Keqing is holding a Pichu in her arms with a smile on her face. As a Yuheng star, she has naturally captured a lot of Pokémon during this trip to the Pokémon world. These little guys can become an indispensable force for Liyue in the future.

However, Pichu is really cute. Even if it evolves into Pikachu in the future, it will still be a very cute Pokémon.

Keqing teased Pichu while asking Mu Yang,”By the way, what did the previous dream give you?”

“This one?” Mu Yang’s expression was a little subtle:”It’s an elf egg, but I don’t know what it is, and I don’t know when it will hatch.

I’m thinking about how to hatch this egg. It’s impossible to ask the immortals to hatch the egg, right?”

Fairy eggs can also be hatched naturally, but this is a bit difficult. However, if the fairies are allowed to hatch the eggs, it seems to be a very interesting thing.

Isn’t Master Liuyun Jiefeng very good at taking care of children?

Thinking of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun transforming into his true form and hatching the egg like an old hen, Mu Yang felt happy.

However, it is not the right time yet. We should wait until this egg cannot be hatched for a long time.

Lord Liuyun Jiefeng, you don’t want Liyue to miss out on a powerful fighting force, right?

“Let’s go!

Come with me to find an immortal.” Mu Yang took Keqing’s hand and walked out.

“”Hey, hey, hey!” Keqing quickly hugged Pichu with one hand and let Mu Yang lead her hand and walk out the door.

This guy seems to be getting more and more offensive!

Keqing placed her eyes on the little hand held by Mu Yang, and a ripple rose in her heart. This feeling was really good.

“Are you going to look for Grandma Ping?” Keqing asked when she saw the direction Mu Yang was heading.

The existence of Grandma Ping is not a secret among the Liyue high-level officials. Keqing still has a good impression of this fairy.

She doesn’t like those high-ranking immortals, but she still has a good impression of immortals like Ping Granny who integrate into human life, often help humans, and teach them to grow.

This seems to be what a fairy should look like.

She is a good friend of Xiangling and Yanfei.

“Well, she has a disciple who possesses the divine eye of the grass element.”Mu Yang explained softly

With Keqing’s intelligence, she can naturally understand Mu Yang’s meaning.

Currently, there are only two types of God’s Eye in the Guild Store, Water and Grass.

The Eye of the Water God is actually quite easy to find. Xingqiu has it. When you have time, you can take Mu Yang to contact it.

On the contrary, as far as Keqing knows, there are only two or three people in Liyue who possess the Eye of the Grass God.

Mu Yang and Keqing were talking while looking at the Guild Shop. He remembered that the Guild Shop had been upgraded before.

I saw a special offer area in the guild’s store. The store in this special offer area randomly displays three special offer items each time. It refreshes every seven days, and the discounts are random. This has greatly increased the guild’s ability.

Meditation and Soul-nourishing Method: A method from the high-end world to enhance and nourish the soul, which can strengthen the soul. (Original price 100,000 points, limited time discount 35% off, 35,000 points)

Hybrid rice technology: technology from the world of science and technology that can improve rice varieties. (Original price 5000 points, 20% discount for a limited time, 1000 points)

Wood Release Ninjutsu Collection: From the Naruto world, the ninjutsu used by the first generation of Hokage, which is said to have the ability to pacify troubled times. (Original price 10,000 points, 30% discount, 3000 points)

Wood Release? Mu Yang couldn’t help but narrow his eyes slightly. This thing seemed to be very consistent with his future goals!

The Wood Release Ninjutsu here is just a collection of ninjutsu. Perhaps it can help them master this power, but whether it can be used is another question. At least they need to have the grass element, right?

Even if someone possesses the Grass Element God’s Eye, using these Wood Releases, the effect would probably only be as good as that of Yamato.

Mu Yang:”!!!@Zhongli, have you looked at the sale section in the store?”

Zhongli:”I saw it, but I feel a little complicated.”

Xiao:”Emperor, will this thing also have an effect on that?”

Zhongli:”I don’t know, maybe it will work. I’ll buy it and try it out. If it really works, maybe it can solve the problem of wear and tear, and even the problem of you being troubled by the demon’s resentment.”

Zhongli originally thought that they would need to go to the heavens and the myriad worlds to find a way to resist wear and tear.

After several missions, he has concluded that there must be ways to resist wear and tear, resurrect people, and even resist the power of the abyss in the outside world of the universe.

It seems that my strength is not very rare in other worlds.

I didn’t expect that after the guild store was upgraded, this meditation method would appear. The points are a bit expensive.

But points have no effect on Zhongli now, even though he seems to be the member with the most points.

At this time, Zhongli was somewhat thankful that he had been the main force in both missions. Otherwise, even if there were goods, he would not be able to afford them.

After Zhongli finished speaking, the meditation method in the chat group was bought.

Everyone knows that this is what Zhongli bought.

Ningguang:”Then what is this hybrid rice technology?”

Mu Yang:”Through this technology, we can improve the taste of rice, adapt to more growing environments, resist pests and diseases, and increase yields… This technology was invented by a great man in my previous world. He is considered to be the contemporary Shennong. Oh, you don’t know what Shennong is, you just need to know that this is a very powerful and great technology.”

Ningguang:”Huh? I was just about to buy this hybrid rice technology, but it was bought by someone else. Who bought it?”

Ningguang didn’t have many points, which were the minimum points she got from her first mission. But for her, the points didn’t seem to be of much use, at least not for the time being. Ningguang could still accept spending 1,000 points to buy hybrid rice technology.

Zhongli:”What I bought is indeed a good technology. If it is combined with alchemy, the effect may be even better.”

Mu Yang:”From your looks, it seems like the meditation method is quite useful?”

Zhongli:”Theoretically it should be effective, but it needs to be tested first.”

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