Wisdom is to reason with others, while strength is to make the other party sit down and listen to what you say.

It is also because of this that Nashida uses the void system to show her appearance to the people of Xumi.

At the same time, whatever she does will be recorded on the void. According to Su Hao's words, Nashida has no achievements worth mentioning at the moment.

It is really impossible to convince the people of Xumi that she is the God of Wisdom, so if she does something shocking, she must record it here in the void so that people will know it first.

Well... it is because of such actions that Nashida's strength has risen rapidly, and the power of faith harvested is one after another.

Similarly, after doing this, most of the people of Xumi know what Nashida looks like.

Wait, after going to the Opikle Opera House, Funina began to have a headache. What should she do to live up to Nashida's identity?

"Just move a chair." Heila said casually. She didn't know what Funina was struggling with.

"It's not that simple." Ganyu shook her head at this time. She looked at Heila and said, "When gods visit other countries, they can be more casual in non-important occasions."

"After all, the gods are private. No matter what, as long as the dispute does not happen in the open, the people of each country will not know or care."

"But now this trial is a public occasion. Not only Nashida, but also your situation, Su Hao, must make certain changes."

Ganyu has assisted the Liyue Seven Stars in doing so many things and has been a secretary for so many years. No one is more proficient in this aspect than her.

"Ah?!" Fenina made a shocked sound. She stuttered a little: "Are there so many ways in it? I have never known it."

"By the way, Miss Ganyu, what should I do? And what should I do to be in line with my identity as the God of Water?"

Earlier, Fenina had said that she would personally entertain Su Hao, and others did not need to pay too much attention.

Now that Nashida has arrived, it doesn't matter if others don't know. If she, the God of Water, still doesn't know how to entertain the other party, it may affect her prestige.

At the same time, it will also make her people feel confused.

After all! The dignified water god can't entertain the gods of neighboring countries. If this matter is exposed, then Funina will not have a good end.

"There is no precedent for entertaining gods."

Ganyu also showed a helpless expression. She looked at Funina and said: "The highest-level people I entertain are the relatives of gods from various countries, or the existence of executive officers."

Yes, even if Ganyu has managed Liyue Port for so many years, the people she entertains are the existence of the status of the Eightfold Son of God or Tartaglia.

For the level of gods from various countries, I am afraid that the emperor will go to entertain them as soon as they come.

So Ganyu can't give Funina a good plan. In the absence of precedents, she can't say anything.

And... this is not Liyue, but Fontaine. Ganyu, as a guest, can't be too reckless.

Jiuqi Shinobu and Coral Palace Xinhai nodded slightly after hearing Ganyu's words. If this matter falls on them.

I'm afraid it will be very troublesome.

"Nashida, what do you think?" Ying looked at Nashida and said, "If a god came to your kingdom, how would you treat her?"

Nashida blinked, then she chuckled and said, "Is this throwing the problem to the person involved and letting him solve it himself?"

"You see, Funina is almost overwhelmed, so just help her." Su Hao also said with a smile. Now Funina is really about to put on a mask of pain.

When she received herself, she made the other party very embarrassed, but she finally came up with a plan.

Now that Nashida has arrived, Funina has to come up with a perfect plan, and the previous plan of letting Su Hao stand is also unlikely.

After all, two gods are sitting, and Su Hao is asked to stand. This is obviously looking down on Liyue and Inazuma, and the people of various countries will have opinions.

After hearing what Su Hao said, Fu Nina nodded immediately and looked at Nashida and said repeatedly: "Yes, Nashida!!! Help me!! I am not good at these things."

"And no gods have visited me in the past five hundred years. I have no experience at all."

Fu Nina has incredible experience in entertaining civilians and envoys from various countries, but she has no experience in entertaining gods!!!

There is no precedent at all. How can she entertain them? ? ? ? It's okay in private! How should she do it in public?

Seeing that Funina looked like she was asking for help, Nashida chuckled and said, "If it were me, I would probably prepare three chairs, large, medium and small, and they would also have to be equipped with corresponding element symbols."

"For example, I am the God of Grass, and Su Hao is the next God of Thunder, the acting God of Rock, and the acting God of Grass."

"I want the grass element symbol, and for Su Hao, any three element symbols are fine."

Nashida's words were very gentle, but Funina was a little dumbfounded. She thought about it and said carefully, "If I remember correctly, Su Hao has already stepped down as the acting God of Grass, right?"

The fact that Su Hao is the acting God of Grass is actually not a secret. Even many Xumi people think that although Su Hao is the next God of Thunder and the acting God of Rock.

But he is still a part of Xumi. After all, what he did before can be said to have saved the entire Xumi invisibly.

And when the Little Auspicious Grass King and the Great Compassion Tree King were in the World Tree, Su Hao, as the Acting Grass God, made a very detailed plan and program for Xumi's direction.

(This set of plans and programs was actually led by the Great Compassion Tree King, and Jiuqi Shinobu and Coral Palace Xinhai worked hard to make it. Su Hao was only responsible for checking it.)

But getting back to the point, Fu Ningna felt that Su Hao should add a former Acting Grass God to the title of Acting Grass God.

"You can't say this in the group." Hei Aila suddenly said at this time.

"Yes." Jiuqi Shinobu looked at Nashida, and she said helplessly: "The two generals, no... it should be all three generals who will explode."

Coral Palace Xinhai also nodded, looking at Nashida and said slowly: "Well, it's not just the generals, even Mr. Zhongli will be unhappy."

"Even Wendy will stand up and say a few words to you. Although I know Su Hao is very tempting, there is no need to do this."

Nashida sighed helplessly, looking at Jiuqi Shinobu and Coral Palace Xinhai and said: "You are talking without any pain. Su Hao will be the integrated thunder god if nothing goes wrong."

"I have a lot of messes to deal with here, and I also want Su Hao to return to Xumi and help me build a new Xumi."

"By the way, the Great Compassion Tree King has not cancelled the identity of the acting grass god, and I haven't cancelled it either. This is something agreed by all the gods, and I can't deny it."

Nashida said this with her hands on her hips, as if the truth is on her side!

Su Hao remained silent. After all, what Nashida said was indeed correct. Neither the Great Compassion Tree King nor she cancelled his status as the acting Grass God.

So in name, he was indeed the acting Grass God, but the title was too much.

After experiencing the spectacular [Death of the Rock King], when Su Hao became the acting Rock God, except for the people of Xumi, the people of Teyvat.

All accepted Su Hao's position as the acting Rock God, but did not feel much about the acting Grass God.

Ganyu watched this scene happen in front of her, and for a moment she understood a little, but she also felt it was normal.

Now Teyvat is not the time when the Demon God War just ended.

According to the words of the Emperor, the current Teyvat is the era of humans.

A pure human like Su Hao, who has ascended to the realm of Demon God, and is very likely to climb to a higher realm, is a sweet bun no matter where he is placed.

Unfortunately, there is only one Su Hao, so even the first generation gods who have a good relationship with him can't help but start to make all kinds of dirty moves at this moment, trying to pull Su Hao into their own kingdom and make him the heir.

"Wait!!! This is getting off topic!!"

At this time, Funina suddenly said loudly: "Now let's talk about how I should entertain you after we go to the Opikle Opera House!!"

"Time is running out, there is only more than half an hour left, come up with a plan quickly!!!!"

As Funina said this, everyone felt that there was no need to continue discussing the matter of [Acting Grass God].

Because it was useless to continue discussing it, Su Hao's title and identity were agreed by Lei Dianzhen and Lei Yingying, and even Zhongli acquiesced to it.

Led by Nashida, everyone started to discuss how to entertain Nashida and Su Hao without losing the dignity of the Water God.

Nashida's answer was to move two chairs, and she could make two on the spot.

But Funina still felt that it was not enough, and even felt that it was a little too simple. It had to be more [complex], [gorgeous], and [noble].

But these involved Nashida's blind spot, and she didn't dare to say anything. This matter not only involved him, but also Funina and Su Hao.

"By the way, Miss Funina, maybe you can go to the Emperor and let him solve your problem?"

Ganyu threw the question to Zhongli, and Funina also suddenly realized that she had a chat group, so what was she talking about here? !

So she nodded quickly, and she immediately went to the chat group to find Zhongli, hoping to get his help.

So, in the chat group, Wendy, Zhongli, Lei Dianzhen, Lei Dianying, Daci Tree King, Guizhong, and Ruotu Dragon King all joined in the discussion, and what should be done.

In the end, Lei Dianzhen gave a perfect plan, that is, Funina and Nashida had equal seats, and Su Hao's seat was slightly lower.

Zhongli agreed with Nashida's suggestion to put an elemental symbol on the seat.

And Zhongli thought it was normal for Su Hao to put a rock element symbol on his seat when he had the Rock God's inheritance, the Rock God's heart, and the Rock God's approval.

Wendy objected, saying that Su Hao also had the Wind God's inheritance, the Wind God's heart, and the Wind God's approval, so it was reasonable to put a wind element symbol.

The sisters Lei Dianzhen and Lei Dianying were furious, saying, "What are you two thinking? ! Su Hao is the next Thunder God! ! ! ! The Thunder Element Symbol should be used.

Daci Tree King said that since the three of you are arguing endlessly, why not put a grass element symbol? Anyway, Su Hao is the acting Grass God, which is reasonable and reasonable.

Of course, Daci Tree King did this and was successfully beaten up.

In this way, a heated discussion began in the chat group! ! ! !

Ganyu saw the gods arguing endlessly on this point for the first time, and was a little shocked for a while.

So the Emperor and the gods of various countries were so passionate about Su Hao? !

Funina also blinked her eyes, and suddenly realized that the value of Su Hao himself was probably more terrifying than she had imagined.

Otherwise, why did these first-generation gods want to snatch him one after another?

Is this the [human] with infinite possibilities?

Such a sentence suddenly flashed through Funina's mind.

The sudden sentence made Funina stunned, and others were not surprised to see Funina stunned.

I thought she was shocked, but this is also normal. For others, this is a very common thing.

In the chat group, there will be arguments about Su Hao's belonging every now and then. This is inevitable.

Others have long been accustomed to it. Only Ganyu and Funina, who have just joined the chat group, are so surprised.

In the fierce debate, under the pressure of Lei Dianzhen and Lei Yingying, Su Hao's seat element symbol this time is the thunder element.

They killed the wind god, rock god, and grass god with one sentence.

Su Hao's other titles are acting rock god or grass god, only the next thunder god is real!

No one can deny this, so in public, Su Hao's seat must be marked with the thunder element.

In this way, Lei Dianzhen and Lei Yingying sisters won.

After discussing a result, Nashida and Su Hao also began to make their own chairs.

Why did Nashida and Su Hao make the chairs themselves?

The first point is that there is no time left. There is not much time left before the trial begins. If someone makes a chair at this time, I am afraid that the chair will not be made after the trial is over.

The second point is that Nashida and Su Hao both have the inheritance of the grass god. They can control the growth of plants and can make their own chairs in a few seconds.

In a very short time, Nashida made a tree chair that flashed a faint green light.

Su Hao made a white food stall chair. He sat down as soon as he made it, and then put the Seven Thunders of Purification aside, so that everyone could see his back.

"What is Su Hao doing?" Looking at Su Hao like this, Fu Ningna approached Ella with some confusion and asked her what was going on?

"I don't know." Ella was about to shake her head slightly. She said very calmly, "Sometimes, the young master can always do things that are different from ordinary people."

Jiuqi Shinobu crossed her arms and said very calmly, "In short, he thought it was so cool, so he did it."

Yes, Jiuqi Shinobu knew Su Hao very well. She knew very well that if he suddenly [had a seizure], it meant that he thought it was so cool, so he did it.

However, Jiuqi Shinobu still couldn't understand it. What was the meaning of sitting on a white chair with his back to himself and others?

Coral Palace Xinhai and Ganyu looked at the white chair, looked at each other, and then shook their heads slightly.

I felt that this thing didn't match Su Hao's temperament. After all, it was too simple, so simple that it didn't feel like a chair for a god to sit on.

"Su Hao, change the chair." Fu Nina also felt that this thing was too simple.

"Okay. Then I'll change it." Seeing everyone say this, Su Hao also put away the white plastic chair. If it weren't for Inazuma's face, he really wanted to sit on it to watch Tartaglia's trial.

Finally, Su Hao changed to a chair that suited his temperament.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Fernina asked the visitor to come in.

Clorinde pushed the door open and walked in. She looked at the crowd, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she set her eyes on Nashida, a hint of shock flashed in her eyes.

"Hello, Lord Grass God." Clorinde knelt on one knee and saluted Nashida.

She couldn't be rude when meeting the gods of other countries, especially in front of Lady Fernina.

No matter what country you are in, you must have awe and respect for the gods. This is a necessary etiquette.

As the strongest proxy duelist, Clorinde also understands the ways of the world. Although she looks like an iceberg beauty on the surface, this is just a disguise on the surface.

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