After saying this, Mikhail seemed to relax a little at this moment.

He felt like he had finally completed a mission and was finally relieved.


"Then wait until you have rested, then we will set off~?"

The Clock Boy smiled.

In its eyes,

Misha in front of it just wanted to take a nap.

On this point, the two people had completely different understandings.

It was the difference in understanding that led to the farewell.

The rest that Mikhail talked about was eternal sleep.

Listening to the words of the Clock Boy, he knew that this was a bit too cruel for the Clock Boy.

But, he was not a child after all.

Even in the dream bubble left behind, Misha still looked like a child.

But, at the moment, it could not be maintained after all.

Mikhail turned around and looked at the Clock Boy gently.

In Misha's small body, there was a different feeling.

"No, I will stay here.

Mikhail said

"And then... it was over."

He said this.

His life had already come to an end.

【Gold Dust: Oh! It's another touching and affectionate scene! It really makes me sigh.】

【Gold Dust: So, who are we going to leave Clock Boy to this time?】

【Portio: He treasured it, who else could he leave it to? Only the Trail Blazers!】

【Navillette: This old man has gone far enough, and his life is full of legends】

【Zhongli: But the legend only has its true meaning when it ends.】

【Zhongli: His story ends here】

【Zhongli: And these stories will always accompany people and guide them to move forward.】

【Bottiou: This is true.……】

【Liuying: I think this is enough for a watchmaker.】

【Firefly: Life is not about how long it is, but whether you leave something behind while you are alive.】

【Xing: It's really emotional! Is this the past?】

【March 7: And then, it's our turn】


In the exposure picture.

Hearing this, the clock boy was completely stunned


"Misha, what does this mean?"

It didn't understand at all, and didn't know what it meant.

But it seemed to be a bad word.

"You clearly said that the pioneering journey will never end."

The Clock Boy said so.

Mikhail also seemed to sigh when he heard it.

"Yeah, I said that.……"

He looked at the clock boy.

His eyes were no longer as clear as Misha's.

Now he had the openness and contentment that only comes after going through many things.��

"So now, it's your turn to decide your next stop."

Mikhail looked at the Watchboy.

At this moment, he gave the right to choose to the Watchboy.

Or rather, he had to give it to the Watchboy.

Just like when his grandfather said goodbye to him.

Now, the Watchboy was also going to experience such a moment.

The watchmaker had no successor.

Before he left, he only had the Watchboy, his companion since childhood.

This was something that no one else could compare to.

"My next stop?"

"Where should that be?"

"I've always followed you.……"

【Mockingbird: This must be very painful for Clock Boy, right?】

【March 7: It has never experienced anything like this before, so it doesn't understand what this means.】

【Xing: What a pity! After all, everyone will die.】

【Gallagher: Hehehe! It's really like that old man.】

【Gallagher: He always lets others choose their own path】

【Gallagher: I think it's probably because the concept of pioneering has stayed in his mind for too long?】

【Portio: Darling! Is it time to choose your own path?】

【Xing: It feels like an elder is giving instructions to the younger generation. Does this count as preparation for funeral affairs?】

【March 7: It’s already this time, what do you think?】

【Xing: I think the spirit lives on.】


In the exposed picture.

The Clock Boy doesn't understand.

He has been following Mikhail for so long.

From Misha when he was a child, to boarding the Starry Sky Train.

Later, he got off in Asdena, and went to Pinoconi, and many other things.

Finally, until now.

From the birth of the Clock Boy to now, it has always followed Mikhail.

Because of this, he now has only endless confusion.

At this moment, he has to choose his next stop.

He doesn't know where he should go.

Looking at"Misha" in front of him, the Clock Boy felt extremely unfamiliar at this time.

"Misha? What's wrong with you?"

"You are so weird today!"

"If you are unhappy, we can do the clock trick as usual!!"

Now it can only simply think that Misha is just unhappy.

They should have had many such times.

It is just that the omnipotent clock trick can always bring them happiness.

Hearing this, Mikhail's smile became even more intense.

He naturally knew the meaning of the clock trick and the clock boy.

However, what is happening now is completely different from that.

"No, I'm not unhappy.

Mikhail said with a smile.

"As for the clock trick……"

He seemed to be lost in memory again.

This memory was deep enough and long enough.

They had used the magical clock trick more than once.

"Yes, in this dream it seems to be able to solve all problems.

Mikhail smiled.

"So do you know what the clock trick is?���"

He had already looked at the Clock Boy.

No, to be more precise, the Compass Boy.

【Xing: I know, I know! This isn't actually a clock, it's a compass!】

【Star: The compass will only point in one direction, and everyone will continue to move forward in this direction.】

【Xing: So the clock trick should be like this】

【March 7: Well, as expected, after others have finished speaking, the questions are answered quickly.】

【Portio: I'm curious about this clock trick. I wonder if it can affect my mood?】

【Gold Dust: If you didn't volunteer, I believe you wouldn't be able to resist drawing your gun.】

【Portio: This... is really fucking】

【Robin: I always feel that this is a kind of power that can calm people down and keep moving forward.】

【Mockingbird: Pinocchio's dream should have been like this】

【Mockingbird: But now, everything seems a little different】

【Xing: It's okay, I'm here, Galaxy Batman! Pinocchio will be fine.】

【March 7: Yes! We will succeed! Pinocchio should become like that】


In the exposure screen.

When asked such a profound question suddenly, the watch boy was completely confused.

"What is it? I don't know."

Although it can use the clock trick, it has never thought about the meaning of it.

Perhaps, it is because it has always been walking in front of it and does not need to think at all.

"Everyone gets lost sometimes."

"At that time, they would be hesitant and not know which direction to go.

Mikhail began to explain.

The true meaning of the clock trick was revealed at this moment.

"It exists in this dream and also exists anywhere outside of the dream."

This is a situation that people will always face.

It is also a moment that everyone will face.

After all, no one's life is smooth sailing.

If smooth sailing and success always run through life. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Then, this is what the clock trick hopes to see.

It is a kind of hope given to people.

I hope people can continue to muster up their courage and move forward.

I hope to change the status quo.

I hope to get a good ending.[]

Mikhail said.

Then, he looked up at the sky.

Above the sky.

In this dream.

There was a glow emanating.

It was like a ball of light that should be in people’s hearts.

"But don't be afraid"

"Just as people feel confused"

"At some point, they will also make up their minds to make a bold but remarkable decision……"

People may lose confidence in the future.

But sometimes they will suddenly be full of confidence and move towards their goals firmly.

These sudden changes in emotions are enough to explain everything.

"Whatever the decision"

"Is it calm, happy, angry, or sad?……"

"All they need is a little push."

"Then you can take a step forward and move towards your own future.

Mikhail said

"I leave this little power to you, and hope you can bring it to more people.……"

He looked back at the Clock Boy, hoping that this could be passed down.

"This is the trick of the clock, called the will to explore."

Mikhail said so.

At this moment, he has fully explained everything.

【Furninna: This is a trick of the clock! The will to explore is indeed worthy of the pioneering spirit!】

【Xing: Hehehe! How is it? Am I fast enough to answer the questions?】

【March 7: It’s a bit fast, but can you please not waste such a good atmosphere?】

【Liuying: I think, the travelers who walk on the path of destiny are not just on one path of destiny.】

【Firefly: In that destiny, there will always be people who are disturbed by many destinies.】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! This is so fun! Very interesting!】

【Hanabi: If you say so, then I'm going to tell you the story of Akivali and the God of Fun.】

【Hanabi: I believe and understand that Akivali can always bring more fun.】

【Fireworks: In the process of development, we can always explore many unknowns. It is precisely because of these unknowns that people's future will be truly interesting.】

【Funina: Pioneering? I hope everyone in Fontaine can do this.】

【Navilette: I think this moment won't be too far away】

【Furninna: Perhaps, we are also on the road of exploration at this moment? Although it is not obvious, it is indeed happening.】

【Robin: I believe that Pinocchio will have his own future!】

【Xing: Then let the will of pioneering bring new life to this land abandoned by the people!!】


In the exposed picture.

After Mikhail finished explaining the clock trick.

He began to walk towards the recliner.

Under the moonlight, he was about to complete the overlap and the closed loop.

Misha of the past and Mikhail of the future.

All these memories would overlap.

The memory of the dream bubble was complete.

It was about to take away an old man's last wish and a child's eternal vision of the future.

Because, on this pioneering road, someone finally stepped on it again.

Seeing this scene, the clock boy also lowered his head.

He looked a little aggrieved.

At this time, he seemed to have no idea what he was thinking.

Misha's voice continued to ring.

"The hands of the clock go round and round"

"Just like people's confusion, troubles and weaknesses……"

"These emotions are constantly swaying."

He explained. He was already holding the hat that Mr. Falken Amundsen had left him, and closed his eyes peacefully.

At this moment, he had found himself and was going to fall asleep here.

"But in the end, people still move forward"

"Just like your pointer……"

"Always falling in front."

This voice is ringing.

It is also constantly echoing.

【Funina: Always stay ahead, that is to always move forward firmly】

【��Lottie: No matter what we go through, no one will retreat or escape】

【Navilette: Even if there is, it is only a temporary retreat and escape】

【Navilet: They will eventually see the decisions they made in their future】

【Star: Exploration never ends!!】

【March 7: You must keep moving forward firmly! Come on, come on!】

【Gold Dust: Hahaha! Always looking forward? That's really inspiring!】

【Bottiou: What a treasure! Wasn't this old man so handsome when he left?】

【Botio: Yeah! I understand why we need to pass on the legacy.】

【Xing: Why?】

【Portio: Because it's so cool!】


In the exposure picture.

And in front of Misha, a figure has appeared at this moment.

This figure watched Misha fall asleep from the dream bubble.

Returning to Liumeng Reef, looking at Mikhail who was holding the dream bubble.

She took the hat and pocket watch from Mikhail.

The hat was left by the previous navigator, Mr. Falken Amundsen.

Wearing this hat, it seems that you will never get lost.

And the pocket watch is a gift Mikhail left for future generations. As the name suggests, it is just like.

The predecessors left a legacy to the future generations.

Mikhail also left something like his teacher.

Xing looked at the old man in front of her.

She had already knelt down respectfully.

She saw off this predecessor, and at the same time took over the power from this predecessor.

The future of Pinocchio.

At this moment, it has been completely handed over to their hands.

So, they are about to officially embark on their journey.

"My journey ends here..."

Mikhail's voice seemed to still be ringing.

This kind of voice, listening to it, can make people feel that something is echoing in it.

"From now on…"

"This is your path!"

Mikhail has done everything he could.

The name of the watchmaker finally went to the past at this moment.

The new successor will continue to move forward and set off again.

Xing stood up slowly.

She had picked up the hat that Mikhail handed to her, and then put it on her head.

The darkness slowly rising through the brim of the hat was like a big show officially kicked off.

Xing put on the hat, as if she was going to continue on her journey.

【Xing: Woohoo! So handsome! From now on, this is my path!】

【March 7: Hmm! I can’t tell! You look pretty good in this hat】

【Funina: This is not just a hat, it is also a heavy responsibility】

【Keqing: However, the descendants of pioneers should know better than others what to do.】

【Hanabi: Yeah yeah yeah! I'm so happy to see such fun!】

【Huang Quan: Is this considered fun?】

【Black Swan: A believer in joy, able to find different fun in a variety of places】

【Black Swan: If you feel happy, she will also feel happy.】

【Star: No matter when you make a fool of yourself, they are definitely the first to laugh.】

【Hanabi: It can't be helped! Why is it that the happiness that we all share is often built on the suffering of others?】

【Hanabi: All right, little gray-haired boy! I'm very optimistic about you!】

【Gallagher: It looks like my mission is accomplished!】

【Gallagher: At least, one day in the future, there is still hope.

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