Fu Sheng stood on the waterfall, his mouth twitching, and Peruvian was standing behind him.

It must be said that Kreweixian learned well and was very talented.

But he had the bad habit of returning to the end.

"Won't it hurt if you don't wear shoes?"

Hearing this, Gui Zhong hugged his knees and glared at Fu Sheng,"Do you have any objections?"

In Gui Zhong's opinion, there is no need to worry about the soles of the feet being worn out with the protection of the immortal power, and it will be more comfortable without restraints on the feet.

"Hey~ Then you guys are planning to go barefoot to Master Mao's wedding banquet at noon."

Gui Zhong was choked for a moment. That really wouldn't work. Liyue Harbor is not as comfortable as the mountains. There are too many rules.

His face fell in disappointment and he patted Krevy's shoulder."Well, well then, little Krevy, let's go to Liuyun's house to change into new clothes."



Today is the day for Master Mao's wedding, and Fu Sheng plans to go to the old man to report after the banquet.

Wanmintang's customers are all over Liyue, and the main road of Liyue Harbor is bustling.

The Liyue Seven Stars thought that Master Mao could be said to be a celebrity in the Liyue food world, so they simply lent Yujingtai to Master Mao to hold the banquet.

This is a great honor for Master Mao. Yujingtai can be said to be the place where the dignitaries of the entire Liyue live, and it is the lifeblood of Liyue.

Tianshu Star, who is in charge of people's livelihood, personally sent people to be responsible for the planning of Master Mao's wedding banquet, so that Liyue Harbor presents a festive atmosphere.

Walking on the street, looking at the lights and decorations on the street, even other restaurants in Liyue have hung red blessings.

Fu Sheng was amazed, he didn't expect Master Mao to be so influential.

Gui Zhong, who used the alias Gui Chen, was holding Krevie's hand and looking here and there happily.

"Little Krewe, don't mispronounce your sister's alias in Liyue Harbor~"


Perewili looked around carefully behind Fu Sheng. This was her first time watching someone else get married, but she could feel that the ceremony was indeed grand.

Entering the gate of Yujing Terrace, under the stone corridor, there was a pond with lotus flowers and koi swimming around. A pink-haired girl wearing an official hat jumped down from the stone stairs at the end of the corridor.

The girl's two deer antlers hung out from her hair, and her white legs playfully jumped in front of the people.

"Oh, Uncle Fu Sheng and Guizh...Ah Chen...Sister are here too!"

"Hey, Yan Fei!"

Fu Sheng grinned and waved his hand, then turned to look at Klevi and Peruvili, and said,"This is Yan Fei, a girl with the blood of fairy beasts like Ganyu."

He turned to look at Yan Fei,"These are my two new disciples, Klevi and Peruvili."

Klevi looked at Yan Fei with curiosity, and couldn't help but be surprised.

Can we only say that it is worthy of Liyue? There are so many fairies, and gods are everywhere... and I just happened to meet another fairy.

Just as Fu Sheng was introducing his two disciples to Yan Fei, Gui Zhong jumped behind Yan Fei with his fangs and claws bared.

"Xiao Feifei~ What did you want to call sister 'ah' just now?"

Gui Zhong's small hand was faintly exposed from the sleeves of the robe, hugging the girl's waist exposed to the air, and his fingers scratched like a water snake.

"Oh, hahaha, Sister Guichen, I...I was wrong, ahaha...I just wanted to say Sister Guichen~"

"Hehe, Xiao Feifei's waist is really soft~"

"Oh, sister Guichen is still outside."

Guizhong leaned on Yanfei's shoulder with a look of enjoyment, and whispered in Yanfei's ear.

"Xiao Feifei~ Ah Ping and Liu Yun are here too, right?"

Yan Fei felt the heat from Gui Zhong's mouth, and her ears couldn't help but tremble. She quickly broke free from Gui Zhong's arms.

"Oh, sister, stop making trouble. The master has been at Yujingtai all the time. Liuyun... I don't know if sister will come."

Hearing this, Guizhong smiled and held Yanfei with one hand and Keliwei with the other. He wished he could grow another hand to hold Peruvian's.

"Let's go, let's go up to find Ah Ping!"

Walking past the stone stairs, at the end of the stone stairs, a Qianyan soldier wearing red armor was standing guard.

Yujingtai is the residence of the big shots, so it is natural that the Qianyan soldiers will guard the door of their house.

The red armor was prepared for the wedding banquet.

"Hello, Miss Yan Fei, are these your friends?"

Yan Fei smiled and nodded,"Yes, everyone is here to attend Master Mao's wedding banquet."

"Yes, Qianyan Army Jin Liang welcomes you." (Set as Jin Zhong's father)

"Thousands of rocks are firm and heavy mountains are immovable. I wish you all a happy time."

The scenery on Yujing Terrace is beautiful. There are many wine tables on the square. It is red everywhere, and Yujing Terrace is full of festive colors.

A red carpet is laid on the main road, red balloons are hung on the stone lanterns on both sides, and a red platform is laid in front of Yuehai Pavilion.

At this time, next to the two rockery at the corner at the end of the stone stairs, a girl who looks to be in her twenties is sitting behind a tea table.

The girl's gray-green hair is tied up, and a guzheng is placed on her white legs. Her fingers gently pluck the strings, and the sound of the guzheng is lingering, adding a touch of elegance to the banquet.

The girl's appearance when playing the guzheng can be described as stunning..

Ge Chen Lang Shi Zhen Jun changed her name to A Ping in the human world. She was supposed to be an eighty-year-old woman, but now she looks like a girl who is less than thirty years old.

Fu Sheng was always moved when he saw such a young Ge Chen Lang Shi Zhen Jun.

He changed the fate of many people, Gui Zhong was one of them, and A Ping was also changed. When a person dies, it is like a lamp goes out, and so are immortals.

But Gui Zhong did not die, and she continued to happily surround Ge Chen Lang Shi Zhen Jun.

Perhaps infected by Gui Zhong's vitality, A Ping did not choose to turn into an old woman, but a young girl in her youth.

"Ge Chen, oh no, Ah Ping~"

As soon as Keliwei heard Gui Zhong's cheerful voice, she knew that the elegant girl playing the piano in front of her was another fairy.…

"Gui Chen is here, um, Fu Sheng is here too."

Ah Ping put the guzheng on the tea table, stood up and bowed slightly.

Different from Gui Zhong's more girlish figure, Ah Ping was more���

Fu Sheng nodded gently and quickly put the image of Grandma Ping out of his mind.

"Oh, is this the disciple you accepted a few days ago? So cute."

Aping walked to Klevi and Peruvian, with a loving expression on her young face, and gently stroked their hair.

The two nodded gently. Klevi saw Aping's mature temperament and looked at her master and teacher.

This immortal named Aping is more like an immortal than these two!

There is also the uncle named Zhongli and Aunt Liuyun, and even Yan Fei, who I just met, looks more stable than Guizhong...

Why did these two weirdos appear among so many Liyue immortals?

Guizhong took Aping's hand,"Why don't you sit at the wine table? Let's go and see if there is anything delicious!"

Aping smiled gently,"I'll play the piano for the two newcomers on the side. I feel that the child of the lady of the Mao family will have a fairy fate, so I can take this opportunity to add a blessing to her with the sound of the piano."

(How about asking for the name of Master Mao?) When an immortal plays the piano, there is naturally immortal power lingering around. The gentle sound of the piano is refreshing and adds a sense of immortal fate, while the other is nothing more than using the sound of the piano to fight.

As Ping said this, she looked at Fu Sheng,"What do you think, Fu Sheng?"

Fu Sheng was frightened by her look, because a long time ago he told Ping that there was a girl in the Mao family who would be very suitable to be her disciple in the future.

"Hehe, trust me, you will be right!"

"Gui Chen and I plan to take the two girls out for some training tomorrow."

Fu Sheng changed the subject naturally.

The purpose of coming to attend Master Mao's wedding was actually to tell Ah Ping that he planned to take Gui Zhong with the two girls to train.

"Is that so..." Ah Ping thought about it and looked at Gui Zhong who looked relaxed."Do you need me to come with you?"

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