Liyue Passerby A: Is this the restaurant that the Emperor always talks about? I've never been to such a place. Let me see how it compares to Xinyuexuan and Liuliting. Boss, give me some grilled tiger fish and braised shredded pork. Liyue Passerby

B: Rich people? You must have been there before, right? This is a time-honored restaurant in Liyue. Chef Xiangling was the champion of the last Chef King Contest. Xumi Scholar who traveled to Liyue: Let's start tasting exotic cuisine from this one. Ying'er: Oh, I wanted to make something for my diet today. It's really amazing that even the Emperor wants to try it.

I also want to try it.

Xiangling responded to Master Mao: OK, Dad.

Ganyu worried: Xiangling, there are so many people in your store, you must be very busy, why don’t you go and get busy first, we can eat later.

Paimon helped to speak: Yes, yes, we can also come to help.

Xieying put her hands on her hips: That’s right, Paimon always eats the most anyway, what’s wrong with helping with some work?

Paimon was dissatisfied: Hey, Traveler, what do you mean by eating the most? It’s obviouslyJust a little bit

After saying that, she touched her two index fingers against her chest with a guilty look.

Yingmei smiled sideways: Haha. Xiangling was touched: Okay, okay, no need to help, I don’t have to go either. Dad saw that I wanted to treat everyone to a meal and couldn’t help him, so he went to the Adventurer’s Association to post a few commissions for odd jobs. He was too busy just now and needed the help of travelers because they haven’t arrived yet. Now they are helping in the kitchen. So, I will just cook for you with peace of mind, hehe.

Guoba cheered and jumped: Lulululu~~~

Xiangling: Look, Guoba said he would help too.

After hearing this, no one urged Xiangling.

The live broadcast continued.

The food on the table had been eaten up.

Paimeng came to his senses: How come it was all eaten up? Hey! I haven't eaten yet!

Yingmei chewed the last bite of food and looked at Paimeng quietly. He teased her with a Paimeng-style popsicle.

Paimeng's eyes were misty: Traveler, you

Seeing this, Klee was very understanding:"Big man, waiter brother, do you have any special set meals here? Give one to little Paimon."

Comment area -

Paimon was moved to tears:"Little Klee, you are so nice, woo woo woo, traveler, tell me, you won't be like this in real life."

Yingmei put her hands behind her head, looked up at the sky, and whistled.~~~

Seeing Ying didn't say anything, Paimeng broke through the defense and kicked his little feet hard in the air: Traveler

Yae Miko: What a cute little guy, the way he plays around makes me miss him so much, Kitsusai Palace

Shadow: Son of GodCome to the Pure Land of One Heart.

Screenshot from the live broadcast room

Zhongli touched his chin with one hand: Oh, you know what, it really is true. Paimeng was expecting: Wow, what is that.

Zhongli calmly said three words: free meal!

Paimeng retorted loudly with a black line on his face: So it is because you did not bring money that the store owner forced you to work to pay back the money!

Zhongli spread his hands: After all, I cannot violate the contract in the slightest.

Paimeng continued to refute: Don’t make it sound so righteous to run away from the bill.

Comment area

Ying: Why do I feel that I am not surprised at all?

Hu Tao: Why do I feel that I am not surprised at all?

Tartaglia: Why do I feel that I am not surprised at all?

Elhaisen: The essence of human beings is to repeat.

Ningguang covered her face: Ganyu, Mr. Zhongli's bills will be reimbursed by seven stars in the future. You go and announce it to those merchants who have bills and ask them to send the bills to the General Affairs Department.

Quick Blade Chen looked like it was unnecessary: No, I will keep the emperor's bills well as a family heirloom. When I get old, I will show them to my children. The emperor has bought things from me.

Shitou's honest expression formed a sharp contrast with his words: Buy a large number of bills owed by the emperor, and exchange them at a ratio of 1 to 1.5.

Zhang Fan: Good guy, I'm crying to death. He still knows the spirit of the contract. He still remembers that he is the god of the contract. Liuyun is helpless: Xiaofan, you must learn to respect your elders.

Paimeng: The god of the contract violated the contract. Let me think about it? Those who break their promises should be punished by eating rocks.

Wendy spread his hands: The rock prince eats rocks? Okay, okay, play like this? The picture is too beautiful, I dare not imagine it.

Linni pretended to be exaggerated: I thought Lady Funina was usually exaggerated enough, but I didn't expect there would be something more abstract.

Funina: Hey, Linni, don't think that I won't dare... dare to touch you just because you are familiar with the traveler? Humph, that Vilet...

Nashida put her index finger on her cheek, and made a puzzled sound with a cute look: So this is how the gods of Inazuma and Liyue govern the country? Does Xumi need...

Paimon interrupted hurriedly: Nashida, you can't learn their unreliability.

Nashida: Don't worry, Paimon, I will definitely govern Xumi well, and I will never let... down? Why~ my heart~ hurts so much∽.

Ying said with some sadness: Nashida... cheer up, we will all support you.

Dina Zedai was very anxious: What? Lord Little Grass God, what's wrong with you, do you need to see a doctor?

Elhaisen: According to universal rationality, even if a god is sick, ordinary doctors should find it difficult to cure him. Huh? Why am I talking like this? It always feels so familiar.

Nilu looked worried: Eh? What should I do?

Nashida calmed down: I'm fine, don't worry, thank you for your concern.

Paimon: That's good, don't hide anything in the future, be sure to tell us in time.

The live broadcast continued.

The screen was black, and three words floated by: Three days later.

Ying, Paimon and Klee sat together and chatted. Paimon held his forehead and sighed: The dinner a few days ago was really terrible. I didn't expect that in the end, it was with the help of Ningguang and Keqing, two seven stars, that Zhongli was redeemed... After this lesson in the world, Zhongli will understand some rules of the world.

Klee responded: Just like Klee's survival rules.

Zhongli came over with tea.

Paimon agreed: Yes, just like survival...

Zhongli interrupted Paimon's speech: Sir, the Longjing tea you ordered has arrived.

Paimon and the traveler thanked him: Oh, thank you~ while taking a sip of the tea and spitting it out before it went into his stomach.

Paimon stamped his feet: This is not a complete memory.

People from all countries burst out laughing in the comment section.

Aratake Ichito: Hahaha, interesting, is this the Rock God with the same attributes as my God's Eye? It really suits my taste, I really want to meet him.

Hisahi Shinobu sweatdropped: Boss...

Yae Shinko: Oh my, I never realized that the gods of Liyue are so interesting when I went to Liyue before.

Ying: How many times have you been there? I don’t know how long it has been since I last saw the Rock God. At that time, I went with my sister... I feel that he is different from the one I saw at the party that year... Is this the product of wear and tear?

Ying: Ying, don’t take it seriously, this is a second creation.

Wanderer: Humph, Baalzebub, are you going to end up like this?

Nashida’s little face was like a school teacher, teaching: Ah, you can’t do this, you are starting over now, you should be polite.

Wendy: Hey, luckily I can still afford apple wine, otherwise I would be eating and drinking like the Rock Prince?

Diluk exposed it with a cold face: Mr. Wendy, the bard, please continue your performance. You have to play for two full hours tonight to pay for your wine today, even if you are... you can’t owe the winery money. Barbara clasped her hands together, closed her eyes and prayed: May the wind god bless us, and I hope that the live broadcast room will not play Lord Barbatos’ video. Even if... it is to be played, Lord Barbatos should not have any stains, right? Probably.

Qin is speechless: Barbara...

Zhang Fan sighs: The Traveler has a wide network of contacts

Ying is rarely embarrassed: No, no

Xiangling: Of course, the Traveler is very welcome

Paimeng looks at the food that Xiangling is about to cook, the aroma is overwhelming, and he hears their conversation and interrupts: And Paimeng.

Zhang Fan stuffed a bag of pre-meal snacks to Paimeng: Yes, yes, eat yours

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