Chapter 405: Go back to Liyue Port first, and then go to the Layer Rock Abyss!

Abedo sent the message on the spot.

Let those alchemists who are learning programming come here.

At this time, Bai Ye couldn’t help but continue:”In addition, we also need to recruit workers here.”

“In addition to programmers, some ordinary employees are also in need”

“And chefs and stuff like that”

“Anyway, just fill up the whole building”

“All your needs will be met by then”

“Not only that, some wild programmers will also be recruited.”

“Don’t be afraid that they won’t”

“There are still many talented people on that forum.”

“Let’s recruit them all and train them.”

“Mr. Abe, you can work here from now on.”

The person in charge of Liyue Internet Company: Mr. Abei.

The person in charge of Liyue TV Station: Baiwen.

The person in charge of the Education Department: Zhong Li.

The person in charge of the Land Department: Ke Qing.

The person in charge of the Institutional Research and Development Department: In the end, Liuyun Zhenjun.

The person in charge of the Alchemy Workshop: Abedo.

The person in charge of biopharmaceuticals: Sugar…

Look, isn’t this the job?

Faced with such an arrangement, neither of them had any objections.

Abedo also really likes programming more..

As for the matter of recruiting workers, let Mr. Abe handle it next.

Anyway, Bai Ye will give full support.

After talking to the two of them about these things,

Bai Ye went to the bank again.

Then he applied for a few bank transactions. cards.

Bai Ye gave these bank cards directly to Mr. Abei.

There were a lot of moras in them, which were all deposited by Bai Ye.

These are also used as expenses for the company.

Bai Ye will have people come over when the company is set up. Cooperate with Mr. Abe.

After all, it would be a bit difficult for Mr. Abe to come.

He is not omnipotent.

After Bai Ye took care of these things, the programmers also came here one after another.

Bai Ye and Mr. Abe The three of them and Abedo began to divide these people into groups.

Let them know where they should work in the future.

At the same time, they taught them how to manage.

These things need to be taught by Bai Ye personally.

Let them understand what their jobs are.

At the same time, The security personnel recruited by Shen He also arrived one after another.

Bai Ye also took the time to send a message to Ningguang, asking her to find a reliable manager for herself.

Then let him cooperate with Master Abe.

Ningguang did not Think too much.

I just gave Bai Ye a name and told Bai Ye that he would come over later. There are still many outstanding talents in Guiliyuan. It’s just one person for Bai Ye, so it’s not a big problem.

You know, Liyue has its own talent training system.

Otherwise, there would be a shortage of people in so many departments in Liyue, and there would be no way to find them.

Otherwise, when Bai Ye established Guiliyuan, how could he get so many people here at once?.

The person Ningguang helped arrange came over soon.

Bai Ye took him with him and told him how to deal with it.

In fact, there were not many things he was asked to do.

The main thing was the logistical problems of these programmers and Other non-programmer issues.

The rest of the core issues were left to Mr. Abei and the others.

After figuring out their tasks, this person quickly got into work mode.

Bai Ye also learned during this period The other party’s name.

Wu He.

An uncle in his thirties.

He seems to be a very honest person.

In Ningguang’s words, this person is very reliable in his work.

But he is not very outstanding.

But he is a very good person. Secretary.

If he were not a male and over thirty years old, Ningguang might have asked him to be his secretary.

Now it would be perfect for him to come here to help.

Look at what Ningguang sent later.

Bai Ye was very satisfied.

The perfect tool man!

After spending a while, Bai Ye finally took care of all the things at the Internet company.

Looking at the company in operation, he didn’t need to pay too much attention to the remaining things.

He can just do his own thing.

Bai Ye has already talked about the development of the company.

What should be done, how to make profits, etc.

If nothing else happens, members will be available after a while..

Well, there are various certifications.

Bai Ye returned to the General Affairs Department.

At this time, Ke Qing was talking to Shen He in Bai Ye’s office.

Ke Qing was a little surprised when she saw Bai Ye coming back.

“Is everything done over there?”

Hearing this, Bai Ye nodded.

“Everything is taken care of”

“How’s things going with Sugar?”

“Have everything been taken care of?”

Bai Ye sat down and asked about Ke Qing.

During this time, Bai Ye was busy with the Internet company.

Ke Qing was also busy with Sugar.

Whether it was road construction or various The things were transported there.

She kept an eye on these in person.

Ke Qing nodded 0.

“All taken care of”

“I’m talking to Shen He about this now.”

“Ms. Sugar has also cultivated the seeds.”

“Then prepare to plant”

“Hmm… As you said before, I have also made arrangements to grow some vegetables there.”

Ke Qing told everything about that.

When Bai Ye heard the words, he immediately nodded with satisfaction.

“That’s great. If it comes like this, just wait.”

“I just don’t know what the situation is like on the other side of the Layer Rock Abyss.”

Speaking of this, Bai Ye thought of Xiao Keli.

That girl must have been out for a while.

I don’t know what the situation is.

She hasn’t sent him a message recently.

Ke Qing shook her head.

“have no idea”

“I didn’t get to know the situation over there.”

“If you want to know, you have to ask Ning Guang”

“Next, I plan to go back to Liyue Port.”

“The old house over there is also going to be demolished.”

“So I need to go back.”

As the person in charge of the Land Department, she has to go back and deal with these matters. After hearing this, Bai Ye thought for a while and then said:”Well, I’ll go back with you.”

“I haven’t been back to Liyue Port for a while.”

“I’ll just go back and have a look.”

From the Immortal Invitation Ceremony to now, Bai Ye really hasn’t been back to Liyue Port much.

Let’s go back and have a look.

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Ke Qing nodded.


Shen He also spoke up at this time.

“Recently I received a report”

“Bai Ye, you deal with it first.”

After learning that Bai Ye was going back to Liyue Port, Shen He had nothing to say.

But now there was something that Bai Ye needed to make a decision.

That’s why she spoke.

After hearing this, Bai Ye was immediately confused.

Shen He handed over a document Come here.

Bai Ye took it and started to read it.

Seeing the content above, Bai Ye raised his eyebrows.


Shen He nodded.


“A fleet returning from other countries reported that some pirates from other countries appeared in the waters of Liyue.”

Bai Ye nodded.

After reading the information in his hand, he said:”Let the navy handle it.”

“This kind of thing does not need to be reported to us.”

“If something like this happens in the future, people will be sent to the Navy.”

Bai Ye put away the documents and issued such an order on the spot.

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