"She is very powerful, and her range of perception is wider than we imagined."

Another debt handler said in a very serious tone: "Master, she is already on guard. With the Qianyan Army blocking her, there is nothing we can do."

This debt handler is helpless. If they are in the wild and other areas, they can be said to be like a duck in water.

Zhidong has a large amount of researched technology used to monitor travelers and Mr. Zhongli, but it is different in Liyue Port.

If you want to monitor travelers and Mr. Zhongli in Liyue Port, you must first be careful of the people of Liyue, and then the Qianyan Army who are responsible for patrolling.

The Qianyan Army is not a freeloader. They keep an eye on them as long as they are told, and even if they feel something is wrong, they will be put into prison for questioning.

The fools responsible for the surveillance mission are not weak in terms of strength or psychological quality. Even if they are caught in prison, they will not reveal any information.

But this undoubtedly adds great difficulty to the task. The manpower is already somewhat insufficient. If this continues, their safety is secondary.

If the executive officer cannot complete his mission, that is the most serious thing.

"Is there nothing you can do? I can't blame you." Naturally, Dadalia would not blame his subordinates like a skirmisher. He slowly said, "In that case, leave all subsequent actions to me."

"I have already discussed it with Ningguang. I am free to move in Liyue Port. Plus, as an executive, Qianyan Army has no right to arrest me."

"Even if you want to arrest me, you must have a Seven-Star leader, otherwise at this juncture... ha~"

Dadalia sneered. He knew exactly what situation Liyue Port was facing right now. He knew it better than anyone else.

At this juncture, he wanted Liyue Qixing to lead a team to arrest him, unless there was some conclusive evidence that he killed Emperor Yan Wang.

Anyway, there was absolutely no way he would be caught in prison. Even if he was put under house arrest in disguise, he only needed to make a little noise.

The Liyue Seven Stars will also feel very, very uncomfortable, so now they are in a state of not offending each other.

As for his own subordinates, there is nothing they can do. They monitor the travelers' movements and are too suspicious to outsiders. The Qianyan Army naturally has the right to arrest them.

"Are you doing it yourself?!"

At this time, Dadalia's subordinates suddenly raised their heads and looked at him in shock.

Obviously, the fact that the executive officer personally took action gave them a little shock.

The executive officer has always been the trump card of fools. If there is nothing particularly important, there is no need to let the executive officer take action.

On the contrary, if the Executive Officer directs this matter throughout the whole process, it means that this matter has risen to the level of [the Queen's will].

Some of the fools who were responsible for monitoring Ying and Zhongli were feeling frightened at this moment, because they felt that it was because of their own incompetence that they asked the young master to take action.

"Yes, I will take action personally." Dadalia nodded seriously. He looked at the other subordinates and said seriously: "This matter is very important, so I will take over it myself."

"Also, you need to prepare funds for me, about two hundred... no, five million molas, to send to the Rebirth Hall."

"Just say that these are the funds for the Immortal Ceremony, and let the Hall of Rebirth accept it. If there is any excess, there is no need to pay it back. If there is still a shortage, just send someone to say something."

"Also, suppress those guys who use our name and let them calm down during this period."

Dadalia's order was issued, and the other fools nodded without any objection.

At this time, a fool asked cautiously: "Master, do you want to inform your servant about this news?"

The other fools who were about to leave looked at this fool a little strangely, were they dying? ! He actually said in front of the young master whether he should inform the servant?

All the executive officers of Fool have their own missions and tasks. Although the servant came to Liyue, he didn’t know what the purpose was.

But one thing that can be learned is that she doesn't care at all about what is happening in Liyue. Lord Young Master has also said several times that he does not want the other party to interfere with Liyue's affairs.

Is this guy stupid in the meeting and dares to ask about this matter?

"Um..." At this time, the fool who asked the question had some sweat on his forehead.

He also seemed to realize that he seemed to have asked a stupid question, but in fact he had no selfish motives.

Because he felt that he and others were unable to help the young master, so the servant, who was also the executive officer, should be able to assist the young master.

"It's okay, let her know." Dadalia thought it was nothing, and he did encounter a small problem now and needed help from the servants who were also in Liyue Port.

Apart from anything else, if Arecino moved, he would definitely attract more attention than himself.

After all, she is the fourth executive officer of Fools.


The fools all agreed, their expressions looking particularly serious.

"Then, let's adjourn the meeting!" Dadalia also officially announced the adjournment of the meeting.

Chapter 452: The Immortal Family is dissatisfied?

This night is very long for some people, and for some people, it ends as soon as they open and close their eyes.

Well, for Su Hao, it was over as soon as he opened and closed his eyes.

When Su Hao got up the next day, he found that he had overslept because it was almost noon.

Breakfast is obviously not available.

"Alas, if this goes on, I'm afraid the quality of my rest will decline."

Su Hao sighed, he recalled what happened last night, after dinner in Wanmin Hall, they all chose to go back home to rest.

Afterwards... Just like before, Ella and Hei Ella lay on the bed together and slept with Su Hao.

Compared to the previous peace, Ella and Hei Ella seemed to be a little restless now.

Well, they didn't make any moves, but took off their maid clothes, changed into pajamas and lay on the bed.

By the way, their pajamas were quite transparent, the kind that was looming, how could Su Hao resist?

He was a normal man after all, if he continued to play like this, he would not be able to suppress his fire.

But considering that the sound insulation here was relatively poor, suddenly casting a barrier would easily attract the attention of Shinobu, Xinhai, Mona, and Ying.

So Su Hao suppressed his desire, and because of this, he got up late this morning.

"Strange, did you encounter any stimulation? Why did the offensive become so fierce all of a sudden?" Su Hao was a little confused.

Ella and Black Ella suddenly reconciled and began to consciously show their feminine side. There must be external influence.

What external influence was it? Su Hao still couldn't figure out who caused this series of chain reactions.

It couldn't be that he looked at Shen He, who came out of the Ruo Tuo machine and was sweating, yesterday, which made the two women jealous, right?

"Forget it, forget it, I can't figure it out." Su Hao couldn't figure it out, so he chose to give up and lay on the bed to look at the chat group.

Anyway, after this matter is over, if Ella and Black Ella have further ideas, he will take action.

At worst, he will eat both of them, just in time to get rid of his virginity.

Although Su Hao thought so, but... he was a virgin in two lives, and he really had no experience in this regard.

Full score for theoretical experience, zero practical experience!


At this time, Su Hao, looking at the chat group, flashed a trace of surprise in his eyes, and found that the chat group was quite lively at the moment.

The specific content was about Ningguang's meeting with the immortals last night. Keqing was holding a seven-star meeting at the moment and told the internal affairs by the way.

Well, only the most basic ones. As for the core content, Keqing would definitely not tell the group.

But just the information that can be revealed is also quite explosive.

[Keqing: "The immortals are very dissatisfied with our processing speed."]

[Paimon: "Dissatisfied??? Why??? Isn't it doing well now?"]

[Fushe: "How is this possible? Why are you dissatisfied?"]

[Guizhong: "Ahem, there are many reasons, but I'm not convenient to say this."]

[Ruotu Dragon King: @Guizhong, tell me in detail what happened? ”]

[Guizhong: “Oh, I’ve already said it. It’s not convenient to say it. Don’t let me say it. Let Keqing say it.”]

[Yae Shenzi: “Isn’t the Seven Stars doing a good job now? Why are you still not satisfied with the processing speed?”]

[Eula: “Yes, I think this is the optimal processing speed. It’s basically impossible to be faster. Even so, the immortal is still not satisfied?”]

[Albedo: “The immortal must have his own reasons for saying this. Miss Keqing, can you reveal it?”]

[Keqing: “Well, this is actually not something worth hiding. According to Ningguang, she discussed with the immortals last night. .”]

[Keqing: “The immortals are very dissatisfied with the execution of the Seven Stars, because up to now, the Seven Stars have not taken any real action.”]

[Keqing: “Everything is a plan, but there is no real action. To put it in a metaphor... it seems that we have taken a lot of actions, but there is nothing worth talking about.”]

[Kamiri Ayaka: “This…”]

[Coral Palace Xinhai: “How can I put it? I think the immortals must have misunderstood.”]

[Kyuki Shinobu: “From the surface, although the Liyue Seven Stars have done a lot in the past two days, there is really nothing worth talking about.”]

[Shen He : "In fact, Tianquanxing refuted it last night, and succeeded in refutation."]

[Eula: "What's the matter?"]

[Shenhe: "Tianquanxing said that the Seven Stars successfully accomplished one thing, that is, Su Hao became the acting Rock God."]

[Shenhe: "Regarding this point, all the immortals present said that Tianquanxing did a great job."]

[Leidianzhen: "???????"]

[Leiyingying: "Where's my sword?"]

[Wendy: "Hahahaha, although I really want to laugh, but put this aside? Aren't there a lot of things that the Liyue Seven Stars actually do?"]

[Wendy: "For example, stabilizing the stability of Liyue Harbor, strengthening vigilance, searching for the Fatui, and That something, send the Immortal Ceremony."]

[Keqing: "It is the Seven Stars' responsibility to stabilize Liyue Harbor, strengthen the security, and search for the Fatui. It is the job of the Hall of Rebirth to invite the Immortal Ceremony."]

[Keqing: "Although it is a bit difficult to say, we really haven't done anything to satisfy the Immortals."]

[Keqing: "Even Ningguang brought back a sentence from the Immortals, that is, after the Emperor passed away, what should the Seven Stars do? Do they need to say it? This is the era of humans and immortals, not the era of immortals in the past."]

[Keqing: "Alas, to be honest, although I want to refute, I can't find the words to refute for a while."]

[Su Hao: "What do you think now?"]

[Zhongli: "I'm curious too."]

[Keqing: "Not much, just keep going. The immortals have made their stance clear. The Seven Stars must do something within these two days."]

[Keqing: "Two days later, the immortals will gather at Liyue Harbor. The immortals present are..."]

[Shen He: "Master Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun, Xueyue Zhuyang Zhenjun, Gechen Langshi Zhenjun, Jiangmo Dasheng, and Miss Guizhong will all be present."]

[Shen He: "The other immortals will continue to wait and see and will not intervene too much in this matter. Because in their view, immortals should behave like immortals and should not interfere too much in the internal affairs of Liyue Harbor."]

[Eula: "So, the immortals will arrive in Liyue Harbor in two days?"]

[Keqing: "We will arrive at noon tomorrow. Strictly speaking, we only have one and a half days left."]

[Paimon: "What...what should we do?"]

[Ying: "It's too late."]

[Albedo: "No, it's definitely in time."]

[Fushe: "Yes, I can see that these old guys are just teasing the Liyue Seven Stars and making them feel oppressed."]

[Keqing: "Hey ? Why do you say that? "]

[Yaezou: "You are the person involved, so you will naturally feel nervous, but from our point of view, the Liyue immortals are willing to give you time, obviously knowing your difficulties, so they give you enough time to prepare."]

[Yaezou: "To put it simply, if you are dissatisfied with someone, will you make an appointment with him?"]

[Keqing: "No, I will lead the team to capture him, um, in accordance with the rules."]

[Fushe: "So Yuhengxing, you don't have to think too much, just do your job well, these old guys are very good. That's the way it is."]

[Fushe: "He likes to talk, but he won't do anything. Don't worry."]

[Ruotu Dragon King: "That's right. If those old guys really make things difficult for you, just call Guizhong! She will help you settle everything."]

[Guizhong: "Hey, hey, hey, don't drag me into this. I can't do anything about it!"]

[Ruotu Dragon King: "It's time now, and I can't do anything about it. You keep fiddling with your Ruotu machine. If I don't do anything, I will break the seal and come out to support Qixing."]

[Guizhong: "Ruotu, you... forget it. In fact, things are not that complicated."]

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