The enemy was defeated, and the enemy was defeated.

Outskirts of the capital of Dranok.

Tors led the First Army to avoid other armies and did not confront them head-on.

After helping him, Wendy asked Tors to lead the army to station outside the capital, preparing to recruit and enter the capital after the three armies surrendered.

As for how to deal with the people of other armies, although Wendy did not tell him, he guessed that the gods would take action personally.

There are a total of six armies in Dranok, among which Tors's First Army has stood on the side of the rebels, and the three armies ordered by Marcus have also reached the edge of the capital.

As for the remaining two armies, they have the least troops and the weakest weapons. But they ignored Marcus's threats and maintained a neutral wait-and-see attitude.

The day after Diluk got the safe and returned to the rebels, he also received news that the three armies had arrived at the outskirts of the capital.

Wendy was ready. The overthrow of the royal tyranny was today, and the final duel was about to come.

In the rebels' base camp, Diluk, Jean, Barbara, Rosaria, Sophia, Dorothy, Esneve, and Celia all looked serious. After a night of discussion, they assigned their respective tasks.

"Everyone, today is the day to overthrow the royal family and nobles of Dranok, and the beauty that everyone expects is about to come."

Qin looked around at everyone and said sternly: "I know everyone is dissatisfied with the royal family and nobles, but I must remind you of one thing."

"After entering the noble area, remember not to vent your anger and carry out all kinds of destruction by smashing, looting and burning."

"We are a team to overthrow tyranny, not a group of vandals. Even if they are guilty, they must be caught and publicly tried!"

"Of course, those who resist stubbornly are another matter."

"There will be ordinary people following in a while, so you must keep an eye on them."

"I understand."

Nowadays, there are so many people resisting tyranny, and it is inevitable that all kinds of people will appear, and they don't have time to correct these people.

Things like zero-dollar purchases must never happen under their noses, so Qin issued an order with a rare stern attitude to shoot directly if they dare to take the opportunity to make trouble.

"Now, let's go and crush the tyrant and his throne together!"

After Jean's words fell, Sophia and the other three showed excitement. They had been waiting for this moment.

The royal family and nobles who were high above and oppressed countless people into dust finally ushered in their doomsday.

As orders were issued one after another, the entire Dranok resistance area began to take action.

Dorothy's voice was also heard on the radio station:

"Dear people of Dranok, dear friends from all over the world, I am Dorothy from the Dranok Resistance."

"In the past hundreds of years, this country called Dranok and its masters - the royal family and nobles - have cruelly exploited and oppressed countless sub-races, reducing my compatriots to slaves and becoming what they call lowly people."

"For countless years, we have endured the brutality of the royal family and nobles, but the result is that they have become more and more unscrupulous, and even take it all for granted."

"They have never regarded us as the people of this country, but as a group of livestock that can be slaughtered at any time. I don't want to use the word 'livestock' to describe it, but they do regard us that way."

"Those who died under their brutal rule, their crying, their wailing, their despair, their anger, and finally Finally, we have become what we are now. "

"Patience will eventually have its limits, and the time to overthrow tyranny is today."

"The royal family and nobles of Dranok, accept the anger that has been endured for hundreds of years!"

"This flame of anger will burn you to ashes!"

"Then, we will rebuild a beautiful country of freedom, poetry, wine, no oppression, and no slavery on this land that has given us countless pains."

Dorothy's words were spread all over the world at the first time through the radio station, and the people of Dranok, after hearing the speech of the opponent, immediately burst into deafening cheers:

"Overthrow the royal family and nobles of Dranok, and we will be free!"

"Send them to the guillotine!"

"Marcus must die!"

"For freedom! For poetry and wine! For no one to oppress us anymore!"

Cheers and various slogans resounded in

In the capital of Drano, the voices of countless people frightened the people in the noble district, and they could only hide in their rooms and tremble.

Outside the capital of Drano, the leaders of the three major armies gathered together and stared at each other.

They also heard Dorothy's speech through the radio.

"That bitch!" One person said with disdain, "She thinks she has the help of the gods, so she dares to point fingers at us nobles."

They are all great nobles who have been passed down for hundreds of years. In the minds of these people, they are born noble and some are born lowly.

This Dorothy is so beautiful, why can't she be a slave properly? Look at those beautiful slaves in our family. Which one doesn't live better than the people outside?

"Which wind god, exactly..." Another person felt a little uneasy. The appearance of the gods made him panic.

"What a god! Just like what the Holy Trinity said, they are just some spirits that use natural forces."

"I don't believe that this so-called wind god can fight against our 200,000 fully armed troops!"


"Don't say that! Even if we don't want to, there is nothing we can do. The family members are still in the capital."

"What about Tors? Isn't he going to fight to the death with His Majesty?"

"I don't know. According to our investigation, Tors has been hiding in the suburbs and setting up camp after making that call. He has done nothing."

"What is he going to do?"

"Who knows what he is going to do, but with the people he has now, how can he fight us without supplies?"

"Okay, His Majesty is already urging us."

After the three of them discussed it, they finally issued an order to bombard the capital of Dranok.

The top leaders of the three major armies are almost all aristocratic forces. Although a few aristocrats and people below expressed dissatisfaction, they still could not disobey their orders.

Hundreds of demon cannons were pulled out and aimed at the capital of Dranok. According to the order, they would bombard all areas except the noble district.

The soldiers looked at their superiors with trepidation, wanting to say something.

Their superiors also had complicated expressions. It was the first time they had received such a ridiculous order in their lives.

Their consciences constantly condemned their hearts. The captain, who was born a civilian, clenched his fists tightly, not noticing that his palms were bleeding.

Just as they were hesitating, a sacred figure appeared in the sky...

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