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General Tors' words were broadcast throughout the entire Dranok territory, and his speech continued:

"Emperor Marcus enslaved tens of millions of people in this land, and the brutal nobles To satisfy their perverted hobbies and interests, they became running dogs of the royal family. ”

“Countless people were separated from their wives and children, their families were broken up, some were sold to all parts of the world, some were sold to brothels, and some were sold to the underground black market. ”

“Slaves They are exploited and abused without limits until the last moment of their lives. ”

“Can’t they hear the cries of these people?”

“No, they can hear, but their evil and rotten hearts will not sympathize with the suffering. "

"They only sit on their luxurious seats and cruelly smile at the suffering people. . "

"I heard that many nobles held slave hunting competitions for their own perverted hobbies."

"They locked up the unarmed slaves in the hunting grounds and hunted them as prey!"

" Such brutal practices are just one of the insignificant pleasures in their daily lives. "

"There are many more cruel things happening every day in every corner of our country."

"My fellow countrymen, we cannot If this continues, we must resist Marcus' tyranny, and resist such cruel emperors and nobles. "

"I, Tors, will fight Marcus and his minions..."

"Fight to the death!"

After the broadcast , Tuers looked at his wife and daughter, and there was no murderous intent on his face as in the previous speech.

"Liv, Ke'er..."


More than an hour ago, after receiving the guidance of Qianfeng Later, Toulsi brought several guards he had trained since childhood to an inconspicuous courtyard outside the capital.

When he passed by, he saw a powerful force emerging from his body, forming a tornado, sweeping all the guards inside and outside the courtyard to the horizon.

His wife and daughter were safe and sound.

"Liv, Ke'er, I finally see you."

Looking at his wife and daughter, Toulsi could no longer hold back his excitement and hugged them.

Since his thoughts and remarks were discovered by the royal family and nobles, He has never seen them again.

For countless days, he missed his family.

Every night, he couldn't sleep peacefully.

Now that the nightmare has been eliminated, he can let go.

"Toulsi, Do you want to fight for freedom? "

Wendy appeared beside him again, and he stretched out his hand to Touls: "You have been persecuted many times because of your dissatisfaction with the slavery system. Do you still have such thoughts now? ? "

Toulsi brought his wife and daughter to Wendy.

"Your Majesty Barbatos, thank you for your help."

"I am willing to fight for my freedom."

Although his wife and daughter were placed under house arrest because of his own fault, his anti-slavery ideology did not change at all, but became even more intense.

This He had been keeping a low profile for several years and never said anything like that again, letting Marcus relax his guard. He had been waiting for an opportunity.

And now, the opportunity had finally arrived.

With a look of reverence in his eyes, Toulsi pulled his wife and daughter to prepare Swear to Wendy.

"Let's crush the tyrant together and take back our freedom."

"When this is over, remember to buy me a drink."

Wendy looked at the three of them gently and then disappeared .

After a long while, Tols's wife asked, "Is that... the God of Wind?"

Although they were under house arrest, they were not prevented from receiving various information and broadcasts.

So when they were under house arrest, they listened to They talked about the deeds of the Seven Gods, but they didn’t expect that the Wind God would show up in person to help them.

"Yes, that is His Majesty Barbatos, the God of Wind."

After a brief chat with his wife and daughter, Tors took them back to the army that was heading to the capital of Dranok.

Now his family is safe. , then I have nothing to worry about.

"Everyone listen to my orders, stationed outside the capital of Drano, if anyone from other armies wants to enter, they will not be allowed to pass!"


"Prepare the broadcast for us Radio, I want to make a speech! "


In the Dranok Palace, after hearing the speech given by Tors, Marcus angrily cursed:


That traitorous bastard Tolsi betrayed his own honor as a noble! Bastard! "

"Contact the people guarding his wife and daughter immediately! I want his wife and daughter to be insulted to death in front of him!"

The guard lowered his head, and his expression could not be seen clearly. He just said softly: "The guard there has disappeared. We tried to contact after hearing the broadcast, but..."

At this point, Marcus didn't understand what happened.

In order to prevent Tolsi from jumping off the wall, he did not put slave collars on his wife and daughter, but just sent them to a secret place for house arrest.

But he didn't expect that they were found.

"Notify the other armies and ask them to come." Marcus sat back on the throne angrily, "Tolsi's first army cannot be spared either, they must be destroyed. ”

He had no other choice now. The coming of the gods had already made him panic. He could only pray that Touls could resist the other party.

Now that the strongest general in his country had rebelled, he could only rely on the remaining people.

"Your Majesty, if other troops are transferred, the national defense may..."

"Shut up! Is it time to consider this now?" Marcus kicked the guard in the stomach, "Draanok, without me, Marcus, deserves to be invaded!"

"It's just a few deaths. As long as I survive this time, I can still get back what belongs to me."

At this time, Marcus' eyes were red and he shouted wildly.

He might not even believe what he said just now, but now he had no choice.

"Contact other army groups for me quickly, don't talk nonsense to me!"


"Report, Your Majesty, it's not good..."

The messenger rushed to Marcus at this time, holding a telegram and said: "Prime Minister! The Prime Minister..."

"What happened to the Prime Minister?"

Marcus stood up and stared at the messenger.

"He... He was captured by the rebels."

"Why is this happening? Didn't I send several spellcasters to protect him?" Marcus felt dizzy and felt a little dizzy.

"It was the spellcaster you sent to him that betrayed him... that led to the Prime Minister's capture."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, what happened to you? You're bleeding from your nose..."

The messenger looked at Marcus, who was bleeding from his nose, staining his clothes red.


Marcus touched his nose, looked down at the blood in his hand, and revealed an extremely hideous face:

"I'm fine... Hahaha."

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