【Fukaros: But only energy of this magnitude can shake the rules set by Sky Island and break the pattern of the Seven Rulers in the Earthly World.Destroy the throne of the water god】

【Navilette:"So the Oracle said that the one sentenced to death was not Furninna or Fukaros, but the Water God."】

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Fontaine people were silent:"So, the water godI actually attended every trial."

Charlotte:"What??? So this is the truth of the prophecy?I don't know how to describe it."

Navia said with tears in her eyes:"So, sinners and liars are all like this, right?"

Amber asked anxiously, wanting to know the answer very much:"Then has the Fontaine Water God already..."

Navilette is silent:

Villette's silence seemed to confirm this invisibly.

Luzenie, a die-hard fan of Funina, looked incredulous:"Impossible, I don't believe it."

Lawwick's remaining rationality told him:"I don't believe it either, but I am the receptionist of [Opicle Opera House], and I have alreadyIt has been a long time since I have seen an encyclical ruling on the work of a cardinal."

Some people still held on to their fantasies, although they were a little unrealistic:"Well, well, so what? Maybe, maybe the Lord of Water consumed too much energy and is recuperating in there."

The people who heard this were like grasping at a straw:"Yes, it must be true. We must go and see for ourselves. Let's go to the Opikle Opera House."

At this moment, people from the Irielin area were heading to the Opikle Opera House, wanting to go in and verify whether the Cardinal of the Decree had really...

Even the patrol boats on the Navia line were rarely full, which made Melusine, the receptionist and director, very busy.

This time, people were not going to enjoy the"drama" or participate in the"trial". Everyone was solemn and dignified, as if they were going on a pilgrimage.

Outside the theater, the large number of people gathered, making the guards stationed there extremely nervous, but they dared not let anyone in before receiving accurate information from the top leaders.

Because in the hearts of the people of Fontaine, the Opiclay Opera House is not only a place for performances, but also a place for trial, their sacred court. Now it is also the place of their Lord of Water.Resting place? What if criminals are let in to cause damage?

Some people who were stopped from entering shouted frantically:"Swindler? Hahahaha, sinner? Hahahaha, no wonder the live broadcast system evaluated Lady Funina and Lord Water God as liars and sinners, it turns out that we are the fools, idiots, and clowns."

The crazy people continued to shout:"Lady Funina, Lord Water God, we wronged you, hahahaha!!! We don't deserve it, we don't deserve it, for us, youSuffering, suffering! Get out of the way, let us in, we want to go see the water god." Some people laughed and burst into tearsJPG protest:"Yes, let us in, we want to confirm the authenticity of the water god."

Excited voice:"We want to go in"

The guards dutifully formed a crowd:"Sorry, there is no order from above, we will obey your order."

And both the guards and the staff inside have tried to persuade the people, but the effect is minimal, and the number of people is increasing, and there is a tendency to riot.

The crowd is getting bigger and bigger, and the door is gradually filled with people:"We want to go in and see the water god."

The radical people said:"Get out of the way, or I will force my way in."

A girl who is a believer of the water god said:"Let me go, you bastard, are you from Fontaine?""

The guards were hit in the face by fists from nowhere, but they dared not fight back. They could only hold hands to resist the crowd.

A member of the Iliye Division of the Guards:"Captain, I can't hold on any longer. When will the support arrive?"

The captain of the guards was also resisting the impact of the crowd:"Hold on, I have asked for help from above."

In fact, with the equipment the guards are equipped with now, these people can completely resist. Don't you see where this is, [Opicle Opera House] but even Lady Funina is a place she often comes to, not to mention the influence of the Tribunal on the people of the Kingdom of Justice. The number of people stationed in such an important place is not much less than that of the Fontaine Court. How can they not defend it with their manpower?

But those are the Law Compensation Mixed Energy Guards equipped with lethal weapons. They generally don't attack the people, but who can guarantee what will happen? These people at the scene are not criminals. If they are team members, it's okay to let them push and shove a few times.

Really let the guards go on the field and let them knock and hit, even if the enemy mode is turned off, it's really better to be safe than sorry. If someone triggers the defense mode by mistake or without knowing what's good for them, there will be heavy casualties if something happens to so many people present. Who will be responsible for that?

Melusin frantically tried to comfort the angry crowd. Only a few people in the front row calmed down a little for Melusin's sake, but more people in the back still didn't listen and continued to put pressure on them.

The crowd pushed and shoved, and just when they were about to make a gap in the security line, a column of water fell from the sky, and Villette appeared in front of everyone with a scepter in hand.

Seeing the chaotic scene, Villette waved his scepter, and an indescribable pressure instantly filled the whole place:"Silence, this is a court, no loud noises are allowed."

Although the people were not hurt, the oppressive feeling still made them feel terrified, as if they were encountering a surging wave.

Someone saw Villette and whispered to his companions,"Look, it's Lord Villette."

The people of Fontaine were quiet for a while, but they were not afraid. After all, he was their supreme judge and he would not do anything to them for no reason. Several people walked out of the crowd and performed a unique Fontaine etiquette towards Villette.

A pretty Fontaine woman said,"Lord Villette, you are here. You know, we just want to know what the water god is like.Please, let us in."

The middle-aged man next to him said,"Yes, we won't cause any trouble, just let us in and take a look."

The people in the crowd couldn't help talking again, and they all said"Yes!""、"yes"、"Please, Lord Villette."

Among the people who just came out, a middle-aged woman stood up and said,"Be quiet, let's listen to what Lord Villette has to say."

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