As soon as the system said this, the people from the nominated countries began to discuss in panic.

Zhang Fan, who was controlling the system message behind the scenes, laughed softly and said,"I hope you don't regret your choice today."

Irene:"How is it possible? Lord Fengshen "

Lisa rarely spoke in a lazy tone:"Nothing is impossible. The wind god tore the wind wall for us, blew away the snow, and drove away the nobles. These are all recorded in history books."

Noelle was nervous:"III will definitely work hard to join the Knights."

Qin looked out the window of the office at the people gradually gathering on the square where the Wind God statue was located."Lord Barbatos,Let us drink this bitter wine together."

At the West Wind Cathedral, Barbara put her hands together and prayed:"The establishment of Mondstadt is inseparable from Lord Barbatos.People of Mondstadt, may the wind god protect you."

Amber looked up at the live broadcast room in the wild:"Thinking of the scenes in the video, my tears have already flowed.

" this���Wendy was no longer laughing.

He was half lying on Tevarin's back, shaking a glass of dandelion wine that he had found somewhere.

He was looking at the speeches of the people of Mondstadt and said,"Is this the freedom you want? I did it.

" Tevarin, who was lying on the side, glanced at him with his huge dragon eyes, then closed his eyes, stopped talking, and fell into a nap.


Fengyan stood straight:"Lord Emperor, I am the active instructor of the Thousand Rocks Army. We will definitely follow the promise we made when we joined the army and protect Liyue. As long as we are here, the contract will last forever."

Keqing waved her hand:"Although I don’t know how tragic the war between the Emperor, the Immortals and the ancestors went through during the Demon God War, but as long as I am here and I, the Seven Stars, are here, I will never let danger set foot in Liyue Harbor."

Mobilization from Ningguang as one of the Seven Stars:"Yes, the peace of Liyue is hard-won, and no one can destroy this comfort bought with blood. But the people of Liyue will not and cannot forget their efforts."

Xingqiu closed the book:"Although, when Liyue is in dangerWhat should I do when I reach the end of my rope? Please read my chivalry from the end of my rope.

Chongyun spit out the bamboo stick of the popsicle and said,"Don't be so cool. If it really comes to that, I will definitely...I'll go in front of you."


Hu Tao appears:"Oh, my Wangsheng Hall does more than just conduct funerals. The secret method of Wangsheng Hall that has been passed down for so many years is not just for show. Hehe, Zhongli, if I really go to see my grandfather one day, can you please hold a funeral for me?(๑•ω•๑)?"Even the guest official was not called.

Bai Shu waved his hand:"Don't talk about this in front of a doctor. My duty is to ensure the health of the guests."

Qiqi:"Qiqi... I will also protect everyone."

Zhongli didn't put down his hand that was drinking tea for a long time. He held the cup in the air for a long time without responding.


Kamisato Ayaka:"Although the general has cleared most of the obstacles for us, we can't enjoy it behind our backs."

Kamisato Lingren reviewed the official documents:"No matter how bumpy the road ahead is, the loyalty of the Kamisato family to the general is like a rock. It will always stand firm despite the wind and rain."

Kujo Sara is training the soldiers below:"I will always protect Inazuma and practice the will of Naruto God. No matter whether it is gods or ghosts, I will eliminate the enemy when I meet them!"

Soldier A below raised his spear high:"Always protect Inazuma and will practice Naruto God's will."

Soldier B below raised his longbow high:"Always protect Inazuma and will practice Naruto God's will."

Soldier C below raised his long sword high:"Always protect Inazuma and will practice Naruto God's will"

Yae Shinko stood next to Ying's body and said,"Oh, look at all these guys, all so passionate. My God, do you have any advice?"

Ying glanced at him and said nothing.

Xinhai:"I will not ignore the safety of Inazuma."

Goro:"Everything is for a stable life. The soldiers of Haigi Island have sacrificed too much, but we can't stop."


Nilu looked embarrassed:"ImprisonmentLittle King of Lucky Grass, I am sorry that I have caused you suffering as a subject of Xumi."

Dina Zedai Tears:"I am sorry, Little King of Lucky Grass, we were unable to rescue you in time."


Candice stood on the top of Aru Village and looked at the rain forest:"A cage? The sand-proof wall was once our cage.Alas!"

Senor punched the rock wall in the desert:"Cage, damn cage, inescapable imprisonment, even the people from other worlds can't stand our behavior?"

Elhaisen made a glass of water:"It's useless to act on impulse. The only way now is to make up for the loss."

Tinari's heavy voice sighed:"What the lyrics say is really appropriate, 'Even though the limbs are scattered, I love every flower'! The contribution of the Little Auspicious Grass King to the people of Xumi is unquestionable. It's us who let her down. But I don't understand. The Little Auspicious Grass King just ran out of power and shrunk in size. How could it be a limb-splitting frame?"

Kavi hesitated:"Maybe it's an exaggeration?"

Cole stood beside his master:"No matter what, the Little Auspicious Grass King used her remaining power to heal our people with magic scale disease. I am really grateful to the Little Auspicious Grass King."

At this moment, Nashida did not accept the information from the outside world, but returned to the World Tree:"Why? I am so familiar with that figure, obviouslyIsn't this me?"

The people of Fontaine were in the most confusion.

Edwin was puzzled:"Liar? What liar? Didn't you say that the trial was fake?"

Luzenie:"Lady Funina did deceive us for five hundred years.���She has her reasons."

Yolio:"That's right, the prophecy is only half true, the rest didn't really happen."

Ricchetti:"No way, Lady Fernina has stepped down from the status of a god, why should she be criticized again."

Moneo:"I don't care, even if Lady Fernina abdicates, I still recognize her as a god."

The people whose relatives died in the disaster were a little skeptical:"Why is she, as the god of water, unwilling to lend a helping hand, even a little bit?"

A person full of resentment:"Yes, is this also considered our god?"

Paimon:"Hey, don't go too far."

In the real world,

Navia saw the comment and looked at the silent Funina with embarrassment:"It's the people of Baisong Town."

Furninna just sat there without saying a word, and looked very depressed.

The dinner party, which was supposed to be very happy, became completely silent.

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