Could it be that the old man wants to retire early?

Or become a master of ceremonies

? Will he not go to the Hall of Rebirth?

At present, not only Fu Sheng was full of questions, but Liu Yun and Gui Zhong who were standing by had never seen the King of Rocks as a master of ceremonies for ordinary people.

After the wedding banquet was over, Zhongli walked off the stage and came to the table of Fu Sheng and his group, holding a cup of tea and smiling.

"Are you all here to share in the joy?"

All the immortals stood up. Fu Sheng felt his eyelids twitching and whispered in Zhongli's ear:

"How did you become an emcee?"

"Haha, make some preparations to adapt to life in the mortal world in the future."

Zhongli smiled lightly. He had heard that Master Mao of Wanmin Hall had a happy event, so he asked Gechen Langshi Zhenjun, who had been living in Yujingtai, to find this job for him.

It was a good opportunity to try life in the mortal world in advance.

Although the affairs of the mortal world are complicated, they can also be said to be lively.

Fu Sheng sighed lightly. He didn't expect that the old man would start preparing for retirement so early.

Guizhong and Liuyun looked at Zhongli with complicated expressions. After guarding Liyue for 3,700 years, even the Emperor of the Rock would feel tired.

Although Zhongli would come to Liyue Harbor to wander around during festivals in the past, it was unprecedented to find a job as a mortal.

Well, this is a matter of time.

Although Fu Sheng had expected it, he didn't expect the old man to play so happily.

When the traveler arrives in this country, the old man can almost completely let go of Liyue.

Fu Sheng put his hands on his waist and took a sip of tea. The teacup was empty.

"It's up to you."

"I want to take those two girls out for a look, Gui Zhong and A Ping also want to come along, so I came to ask for your opinion."

Zhongli frowned slightly and looked at the three of them. Three immortals accompanying two little girls on a spring outing?

Never mind, there wasn't any war in Liyue anyway, so it would be nice to let Gui Zhong and Fu Sheng, two people who couldn't sit still, go out for a walk, and Ge Chen would be watching them. After thinking for a moment, Zhongli looked at A Ping helplessly,"Okay, Ge Chen, I'll leave these two in your care."

I think there is no danger in Teyvat that can threaten this spring outing team. A Ping's mission is more like protecting the peace of Teyvat from being destroyed by Fu Sheng.

Forget it, one or two of them think they can turn Teyvat upside down!

Zhongli naturally cannot go with them. At present, he is still the God of Geo and he cannot abandon his duty to protect Liyue.

After Fu Sheng explained the matter to Zhongli, he said goodbye to Zhongli and Liuyun, and then took the four girls home to discuss the first stop of the trip.

The setting sun shone on the sparkling sea. When they arrived at Fu Sheng's cabin, it was already dusk. As soon as they entered the house, Gui Zhong threw his shoes aside without saying a word, and ran to the sofa barefoot with Krewei, crossed their legs and ate the fruit on the coffee table, so happy.

Peruvian sat opposite the two of them in an orderly manner. A Ping sat next to Peruvian, looking helplessly at Gui Zhong and Krewei who was led astray by her, shook her head and looked at Fu Sheng standing beside her.

"Have you planned the first stop of your trip?"

Fu Sheng took out a huge map and spread it on the coffee table.

The topography of the entire Teyvat was reflected on the paper. Ah Ping took a closer look. She had never seen such a detailed map of the world of Teyvat.

Even some of the topography of some underground spaces was marked.

The entire map was completely drawn by Fu Sheng according to his memory according to the game map of"Genshin Impact".

From the Sky Island to the Abyss Palace, it was extremely detailed.

"I didn't expect you to have such an exquisite map."

Several people were amazed, and Krewe and Peruvian didn't expect that there was another world under Teyvat.

"This spring outing, ah... no, this time I'm going to take Klevi and Pepe out for training, and the first stop is the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain in Mondstadt."

"Are you planning to freeze us to death right from the start?"

Krevie raised her little fist and said angrily. She knew where the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain was, the towering snow-capped mountain at the border of Mondstadt and Liyue's Mingyun Town.

Whenever Crevie climbed to the top of Qingyun Peak and looked into the distance, she could always see the white shadow of the snow-capped mountain.

Fu Sheng put his hands on his waist and tapped Crevie's head with his fingers,"I take you out for experience, not a spring outing."

Gui Zhong had no objection to Fu Sheng's suggestion. He smiled and touched Crevie's head.

"Not only can you two use magical powers, but Pepe can also use fire. I don't think the snowy mountains are dangerous for you."


Krewei wailed. She didn't expect that Guizhong would not speak to her this time. She originally thought that it would be a relaxing trip, but now it seems that it is not so simple.

Ah Ping stroked her lips with her palm and smiled gently:

"As Guizhong said, Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain is not that scary."

"Although it is a bit colder than Liyue, it is covered with snow, has pleasant scenery, and has many ancient ruins."

"Relax and just treat it as a trip."

Hearing this, Peruvian nodded slightly, looked at Fu Sheng, and said lightly,"I think it's good. What about the route behind?"

Fu Sheng cleared his throat and gestured on the map,"We will enter the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain through Mingyun Town. One of your goals is to subdue the real king of the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain."

Krevy blinked her big eyes and asked puzzledly,"The real king of the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain?!"

There was a hint of surprise in her voice.

The king of an entire snow mountain? The king of the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain can't be a giant dragon...

How to fight it? Does Fu Sheng trust us so much?

Krevy looked at Peruvian...

Well, Pepe was expressionless as always.

Turning to look at Fu Sheng, the man had a mysterious and cunning smile on his face,"Hehe, yes~ and listen carefully, it's to subdue it, not to kill it."

Krevy's mouth twitched slightly. Subduing him is harder than killing him.

Just as Krevy was pondering over the so-called"real king of Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain", Peruvian slowly raised her hand and said,

"That means we can definitely kill it with our abilities, right?"

Fu Sheng chuckled and nodded,"It may not work when you first enter the snowy mountains, but it shouldn't be a problem once you get used to the environment there."

"So how does its strength compare to that of the Hill Rock Helmet King?"

"Well, in my opinion, it should be stronger and more tanky than the Hill Rock Helmet King that came out of the earth vein."

Fu Sheng folded his shoulders and thought about it. The Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain is restricted by the cold environment, and compared to the Hill Rock Helmet King, the"True King of the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain" is better at large-scale attacks and summoning minions.

"Is it just a little stronger…"

Peruvian thought about it. Considering the cold environment of the snowy mountain, she didn’t know how strong her flames could be.

The girl shook her head. She didn’t know what the environment of the snowy mountain was like yet. It would be a waste of effort to think rashly.

"I see, since this is just one of the goals, what about the other goals?"

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