"What do you think?" Dadalia was naturally very dissatisfied. The Immortal Invitation Ceremony was about to begin, and his plan was about to begin.

At this juncture, Dadalia naturally expressed displeasure with Arecino's arrival. After all, the colleagues who came before were all here to cause trouble for him.

Whether it's the doctor or the deceased lady, they have caused countless troubles for themselves since coming to Liyue.

Now that Arecino is coming, Dadalia is even more worried. He won't come sooner or later, and he insists on coming at this juncture.

What's even more frustrating is that I don't have any reason or excuse to reject the other party.

"Don't be dissatisfied, I know your difficulties." Arecino looked at Dadalia, who was sitting on a chair nearby, and said calmly: "I came to Liyue just to break the Fontaine Curse."

"As for other things, I won't care about them at all. You should know this very well."

Dadalia looked at Arecino, his eyes were still full of doubts, the reason was simple...

The doctor and lady said the same thing last time they came to Liyue, but they didn't get much done.

Dadalia really didn't believe that Arecino really came here just to break Fontaine's curse.

she! There must be another agenda!

PS: "The subject 2 test will be held tomorrow, the author is praying!"

Chapter 396 Ningguang and Arecino

Faced with Dadalia's suspicion, Arecino didn't say anything because she... did have another agenda.

After all, three months ago, during the Winter Solstice meeting, Her Majesty the Queen said that this was a confidential mission and the contract with the Rock God could not be known to Dadalia.

If he knew it, the contract would be invalid.

The solution is to either replace the contract with someone else, or directly announce that they will not fulfill the contract without saying anything to Yan Shen.

The lady who originally took over this project has passed away in Mondstadt, and her funeral has been held in the winter.

The lady's subordinates were also dispersed and merged into the subordinates of other executive officers.

Arecino also spent a lot of effort to gather the elite and capable people under the lady, such as the pair of Lei Ying sisters.

The Lei Ying sisters are not weak in strength. As they often follow ladies, they are very strong in both strength and intelligence gathering.

It can be said that the lady attaches great importance to the sisters and basically takes them with her wherever she goes.

It's a pity...the lady didn't take them with her when she went to Xumi.

If they were brought along, her outcome would still be undecided.

Because at that time, the lady saw that she was just a messenger in the past, how could there be so many things, and she still had to go to Mondstadt to plot the heart of the Fengshen.

So she sent all her elite and capable subordinates to Mondstadt. Unexpectedly, the doctor kept her here for selfish reasons.

At first the lady didn't care, she just helped the doctor with some matters. After the matter was dealt with, it was time for her to leave.

The important information revealed by the doctor later, that is, the matter of Su Hao carrying the Heart of the Wind God, completely tied the lady to Xumi.

At this time, it was too late for the lady to summon her men.

This is why it is not unfair at all to say that the doctor tricked the lady to death. If it hadn't been for him, the lady would probably still be alive now.

It was the doctor's selfishness that led to the lady's death. The elite subordinates who belonged to the lady in Mondstadt looked confused and couldn't believe that the lady had passed away like this.

As Arecino, who took over the lady's affairs, she also worked hard for three months to take care of everything.

In other words, she not only has to deal with matters on Zhidong's side, but also on Fontaine and Mondstadt's side.

Now that all the matters were settled, she finally arrived in Liyue and prepared to meet Emperor Yan before the Immortal Invitation Ceremony began.

"No matter what you think, I really have no interest in what you are doing."

Arecino looked at Dadalia and she wrote lightly: "Because you also know that I spent a lot of effort to solve the Fontaine prophecy."

"My children have also done many things for my [selfishness]. According to the intelligence, there is a pure water elf in Liyue Qingce Village. This is my target."

Hearing Arecino's words, Dadalia's eyes lost some of the doubt.

Because although the other party was indeed crazy, Arecino was still relatively rational about Fontaine, the country where she was born.

Dadalia also knew a little about the pure water elf in Qingce Village. It was said that the pure water elf had an excellent relationship with the locals in Liyue.

So in order to prevent Arecino's [madness] from affecting his plan, Dadalia still said: "Be careful and don't confront the people of Qingce Village."

"That's a taboo for Liyue people. If you attack there, something bad will happen."

After staying in Liyue for so long, Dadalia also knows that this place is different from Zhidong.

Liyue people are incredibly tolerant of women, the elderly, and children.

On the other side of Qingce Village, women, old people, and children gathered.

To put it simply, if you attack Liyue Port, it will be a hostile relationship at best. If you attack Qingce Village, it will be a fight to the death.

"Don't worry, I understand your worries." Arecino smiled and left the Northland Bank in large strides without saying anything else.

She came here just to tell Dadalia that she was going to take action in Liyue. As for other things, she didn't plan to say more at all.

Next, her schedule was still very busy, because after meeting her colleagues, she had to meet the troublesome Liyue Qixing.

Arecino raised her head and looked at the Jade Pavilion high in the sky. An idea flashed in her mind.

If so, when the prophecy comes, what will happen if Fengdan has facilities like Qunyu Pavilion?

"Foolish Executors - Servant, Lord Ningguang invites you."

Just when Arecino was thinking that, a gentle voice came from the side.

Liyue Qixing's secretary, Gan Yu, appeared on a nearby eaves, looking down at Arecino, her expression very calm.


It was also at this time that two Thunder Fire Warlocks appeared next to Arecino. They stared at Gan Yu with somewhat unkind eyes.

Looking down at their executive officer, even if he is the secretary of Liyue Qixing, is this too presumptuous? !

"Okay, this is just a normal invitation." Arecino asked the two Thunder Fireworkers not to do anything drastic.

As the right-hand man next to the lady, after Arecino accepted the sisters, they have always wanted to show their worth.

After all, they also know that the two sisters are the right-hand man on the lady's side, but they are not the right-hand man on the servant's side.

In order to be taken seriously by the servant, they must show enough value.

Therefore, after hearing Arecino's words, the two Thunder Fire Warlocks put away their evil gazes and stood obediently behind her.

Gan Yu didn't care about this. She looked at Arecino and said slowly: "Please follow me."

Saying this, Gan Yu jumped down from the eaves, landed in front of Arecino, and then led her towards the Qunyu Pavilion.

On the way, Arecino didn't say anything. She just followed Gan Yu calmly.

Soon, under the leadership of Gan Yu, Arecino and two Thunder Fire Warlocks arrived at the Jade Pavilion.

"You are the executor of fools, aren't you, my lord servant?"

After arriving at Qunyu Pavilion, Ningguang's maid came over, looked at Arecino and said: "Ningguang has been waiting for you for a long time, please come with me."

With that said, the maid took over Gan Yu's mission and led Arecino and her two subordinates towards the depths of the Jade Pavilion.

As for Gan Yu, she just stayed there quietly, looking into the distance.

‘? ’

Arecino felt a little strange, because this was different from the information. This seven-star secretary should be very talkative.

Why did the other party not say a word after meeting me, as if he had something on his mind?

Although it was a bit strange, Arecino didn't think too much about it because it had nothing to do with her. Naturally, her next goal was to deal with Tianquan Ningguang.

From the intelligence point of view, this guy is not as easy to deal with as Dadalia.

Arriving at the reception room of Qun Yu Pavilion, Ning Guang had been sitting there waiting for a long time. In addition... there was also a purple-haired girl sitting there.

‘The stars of Yuheng are carved and clear. ’ Arecino saw the purple-haired girl and immediately recognized her identity.

The other party was none other than Yuheng Xing Keqing, who advocated opening a new era in Liyue during the last ceremony to invite immortals.

She is a brave and thoughtful being. She advocates an era of coexistence between humans and immortals, and single-handedly abolished the era of immortals in Liyue.

Arecino admired Keqing very much, because the other party's idea was wonderful. On the one hand, it greatly increased the rights of [people], and also shared the responsibilities of [immortals].

This makes the relationship between people and immortals closer. This situation made Arecino think of the beautiful dew in Fontaine today.

And...the supreme judge, Lord Navilette.

Therefore, Arecino admired Keqing and felt that the other party's decision was very good. At the same time, he also felt that Liyue had such a wise god.

But their Fengdan god seems so...

"This must be our first meeting." Ningguang looked at Arecino with a smile. She stood up, looked at him and said, "The fourth servant of the Executive Officer of the Fools."

"I hope you will be more disciplined than the lady and the doctor. What they did in Liyue has completely put them on the blacklist."

Keqing said nothing, just looked at Arecino calmly without any expression.

Arecino also knew that the people of Liyue did not welcome the Foolish Executives.

It's very simple. Everyone knows what the doctor and lady did in Liyue.

Dadalia also spent a lot of effort and a lot of molas before reluctantly reconciling with Liyue.

There are [good examples] of the two previous executives, and I am the fourth executive among fools.

Arecino naturally knew that she would not receive any good treatment when she came to Liyue, but she still had to say what she wanted to say, otherwise, if she was too silent, the plan might not be carried out.

"That's natural." Arecino smiled slightly. She looked directly at Ningguang and said slowly: "My purpose in coming to Liyue is very simple, just to meet the pure water elves of Qingce Village."

"I believe you have also heard of the prophecy and legend about Fontaine."

Ning Guang nodded slightly, indicating that he knew Feng Dan's prophecy and legend.

In fact, when they learned that Arecino was visiting Liyue, Liyue Seven Stars held another meeting for this purpose.

Collect all the information about the other party and speculate on the purpose of the other party's coming to Liyue.

During the meeting, Liyue Qixing speculated that one of Arecino's goals was.

It was in order to solve Feng Dan's prophecy that he came to Liyue.

As for other purposes, there is too little information to speculate at all.

It is extremely difficult to find out the information of the Fatui executive officers except for those that can be made public.

But the Liyue Seven Stars also have their own means to restrict this Arachno and prevent him from doing evil in Liyue.

"If you know, it will be easy." Seeing that Ningguang knew about this, Arachno told Ningguang and Keqing the same rhetoric she used to deal with Tartaglia.

In short, she came to Liyue and would not do anything irregular. She just wanted to meet the pure water elves of Qingce Manor and solve the Fontaine prophecy.

As for other purposes, Arachno also half-jokingly said that she had nothing else to do in Liyue. In addition to the official business, she just wanted to see the beautiful scenery of Liyue.

By the way, meet some legendary figures in Liyue Port, Mr. Zhongli who knows everything, Xiangling, the little cook of Wanmin Hall, Hu Tao of Wangsheng Hall, and Mr. Yunjin of Yunhan Society.

Ningguang also smiled and said that as long as Alecino did not cause trouble in Liyue, everything would be fine.

Whether it was meeting someone or going to Qingce Manor to meet the pure water elf, Ningguang assured Alecino with her status as a Liyue Seven Star that the Thousand Rock Army would protect her.

Alecino naturally agreed. She knew that asking the Thousand Rock Army to protect her was actually a disguised form of surveillance.

But she had no reason to object. If she objected at this time, the seemingly gentle Tianquan Ningguang would probably turn against her immediately.

Because Alecino [admitted defeat], the conversation between the two sides was very peaceful and there was no chaos in the middle.

Even Ningguang and Alecino had a good chat. Both sides had different opinions on the current situation in Teyvat and some other things.

After talking for more than an hour, Alecino said that she had to leave first because she had things to do.

Ningguang said, don’t you stay for a meal before leaving?

Alecino shook her head slightly and rejected Ningguang without giving any reason.

After Alecino left, Ningguang's smile disappeared, and she no longer had the gentle expression she had just now.

"What did you find out?"

Keqing asked Ningguang. She hadn't said anything just now because she wanted to be the "bad guy".

If Alecino dared to reject any of Ningguang's proposals, she would suddenly get angry and ask if she had any other purpose in coming to Liyue.

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