"Inazuma will never allow a pervert like you to exist!"

Kujo Sara picked up a bow and arrow and aimed at Bai Ye.

At the same time, the Eye of God on his waist lit up.

Bai Ye looked confused, not knowing how he had offended this Tengu.

Isn't it just a touch, so why such a big reaction?

Bai Ye spread his hands helplessly: "Forget it, I won't touch your Eye of God, just fix the door."

Kujo Sara was stunned.

What the hell? Touch the Eye of God?

It took a moment to react, and it turned out that he had thought wrong.

Kujo Sara blushed: "I want... to... touch the Eye of God?!"

"I don't have the Eye of God, so I really want to know how the Eye of God feels."

Bai Ye nodded and started talking nonsense.

"So that's the case, then you can touch it."

Kujo Sara looked embarrassed and pointed to his Eye of God.

Bai Ye was waiting for this sentence.

He stopped hesitating and grabbed the Eye of God on Kujo Sara's waist.

The moment he touched it, a system prompt sounded.

[The item "Kujo Sara·Eye of Thunder God" was touched and is being analyzed...]

[The skill "Lightning Element Enchantment" level has been raised to level 2]

["Kujo Sara·Eye of Thunder God", collected successfully]


A numbing electric current ran through Bai Ye's body.

Every cell in his body became extremely active.

"Are you done touching it?"

Seeing that Bai Ye didn't respond for a long time, Kujo Sara couldn't help but urge him.

Bai Ye nodded and let go of his hand: "I'm done."

"Then I'll leave. Someone will come to repair the gate by then, and our account will be...written off...Ouch..."

Kujo Sara let out a long breath and ran out in a panic.

Because of being too nervous, he almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

After Kujo Sara left, Bai Ye fell into deep thought again.

He has now collected the God's Eyes of Eula, Diona, Kujo Sara, Klee, and Amber.

It is relatively easy to collect these, after all, they are not hung in any special parts.

But like Lisa and Coral Palace Xinhai, the God's Eye is hung on the chest.

How to touch it?

The most important thing is.

The skills obtained by collecting the God's Eye are all "Elemental Enchantment".

Although touching the God's Eye with the same attribute will increase the level of "Elemental Enchantment".

But if it is just elemental enchantment, it is far from enough to run rampant in this world.


Murakami Grand Shrine, under the sacred cherry tree.

Yae Shinko lazily lay on the rocking chair, humming an unknown tune, holding a little fox in her arms.

Next to her, there was a comic book of "Naruto".

A breeze blew, blowing a few pages of the comic book.

It was densely covered with notes.

The notes were written in beautiful and smooth handwriting.

It was obviously written by Yae God.

"It's been three days, why hasn't the little guy sent "Naruto" here yet?"

"Did he ignore the world's most beautiful woman, Yae God?"

Yae God's tone was full of resentment, and the little fox in her arms trembled.

Then she touched the little fox's head in her arms and said gently: "Go and help me find out about him."

The little fox shook his ears, jumped off Yae God, and disappeared in a flash.

"Little guy, don't let your sister find out that you didn't show me the painting after you finished it, hehehe. ”

“Waiting for updates is so painful. I understand the readers of Yaedo.”

“It seems that I need to find some time to supervise the authors of Yaedo.”

Yaegumi snorted, lay back on the rocking chair, and closed her eyes.

The tender white toes were dazzling in the sunlight.

After a while, the little fox sent by Yaedo came back.

Rubbing Yaedogumi's tender white feet, it hummed and chattered.


“You said he got lost at the foot of the mountain?”

“This little guy looks normal, but I didn't expect him to have some brain problems. "

Yae Shinko's face changed, and then she stood up and walked down the mountain.


Shadow towards the mountain.

A thousand horses galloped through Bai Ye's heart.

Now he just wanted to curse.

After finishing the comics, Bai Ye dealt with some chores.

He took the second and third volumes of "Naruto" and headed straight to Naruto

He also specially prepared her favorite fried tofu for Yae Kamiko.

Yae Kamiko is the only person who has entered the "One Heart Pure Land" in the past hundred years...


The only fox who has entered the "One Heart Pure Land" still needs to please.

Never expected it.

He got lost on the halfway up the Yingxiang Mountain.

He turned around countless times, but couldn't find the way up.

In desperation, he wanted to return the same way, but found that he couldn't even find the way back.

Although Bai Ye looks smart, he has a biggest problem-

He is a road idiot!

What about the thunder pole going up all the way to the shrine covered by the sacred cherry tree?

Where is the thunder?

Where is the tree?

Where is the shrine?

There is only one sad me here!

Bai Ye complained crazily in his heart.

Then he simply sat down where he was and decided to take a rest before finding the way up the mountain.

Just when Bai Ye was at a loss.

A pink figure slowly walked in front of him.

Bai Ye looked up.

The first thing that caught his eye was a charming face.

"You look healthy, but why do you feel that your brain is not very good?~"

Yae Shenzi rolled her eyes.

Bai Ye was speechless for a moment, because what the fox said was the truth.

"Ms. Yae Gongsi, who combines wisdom and beauty, long time no see~"

"Can you take me up the mountain?"

Bai Ye scratched his head embarrassedly and changed the subject.

"Come, follow me, listen to my command~ Three, two, one, one, two, three, ah~~ Faster~"

Yae Shenzi had a smile on her lips.


PS: Unless there are special circumstances, stable updates will start today, so I won't ask for gifts. I'm asking for five-star praise today.

By the way, I'm setting an unlikely flag. If I ask for more than 5,000 updates, I'll cosplay Keqing. If I ask for more than 10,000 updates, I'll cosplay Yaejinko. If I ask for more than 20,000 updates, I'll cosplay Yunjin. If I ask for more than 30,000 updates, I'll cosplay Ganyu. (The above can be added together)

Ahem, it's not that I want to cosplay, I'm just setting a flag (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)

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