm and pointed her little finger at an ice-blue square on the map.

""Pepe, southwest, southwest."

Yes, we have to go to the treasure place that Krevy has been thinking about first.

The two walked through the intersection of a small road, and a warm fairy was wandering at the intersection.

Following the warm fairy, the two lit up the two relic candles on the side of the road.

In front of them was a pool covered with thick ice.

The square pool was completely covered by the azure ice. There was a relic candle sealed by a red rune on each of the four corners, and two warm fairies were wandering around the pool.

According to the records in the"Exploration Log", this should have been a cellar.

Four sealed relic candles!

Two warm fairies!

Two branches belonging to the relic heavy machine protruding on the ice!

Krevy's eyes were shining, and she smelled the smell of raw stone.

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