Bai Ye didn't speak, and he couldn't speak now.

He exerted a little force on his waist and did a carp-like somersault.

He fell off the bed, rushed to Hei Ye in an instant, and snatched the dagger from Hei Ye's hand.

Before Hei Ye could react.

There was a puff.

The dagger was inserted into Hei Ye's chest.

Scarlet blood gushed out, staining Hei Ye's clothes red.

Bai Ye raised his leg and kicked Hei Ye away, then quickly stepped forward and stabbed him a few more times, then clapped his hands and felt relieved.

"How did you... know?"

"Impossible, this is impossible, I have disguised myself perfectly, how could it be..."

Hei Ye covered his chest and leaned against the wall weakly.

"When I saw the medical records and the medicine, I had some doubts..."

"But I was not sure that all this was illusory at the time. I got lost several times when I went home. I knew that this was the sequelae of playing Zoro in the One Piece world, and I had a little doubt in my heart..."

"And when I returned home and saw that the original version of the god was 1.6, I knew that all this was fake."

"Do you have anything else to say now?"

Bai Ye slowly walked to Hei Ye and pulled out the dagger stuck in his chest.

"You should gradually lose your memory after taking the medicine. I clearly saw you eat it all with my own eyes. How could this be..."

Hei Ye forced a smile, and his eyes looking at Bai Ye became terrified.

"I won this battle. When you lost your memory, I became the controller of this body..."

Bai Ye laughed, took out dozens of pills from his bag, and stuffed them all into Hei Ye's mouth.

The moment Heiye took the pill, he froze in place.

His consciousness became increasingly blurred, and then he collapsed to the ground.

Baiye took a deep breath and sat down on the bed.

All he had to do next was wait for the drug to take effect and completely absorb Heiye.

The inner demon that had accompanied Baiye throughout the game also completely disappeared.


One Heart Pure Land.

A day passed quickly.

During this period, Lei Dianying and General Lei Dian kept staring at Baiye.

The hope in their eyes gradually turned into despair.

General Lei Dian shook his head, sighed and said, "It's over..."

"Yeah... It's over..."

Lei Dianying stood there in a daze.

General Lei Dian slowly got up and turned to walk towards the crack.


The moment he was about to walk out of One Heart Pure Land, he heard Lei Dianying exclaim.

General Lei Dian was startled, then turned his head to look.

Bai Ye's chest kept rising and falling, and his pale cheeks gradually became rosy.

His eyelashes kept trembling, and the whole person was dead and full of life.

Lei Dianying and General Lei Dian were happy, knowing in their hearts that Bai Ye had survived.

But the good times didn't last long.

After a short while, Bai Ye fell into silence again, but the breath of life was still there.

"It seems that we can only wait for him to wake up."

Lei Dianying sighed and turned to look at General Lei Dian.

"Then I'll go back to the castle tower first. If he wakes up, remember to call me."

General Lei Dian nodded and turned away without hesitation.

After General Lei Dian left.

Lei Dianying closed his eyes, the whole person flew into the air, crossed his legs and floated in the air, and continued to enter the state of thinking.


Consciousness space.

I don't know how long it took.

Hei Ye's body kept splitting and reorganizing, and finally turned into a black mist.

Bai Ye's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he grabbed the black gas in his hands and put it on his chest.

The black gas seemed to have consciousness and kept drilling into Bai Ye's body.

The huge memory kept stimulating Bai Ye's mind, Bai Ye had a splitting headache, and his face was full of disbelief.

In this memory of Hei Ye, he learned a huge secret.

Hei Ye was the original personality, and he was the personality generated by the gambling world.

Since the appearance of Bai Ye's personality, Hei Ye's personality has fallen into silence.

After a period of precipitation, the memories of both Hei Ye and Bai Ye had problems, which led to this situation.

"So I am the personality that was generated later? This... How is it?What happened?"

"Could it be that before he died, Hei Ye tampered with his memory? "

Bai Ye rubbed his head and slumped on the bed weakly. Then his consciousness gradually disappeared and he fell into darkness.

Even so, Bai Ye still believed that Hei Ye had modified his memory before he died.


After a long period of darkness, Bai Ye woke up.

Bai Ye opened his eyes and saw Lei Dianying sitting cross-legged in the air with his eyes closed.

Bai Ye was a little curious and even suspected that he was still in an illusion.

He was clearly in the coffin of the Hall of Rebirth before, so how did he run to Yixin Pure Land now?

With curiosity in his heart, Bai Ye quietly climbed up, and then walked silently in front of Lei Dianying, stretched out his hand...

Pinched Lei Dianying's face hard.

Until now, he still thought he was in the environment.

The reason for doing this was just to satisfy his own bad taste when he was idle.

But who knew that the next second Lei Dianying opened his eyes and looked at Bai Ye with a puzzled look.

"What are you doing? "

Bai Ye was startled, and his body froze in place when he heard the familiar tone.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Then Bai Ye pinched Lei Dianying hard again.

Anyway, it doesn't matter since we are still in the illusion.

Bai Ye smiled and said in a mean way: "Of course I pinch your face, do you have any objection?"

Lei Dianying's eyes became more and more confused.

How come this person has been unconscious for a while, and he looks like a different person? After thinking about it...

Lei Dianying took out Mengxiang Yixin, gently put it on Bai Ye's neck, and asked: "Who are you?"

Bai Ye's body froze, he could feel the cold blade, and turned his head with difficulty to look around.

He saw the empty bottle of Tuanzi Milk, and said in his heart that it was not good.

Everything that happened before his eyes was probably real.

Bai Ye thought carefully in his mind, then closed his eyes, pretended to be unconscious and lay on the ground.

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