"A bow and arrow, a pocket watch, an ore, a flower, and five strange stones."

Krewe leaned half of her body into the treasure chest and muttered.

This treasure chest looks good, but there are so many junk inside.

Krewe took the raw stone out of the treasure chest. This thing looks more valuable than the other things. Rare ores in Liyue can also be sold for a lot of money.

"Fu Sheng, what is this?"

Krevy looked at Fu Sheng and felt that his expression was a little strange.

"This kind of crystal is called raw stone. It is a solid glow condensed from the ownerless dreams and hopes in the universe."

"Dreams and hopes?"

Krevy looked at the stone in her hand and thought of the Eye of God. It was rumored that those who could obtain the Eye of God had very strong wishes.

Wishes and dreams should be similar, right?

Fu Sheng nodded,"According to my inference, some people who can use raw stones will enhance their elemental power by collecting raw stones."

This is what Fu Sheng thought of. There is no theoretical basis, but it seems that the Traveler should be the kind of person who can use raw stones.

Raw stones are not rare on the continent of Teyvat. Because they are condensed from dreams and hopes in the universe, some can be found in the wild from time to time.

Because of their peculiar shapes, people often collect raw stones for decoration or appreciation.

However, Fu Sheng has never collected raw stones. In his opinion, using elemental power is not as good as punching himself.

As for using raw stones to enhance elemental power, as far as Fu Sheng knows, no one in Teyvat can do this.

Probably only the Traveler knows how to use raw stones.

However, when Krevy heard that raw stones can enhance elemental power, her eyes lit up.

"Then can I get elemental power through this thing?"

After all, she still doesn't have the ability to control elements.

Fu Sheng looked at the girl's bright eyes and smiled helplessly.

He walked to Krewei and stroked her hair.

"It should not be possible"

"Isn't physical attack good? Besides, you can also use elemental force by using the talisman."

Krewe shook her head. Elemental force looked much cooler, and the magic with elemental force also looked better.

"Well, when we get back to Liyue, I'll go ask the old man if he has any ideas."

The Eye of God was not directly distributed by the Seven Lords of the Earthly World. Even if we ask Zhongli, he probably won't have any good ideas.

Krewe smiled and stuck out her tongue,"Hehe, only you dare to call the Rock King the old man."

"Don't think too highly of yourself. Although the Eye of God has some connection with the ruling god, the distribution of the Eye of God has nothing to do with the will of the ruling god."


Krewe was puzzled."Isn't it said that the Eye of God is the sight cast by the gods?"

Fu Sheng laughed and said,"This god is not the ruling god. The ruling god also works for the guy in the sky.""


This news is a bit beyond common sense. The Eye of God is not sent by the ruling god?

"Above these seven guys is a guy called"Heavenly Law""

"The seven gods who ascended to the throne of God entrusted part of their powers to the"Heavenly Principle".」,「"Tianli" sets up a procedure to obtain the Eye of God"

"When a person's wish or desire reaches its extreme, this process is triggered and the Eye of God appears."

"Because the Eye of God is highly bound to human desires, I don’t think the Eye of God is a good thing."

"Although it can bring power to people, if the Eye of God is taken away, not only will they lose their elemental power, but they will also forget their wishes and even become confused."

Fu Sheng's words had a great impact on Krevi's worldview.

In the common sense of the Teyvat people, the gods refer to the seven rulers of the world by default, and obtaining the Eye of God is regarded as an honor.

Most people have never heard that the seven gods have a boss above their heads, and now who knows that the Eye of God taken away will have great side effects.

Peruvili pondered aside, looking at the flames flowing on his fingertips, not knowing whether he was lucky or unlucky.

Then he looked at Fu Sheng, and then at the ring on his finger.

It seems that he is still lucky.

He can use elemental power without the Eye of God, and there is also a way to offset the side effects of the blood fire of the evil moon.

"So I say, immortal power is a good thing, and immortal power and elemental power have the same purpose, so you don't have to envy those who can control elemental power."

"Why do immortal power and elemental power have the same goal?"

"I’ll tell you when you reach the top of the snowy mountain~"

Krevy: Ah, this guy is only telling half the story!

She raised her fist angrily, and after sticking to the warm fairy for a while, Krevy felt her body warmed up a lot.

"Do we need to remove the seal at the back?"

Klevy pointed to the ice crystal floating in the air behind her. After the protective shield was removed, the frozen sphere inside the ice crystal could be clearly seen.

Fu Sheng put his hand on his chin and thought for a moment,"You decide for yourselves."

Klevy rolled her eyes at Fu Sheng and looked at Peruvian.

Peruvian nodded. Since they wanted to know everything about the snow mountain, it was necessary to remove the seal.

Moreover, the Abyss would send monsters to guard the seal to prevent it from being broken, which also showed that the sphere in the ice crystal was extraordinary.

"Okay, let's burn it with fire."

The two walked closer to the ice crystals, and Peruvian burned the ice crystals with the flame in her hand.

Unexpectedly, the ice crystals did not even shed a drop of water, let alone melt.


The two looked at Fu Sheng. If they wanted to know why the ice couldn't be melted by fire, this man must know.

Fu Sheng was holding back his laughter, as if he saw the scene of himself leading a newbie to open a snowy mountain in his previous life.

【Fu Sheng's memories:】

【Newbie: Boss, how do we deal with this ice? (Amber charges and shoots arrows)】

【Fu Sheng: You can open it by shooting Amber 100 times (cut out Deshiya's anti-freeze)】

【Newbie: Paimon is surprised.jpg】

【The newbie shoots, the newbie freezes to death, and the newbie resurrects near the anchor point in the distance】

【Newbie: You must be lying to me...】

The sight returns to the pouting Krevie in the distance.

"Hey, stop laughing, you bad guy. How do I unlock this thing?"

"Ahem, just use the Deep Crimson Stone to attack this thing."

Fu Sheng chuckled, broke the Deep Crimson Stone beside him and threw it to the two.

The two held the Deep Crimson Stone in their hands and attacked the ice crystals.

It must be said that the effect was really good, and the ice crystals began to melt, but the Deep Crimson Stone dissipated after one attack.

The two had to go back and forth to find some more Deep Crimson Stones, and finally melted the ice crystals completely.

The light blue sphere lit up with a faint fluorescence.

Peruvian touched the sphere with her little hand.

The sphere seemed to be induced by something, and the light shone brightly, and the huge ice surrounding it melted all at once.

The sphere slowly floated up in the air, and suddenly accelerated and flew quickly towards the cave entrance at the top of the cave.

Krevi, I didn't expect this little sphere to fly away by itself.

"This, this, this…"

"Well, this is the first seal, there are two more seals left on this mountain."

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