Genshin Impact: Invite Nasida And Mc Build The Jingshan Palace

99. Arriving At The Lower Realm, What Lower Realm! This Is Obviously Hell!

On the empty island, Jiang Xuan did not wait long.

In other words, while waiting, Jiang Xuan has been thinking about his dream last night.

In the grassland next door, his original idea was to build a city there after opening some modern modules.

But now Jiang Xuan has a new idea.

It was a ready-made area.

It’s almost the same as the grassland in last night’s dream.

In this case, he just fulfilled his agreement with Nasida.

Gardens, floats, Jingshan Palace.

Since Xumi cannot tolerate Nasida, then Jiang Xuan's MC world can.

He could create his own little world with Nasida.

Nacida has suffered for five hundred years, and Jiang Xuan will make up for it.

After thinking for a while, Zhongli and others landed on the empty island.

Liuyun has already gone to study the architectural drawings, as for Mandrill.

Today the miners are going to the core mine, and he wants to go exploring together. If there are any monster spawners or the like, it will be easier for him to deal with them.

Of course, the other main reason for letting Mandrill stay is.

Jiang Xuan used a diamond pickaxe to enchant fortune before, and left behind a handful of iron cans that he collected accurately.

In the gold mine and diamond mine, you must have these two pickaxes.

"Jiang Xuan, I brought a set of grilled pork chops, and Gan Yu brought a set of bread. It should be enough, right?"

Ningguang walked to Jiang Xuan and asked softly.

At this time, everyone was dressed in iron sheaths, all of which were finished products after enchantment.

In addition, in each hand, there is either an enchanted iron sword longbow or an enchanted iron pickaxe.

Basically, it can be considered a relatively mature team.

"There's nothing wrong with the food, but I still have to remind you, be prepared to go without sleep for a long time this time."

Jiang Xuan looked at everyone with a smile and said slightly seriously:

"You absolutely cannot bring a bed with you when you go to the lower realm. If you take a bed with you, it will explode immediately."

Jiang Xuan has repeatedly mentioned this to everyone.

It stands to reason that when going to the Nether, you should prepare a special must-have product.

Rebirth Anchor.

Don't worry about what other ways this thing can be played, it only has a little effect and that's enough.

In the lower realm, the point of death and rebirth.

Jiang Xuan really wants to make one.

However, Fluorite is okay, but the crying Obsidian is really difficult to deal with.

At least Jiang Xuan and the others who haven't gone out to explore the area will definitely not be able to find this thing.

"Hehe, don't worry!"

Hu Tao happily took a picture of the barren airport.

"We have already remembered it! It's just a period of not sleeping, it has no impact on us!"

This is true.

This is a bunch of people in front of me.

Gan Yu himself is the kind of werewolf who stays up all night for several days when he works overtime.

Hutao wanders the boundary between life and death and has special characteristics that other original gods do not have.

Zhongli, what’s wrong with a rock king who doesn’t sleep?

It’s just that the Ningguang physique is weaker, but don’t forget...

Ning Guang also synchronized with Jiang Xuan's physique.

What is Sir Steve's physique?

Anyway, there is no mechanism in the Nether to generate phantoms without sleeping, so it will be fine if you don't sleep for a year.

Seeing that everyone was looking forward to it, Jiang Xuan didn't say any more.

He just smiled and nodded:

"The primary purpose of going to the lower realm this time is to confirm the area where the portal is located."

"Then, collect as many minerals as possible."

"The miners will definitely not be able to enter the lower realm for a while, so our goal this time is to fill up all the backpack space before leaving."

"Also, if you can...

Before he finished speaking, Hu Tao urged:

"I know, I know! Blaze and Hell Fortress, right? I remember it clearly, you've said it eight hundred times!"

"It's the underworld fortress! Hell or something, it's so unlucky!"

Jiang Xuan shook his head helplessly.

He understood that Hu Tao had seen through life and death, so he never cared about it.

However, Jiang Xuan doesn't have that mentality yet.

Death or something like that is better for him to stay away from.

"How are you preparing the gold ingot?"

Jiang Xuan turned to look at Ningguang again, who said softly:

"I have prepared half a set of gold ingots, which should be enough to trade with the piglins, right?"

Half a group of gold ingots is about seventy-one tons of gold.

This astronomical figure, in the past, Ningguang would have been distressed for a long time when taking it out.

But it doesn't matter now.

In the gold room, there are still four or five gold nuggets piled up.

A few days ago, Ning Guang wanted to try out what are the characteristics of tools made of gold.

Very atmospheric.

Thinking in his mind, Jiang Xuan waved.

"Zhongli, get on the shield, let's go take a look first."

Zhongli nodded slightly, opened the Jade Zhang shield, raised the shield again and walked forward.

Jiang Xuan took out his finished enchanted bow.

"Zhongli and I will go in first. If we don't come out after five minutes, you can come back."

Although Gan Yu wanted to say something, he finally nodded silently.

Jiang Xuan and Zhongli looked at each other, Zhongli was in the front defending, and Jiang Xuan was behind with his bow.

The two of them were alert and walked into the portal.

Purple teleportation light waves enveloped them, and in the eyes of Guang and others, Jiang Xuan's figures seemed to be distorted for an instant.

In fact, it was the first time I truly stepped into the portal.

When Jiang Xuan and Zhong Li were being teleported, all the space in front of them seemed to be swaying in waves.

Somehow, there is still a feeling of nausea.

After a while, their vision went dark and they completely entered the lower realm.

A strong sense of spatial distortion and error surged into his heart. The moment he reached the lower realm, Zhongli felt a little nauseous.

But his good fighting qualities kept his body on subconscious alert.

After a moment of relief, Zhongli slowly opened his eyes.

Everything he saw shocked Zhongli, who was used to big scenes.

He finally understood why this place was called the lower world and hell.

Using these two words to describe it couldn’t be more appropriate.

The whole world is dark red, as if dried blood fills this space.

The Gate of Hell stands quietly on a piece of dark red Hell Rock.

This place is not as flat as the main world, and there are huge gaps (bhch) everywhere.

Not far away in the sky, a magma waterfall continued to dissipate on the ground.

A wave of scalding heat hit my face.

There is no smell here, just the smell of sulfur from the magma.

But if you ask Zhongli what hell tastes like, then this is it...

Compared with this, the boundary between life and death in Teyvat is simply a paradise.

Not far away are densely packed, let’s call them trees.


No matter how hard he thought, Zhongli didn't think that this kind of tree block, which looked like a tree stained red with blood and had countless weird mycelium crawling on it, could be called a tree.

There are many bright and dim squares hanging on the tree, like lanterns.

But it also seemed like a weird plant.

Not to mention anything else, there are at least four small magma pools within a few hundred meters of the Hell Gate.

Around the magma pool, there are magma blocks that have never been seen before.

This may be understandable after you become familiar with it.

But what shocked Zhongli the most...

It was a hundred meters away, at the cliff of Hell Rock, the endless sea of ​​magma with almost no end in sight.

Rich red light filled his pupils.

To be honest, Zhongli had never seen such a harsh environment even during the Demon God War.

This is the forbidden land of life and the real place of death.

What is above the head is not the sky, but dense and messy hell rocks, with many fluorite squares dotted in the middle.

After Kanria, Zhongli felt that nothing could shock him more.

But here is the exception.

The sense of crisis that he felt here far exceeded that of Kanrea.

Zhongli even felt that even if Tianli came to this world and was suppressed by the law, he would have to be careful to survive in the lower world.

At this moment, Zhongli no longer recognized Jiang Xuan's description of this place as the lower realm.

This is hell!

No matter how nice it sounds, it is an absolute taboo for any life.


Unable to help himself, all the remaining elemental power in Zhongli's body roared out, and Yuzhang's shield became even thicker.

But this still couldn't give him a sense of security, so Zhongli had no choice but to raise his shield and be wary of everything in front of him.

There are seven zombie piglins not far away. Jiang Xuan said that as long as you don't hit them, they will not attack.

But in the magma pool fifty meters away, there was a huge magma slime.

The huge eyes have noticed him and Jiang Xuan, who are slowly jumping here.

Above the magma pool, there are many huge and gray square ghosts floating. In the words of this world, they are evil spirits.

From time to time, the other party would let out a quiet and quiet cry. If Zhongli hadn't seen too much life and death, he would probably be a little creepy.

Looking not far away, there is another enderman flashing.

Currently, Zhongli has only seen these four kinds of creatures.

Without exception...

Except for the zombie piglins, which can barely be said to be aggressive, the others are all monsters full of malice toward life.

What concerned Zhongli even more was the strider beast wandering aimlessly in the magma sea.

The hot magma is like bath water to them, and they can swim in it leisurely.

"No wonder you asked us to enchant us with fire protection and be fully prepared before coming here...

Zhongli's face darkened slightly and he whispered:

"This place is really terrible... In more than six thousand years, I have never seen such a taboo place.

Jiang Xuan was also shocked by the reality of the lower realm, but he quickly reacted and said helplessly:

"If it weren't for the fact that there are a lot of things I desperately need, I really wouldn't want to come here."

"Tsk... I can't simply describe this place as the lower realm."

Jiang Xuan shook his head, looked at the approaching magma slime, took out the enchanted diamond sword, and said softly:

"Anyway... let's make this place safer before they come here."

Seeing Zhongli planning to use his shield to fight the magma slime, Jiang Xuan didn't say anything.

Magma Slime is a contact damage, the shield is hard to resist, and the durability drops quickly.

However, I brought a lot of shields this time and didn't care about the cost.

"Take out the diamond sword I enchanted for you, the one you snatched.

After making sure there were no other monsters around, Jiang Xuan smiled and said:

"Although magma slimes are disgusting, as long as they are not in large numbers, they do not pose a threat. On the contrary..."

"I really need this guy's drops. Magma paste is a necessary material for making fire retardant potions.

Zhongli's silent passion surged up again after five hundred years. He took out his diamond sword and said softly:

"It seems that after arriving here, it will be difficult for the fighting to stop."

"What, you don't like it?"

"'s been a long time coming, let's stretch our muscles!"

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