This was a scene that shocked the audiences of the three worlds beyond words!

Just on the screen!

The second rider Kagami Arata rolled over and avoided the high-speed diving KABOTU insect instrument!


With a huge roar!

The red mechanical beetle slammed into the concrete floor like a cannonball.

And this red mechanical beetle drilled into the ground at the fastest speed.

When this scene appeared.

Not only the second rider Kagami Arata! The audiences of the three worlds

, including Teyvat Continent, Honkai III World, and Star Dome Railway World, were extremely confused.

The second rider Kagami Arata spoke in a daze.

“Insect Drill….”Drilled in?”

At this moment!

Kagami Shin was completely numb!

You know.

This is the second time that he was abandoned by the Kabuto King Insect Instrument!


He just said a lot of bold words!

But he did not transform successfully.

It’s bad!

He, Kagami Shin, has become a joke!

Just when the second rider Kagami Shin felt extremely uncomfortable!

The scene changed!

But he saw it in a closed underground passage.


A huge roar!

In the eyes of the alien insect monster, who was extremely unbelievable!

But he saw that the red mechanical beetle drilled through the ceiling of the underground passage and flew into Su Yun’s hands!

At this moment!

The extremely exciting music resounded on the screen of the previous life!

In this music.

It was even more in the battlefield of the underground passage.

Su Yun looked at the hideous alien insect monster in front of him, his expression was extremely cold

“Grandma once said!”

“The way of man is the way of man, and the way of heaven is to avoid the way of man.!”

“I am the center of the world, so I am the one who saves the world!!”


With a roar.


The red KABUTO insect instrument was inserted into the belt slot on the waist.

The bright light flashed.

A heavy Kamen Rider with blue mechanical compound eyes and red and silver armor appeared on the battlefield.

It was the masked form of Kamen Rider Kabuto!

At the same time!


The green alien insect monster in the underground passage let out a hideous roar.


Extremely high temperature appeared in the body of the green alien insect monster.

Buzz buzz buzz!

This green hideous alien insect monster turned into a white spider adult monster!

At this moment!

The atmosphere became extremely tense.

Just when the audiences of the three worlds were staring at the screen in front of them, not daring to breathe!

The picture turned!

The world of the camera came to the side of the second rider Kagami Arata!

Roar! Roar!


A large number of green alien insect monsters approached Kagami Arata.

But at this time.

In Tartaglia’s previous life, the second rider Kagami Arata, looked at the big hole in the ground.

He finally reacted.

Kagami Arata said words that were extremely aggrieved.


“Why doesn’t the KABUTO insect detector come into my hands!”

“I am a member of Jet!”

When this scene appeared, the audiences from the three worlds could no longer hold back!…

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Paimon]: Poof! Hahaha, this is simply a famous scene! The second rider is wearing the armored fighting king insect instrument, and he is abandoned twice!

【[Kaeya]: As someone who has been through this, clumsy Kagami! Sometimes, it is normal for us to suffer setbacks. You have to learn to accept it!

【Kiana]: Hahaha, I just thought that the second rider, Kagami Shin, would successfully transform into Kamen Rider. The second rider, Kagami, is indeed a bit pitiful!

【Dan Heng]: To be honest, the Second Rider Kagami has the qualifications to be a Kamen Rider, but unfortunately, Su Yun in this life is at the peak of his powers as soon as he debuted, so Kabuto King Insect Instrument will naturally choose Su Yun!


Just as the audiences of the three worlds were typing out words to express their emotions.

In the previous life, the screen was exposed!!

On the battlefield on the ground.

The large number of green insect monsters had completely surrounded the second rider Kagami Shin!

Seeing the second rider Kagami Shin being killed!

Boom! Boom!!

Two huge explosions.

Two deep pits appeared on the ground!!

I saw Kamen Rider Kabuto King fighting fiercely with the white spider monster!

The two fought from the underground battlefield to the highway battlefield on the ground!

The first time!

Su Yun saw Kagami Shin surrounded by a large number of green insect monsters!

Kamen Rider Kabuto King, who Su Yun transformed into, first took a few steps back!


Kamen Rider Kabuto King pulled out the red and silver kunai gun from his waist and pulled the trigger at the large number of insect monsters!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

A large number of energy bullets hit the body of the green insect monster.

Sparks flew!

The countless green insect monsters howled in pain.


The large number of insect monsters surrounding Kagami Shin rushed towards Kamen Rider Kabuto!

At this moment!

Time seemed to be silent!

But on the battlefield on the highway.

Kamen Rider Kabuto, his opponent, not only has white spider monsters, but also a large number of green larva monsters!

The atmosphere became extremely tense!

The audiences of the three worlds stared at the screen in front of them, not daring to breathe!

One second!

Two seconds!

Until the third second!

But on the battlefield.

The ferocious white spider monster let out a roar.


Roar! Roar! Roar!!

The large number of ferocious green larva monsters rushed towards Kamen Rider Kabuto!

At this moment.

The audiences of the three worlds couldn’t help but feel frightened.

This white spider monster can be said to be extremely despicable.

It actually wants to use the green larva monster to consume the physical strength of Kamen Rider Kabuto.

Then, this white spider monster killed Kamen Rider Kabuto King!

Without giving all the audience time to react.

On the battlefield, the battle started completely!

Facing this large number of green insect monsters!


Kamen Rider Kabuto King turned the kunai gun in his hand into a sharp hand axe!

Then, a scene that made hundreds of millions of viewers in the three worlds gasp appeared.

Kamen Rider Kabuto King did not retreat but advanced, and actually took the lead in killing into the insect tide of the green insect monsters!


The sharp hand axe slashed the body of the green insect monster in the front fiercely!

Under this axe!

A huge crack appeared from the left shoulder to the right waist of the green insect monster!


The body of this insect monster exploded instantly!!


Kamen Rider Kabuto King rushed out of the flames like a big devil, like a tiger descending on a flock of sheep.

The crazy killing began!!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Kamen Rider Kabuto swung his axe five times in a row!

Under this sharp axe

, the ferocious insect monster was no match for him!


A series of explosions occurred!

In just a dozen seconds, only one of the green larva monsters on the battlefield was left!

Seeing this, the audiences from the three worlds were even more excited!

Everyone expected that

Su Yun would be very strong in this life!

But they didn’t expect that he would be this strong!

This was only the second battle! He was able to kill low-level insect monsters like killing chickens!

Just when a large number of audiences wanted to type bullet screens to vent their excitement, suddenly!

Something strange happened!

The battlefield on the highway.

The only remaining green insect monster let out a ferocious roar.

Its body became extremely hot!!


A distorted light flashed.

This green larva monster evolved into a yellow spider monster!!

The camera zoomed up!!

But we saw a battlefield burning with raging fire.

On the left side of the battlefield was a yellow spider monster, and on the right side of the battlefield was a white spider monster!!

When this scene appeared.

The second rider Kagami Arata at the edge of the battlefield, his expression changed drastically, and he murmured to himself…

“Two adult monsters? ?!”

Just as Kagami’s words fell!!

Buzz buzz buzz!!

The extremely twisted power flashed in the bodies of the two adult monsters.


The ground under the feet of the two adult monsters cracked instantly.

One yellow and one white, the two spider monsters actually activated the power of super acceleration and rushed towards Kamen Rider Kabuto King!!

Time seemed to slow down at this moment!!

But on the battlefield burning with flames.

The two adult monsters kept circling around Kamen Rider Kabuto King’s body at an extremely fast speed!!

The battlefield was full of afterimages!!

The speed of these two monsters was so fast that the naked eye could not distinguish it at all!!





Kamen Rider Kabuto King’s body was constantly being hit by the two super accelerated adult monsters.


The sharp claws made scars on Kabuto’s red and silver armor one after another!!

Large sparks appeared on Kabuto’s body!!

Under this extremely fierce attack!!

Kabuto’s body, like a kite with a broken string, crashed into a concrete wall!!


The concrete wall had spider web-like cracks!!


Kabuto’s body fell to the ground.

When this scene appeared.

The originally boiling and noisy audiences of the three worlds were silent in an instant.

Just when a lot of audiences had a bad premonition in their hearts!!

At this moment.

The second rider Kagami Arata rushed to the center of the battlefield.

He let out an anxious roar.

“Su Yun, the Jiadouwang system should have a way to deal with super acceleration!!”

“Find it out!!” As soon as this sentence came out, the audiences in the three worlds felt relieved instantly!

The next second, a scene that shocked the audiences in the three worlds appeared.

On the screen,

Kamen Rider Kabuto King stood up from the ground slowly.

“Regardless of his own safety, he also wants to save others!!”

“Kagami, you are not fit to be a warrior!!”

“How to crack the monster’s super acceleration?”

“Kagami, I have always known!!

” As soon as this sentence came out, not only the second rider Kagami Arata, but also the audiences in the three worlds became confused at this moment!!

I don’t know when.

In the previous life exposure screen, the passionate background music reached its climax.

In this music with dense drum beats and passionate melody!!

On the battlefield on the highway.

A beam of golden sunlight broke through the dark clouds and shone on the body of Kamen Rider Kabuto King!!

Under the steel mask!!

Su Yun raised the corner of his mouth, and he spoke calmly

“Kagami, maybe you don’t believe it!”

“I got this knight’s belt seven years ago!!”

“I am very familiar with all the power of the belt!!”

“I just want to know!!”

“How long can I, the Kabuto King, in my first form, the Masked Form, hold out against the super-accelerated power of the two monsters!!”


“My test is over!!”

“It’s time to send these two hideous Zerg monsters to meet their Zerg God!!”

When this extremely confident voice resounded throughout the battlefield!!


The audiences in the three worlds had their brains roaring!!

Hundreds of millions of viewers were shocked to the extreme as they watched the screen in front of them.

What did they hear?

Su Yun, who had transformed into the Armor King, was able to break the super acceleration of the two monsters from the very beginning!!

But he just didn’t break it!! He just wanted to play with these two monsters?!!


The barrage of words, like a volcanic eruption, appeared on the screen

“I……I am so stupid! Now I finally understand why Kabuto King is called the Heisei King!”

“Sure enough, there is only a wrong name, not a wrong nickname, the Heisei King lives up to his reputation!!”

“Ahhh! Kabuto-oh is so handsome at this moment!!!”


In the three worlds���, they all typed out bullet screens to vent their emotions!!

On the battlefield, the two adult monsters had a sense of uneasiness in their hearts!!


The two adult monsters roared and summoned the low-level larva monsters around them!!

The next second!!

In the jungle around the road!!

Roar! Roar! Roar!!

Three hideous green alien monsters suddenly rushed out and killed Kamen Rider Kabuto!!

At the same time!!


The red and silver Kamen Rider slowly turned the steel horns of the KABUTO Insect Mechanic at his waist!!


Like a thousand flying birds chirping!!!

Endless brilliant blue thunder spread across Kamen Rider Kabuto’s body!!

The sound of the machine resounded throughout the battlefield


Kabuto King’s armor explodes!!

Second form! Knight form!!!

When the mechanical sound fell, a scene that shocked the audiences of the three worlds to the point of losing their voices appeared.

But on the battlefield!!

Kamen Rider Kabuto King’s heavy metal armor suddenly exploded at this moment!!

The countless steel fragments, under the blessing of thunder, splashed in all directions like cannonballs!!

The three green low-level larva monsters rushing towards Kamen Rider Kabuto King were directly blasted into powder in the endless steel fragments!!!

Boom boom boom!!

The roar of three consecutive explosions resounded throughout the battlefield!!

In the fiery red raging fire!!

The mechanical sound rang again


The beetle transforms!!

But it is seen on the battlefield.

The Kamen Rider who was originally wearing heavy armor has disappeared!!

Instead, it is a Kamen Rider with thin red and black armor, red chest armor, and ice-blue compound eyes!!

In the close-up of the camera, the red horns of the steel rhinoceros beetle are seen flipping up from the chin of Kabuto King!!!

At this moment!!

The ice-blue compound eyes are flashing with endless cold light!!

The extremely terrifying momentum spreads in all directions!!!

It is Kamen Rider Kabuto King, the second form, the knight form!!

And this Kamen Rider with red and black armor, upright body, and extremely handsome is also Kamen Rider Kabuto King, the true form!!!

At this moment!!

The great devil of the alien insect civilization in Kabuto King’s world has officially arrived!!!

But it is seen on the battlefield.

No matter the yellow spider monster or the white spider monster, after feeling the terrifying momentum of Kamen Rider Kabuto King!!

The two ferocious monsters changed their expressions, and they once again started super acceleration, wanting to strike first!!

And this time!!

Kamen Rider Kabuto King, with his ice-blue compound eyes, completely saw through the whereabouts of the two monsters!!

Kamen Rider Kabuto King easily dodged the claws of the two monsters!!

Then he pressed the silver-white button on his waist!!

The sound of the machine rang out


Kabuto King! Super acceleration!!


The audiences of the three worlds,���The room exploded!!.

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