
Bai Ye raised his pistol high, and the clock behind him began to turn.

Finally, the pointer pointed to one o'clock, and a black mist began to condense on the pointer, and finally gathered on the muzzle of the pistol.

"Young General, calm down, you must calm down!"

"Don't think about it, we will find a way to send you over."

"If you die, how should we explain to General Lei Dian, calm down!"

Tony looked worried, but he didn't dare to get close to Bai Ye, for fear that Bai Ye would not commit suicide if he was unhappy, and shot him back.

Bai Ye's right eye turned yellow, and a yellow clock began to turn in his eye.

"Keke Emperor·One Bullet."

Bai Ye's tone became cold, and he pulled the trigger in his hand.


The whole person disappeared instantly.

Tony exclaimed and closed his eyes involuntarily.

"What's going on? Where's the young general?"

When Tony opened his eyes, Bai Ye had disappeared without a trace.


A broken world.

"Ah, I found you..."

A girl with heterochromatic eyes wearing red gothic clothes and twin ponytails looked up at the sky with an evil smile on her lips.

The girl was Tokisaki Kurumi.

She followed the breath of Bai Ye and traveled through hundreds of worlds.

After Tokisaki Kurumi came to this world, she did not find Bai Ye, and the breath of Kekedi had disappeared.

She dug almost three feet deep in this world, but could only find traces of Bai Ye's existence.

Tokisaki Kurumi even thought that Bai Ye died in this world.

Just when she was about to return to the original world, she felt the breath of Bai Ye again.

"It looks a bit far away, but you shouldn't be able to run away this time..."

"Wait for me, I'm coming soon. It takes some time to travel through the world..."

"Bai Ye, you must wait for me."

Tokisaki Kurumi licked her lips and said to herself.


Death Star.

The purple dragon opened its bloody mouth and bit the Death Star.

The hull kept shaking, and even the cabin was flooded.

If this goes on, the Death Star will not be able to hold on before the dragon makes a move.

Everyone tried their best and threw all kinds of skills at the dragon desperately.

Zhongli waved his hands, and everyone was covered with a shield.

Although Zhongli is a god, he has the power to kill this demon god in seconds.

But the dragon has always been near the ship, and "Heaven Moving All Things" cannot be used.

If it is used rashly, it may sink the Death Star and the nearby islands.

So it has been passively defending.

At this moment, the surrounding space was distorted.

Bai Ye's figure appeared in the air.

Zhongli was stunned, and then said in disbelief: "Is this the power of the Time Demon?"

"Bai Ye?!"

"Bai Ye, you are fine!"

"What about the business of the Rebirth Hall? You have already chosen the coffin."


The people on the boat were naturally surprised and happy to see Bai Ye's figure.

Bai Ye just nodded and did not reply. He felt that the dragon in front of him was a bit tricky.

"You have the breath of that woman..."

After seeing Bai Ye's figure, the dragon stopped attacking, but looked at Bai Ye and spoke in human language.

Bai Ye looked indifferent, turned his head and looked at the purple dragon and said: "Who are you?"

"Who am I?! You should ask General Lei Dian for this question."

The dragon roared and attacked Bai Ye.

The lightning flashed towards Bai Ye, who dodged it with a flash and said to Zhong Li: "Take them away, I have a way to leave."

Zhong Li nodded. He felt the power of time in Bai Ye and naturally believed in Bai Ye's words.

"Drive the ship with all your strength and head towards the island."

Zhong Li walked slowly to the captain's room and patted Bei Dou on the shoulder.

Bai Ye saw Zhong Li taking his time and wanted to kick him.

Bei Dou was stunned and asked: "What about him?"

"Don't worry about him, his mother is General Lei Dian."

Zhong Li yawned and said casually.

Bei Dou felt relieved when he heard Zhong Li's words and drove the Death Star with all his strength towards the island.


"How do you want to die?"

Only when Bai Ye saw the Death Star heading toward the island did he feel relieved and turned his head to look at Jiao Long jokingly.

It had been a long time since he had fought, and Bai Ye was extremely eager for a fight at this time.

Bai Ye didn't know why he had this feeling.

Since he merged with Hei Ye, his will to fight has become stronger and stronger.

Now he even trembles with excitement when he sees blood.

Unlike the gambling mode, this excitement is controllable, and he can control his body freely.

Jiao Long felt a hint of inexplicable breath. The human in front of him had no fear of him at all, and he felt a little uneasy.

"Tell me about your origins and your purpose."

Bai Ye yawned and casually drew out Mengxiang Yixin in the void.

Seeing Mengxiang Yixin.

Jiao Long's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help trembling all over, as if he had seen something incredible.

Bai Ye clearly felt the dragon's fear, and waved the Dream One Heart in his hand and said, "Do you confess honestly or with my help?"

The dragon did not speak, and it felt a little uneasy.

The meaning of Bai Ye's words was very clear, either you tell it all honestly, or I beat you to tell it.

"I say..."

The dragon finally gave in and looked at Bai Ye honestly.

Bai Ye grinned: "Now I ask you questions."


One Heart Pure Land.

Ying opened her eyes, and she felt that the Dream One Heart in front of her was gone.

She stood up slowly, frowning slightly.

Ying knew in her heart that if Bai Ye was not in danger of his life, he would not use the Dream One Heart under normal circumstances.

So should she help him?

Ying felt a little distressed, and she was hesitant.

"If something happens to Bai Ye, what about my Tuanzi Milk?"

Ying could only use such a lame excuse to comfort herself.

Thinking of this, Ying stood up, opened a crack, and moved frantically towards Bai Ye's location.

The reason why Ying wanted to go was probably because she no longer wanted to lose anything.

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