"I just asked Klee to make some bombs, I still know the importance of this!" Jean reiterated her position: "I don't plan to let Klee fight against, and I will also try my best to hide the truth in this matter!"

"It's up to you!" Diluc snorted, "I'll arrange for my men to keep an eye out for that Traveler named Ying, but I want to see what kind of person the Wind God can approve of will be!"

Poor Ying didn't know that she had even entered Mondstadt before she was already remembered by a crowd.

This is the rhythm of even being a tool man!

"Then I won't disturb the senior, you can rest. Jean nodded slightly.

Yesterday, I got a chat group, and I got a hint from Keqing and Ningguang, and Qin also witnessed the history of the earth in Muyang's previous life, which made Qin understand a lot, and also discovered a lot of hidden dangers in Mondstadt.

It's all something that Jean deals with later.

The most important thing now is to solve the problem of Dvalin and rid Mondstadt of all the monsters.

With her current self, she would definitely not be able to do this, but now she has seen the possibility of success.

Unlike Liyue, Jean's side would be much less hindered if it wanted to reform, as long as the content of those reforms was good for Mondstadt, then Jean could push for a thing or two.

Mondstadt's two largest powers at the moment, one is the Knights of Favonius, and Jean is currently the second-in-command here, and it is also the number one expedition, and she is the second-in-command in charge.

Moreover, Qin, the second-in-command, is now no worse than the first-in-command.

The other one is the Zephyr Church, and Jean's father is the head of the Zephyr Church!

Jean's family is one of the largest in Mondstadt, and as such, Jean's status in Mondstadt is still very high.

At least you'd be really hard pressed to find a force in Mondstadt that you could compete with Jean for!

As long as Qin pushes forward with the reform step by step, if she is not very radical, she may want to reform more smoothly than Liyue.

Of course, Mondstadt has its share of problems.

For example, the people of Mondstadt are free and have a loose personality, and if Jean's policies affect them to a certain extent, Jean may also be scolded at that time, and if he doesn't get it right, he may even fall to the point of surpassing the Lawrence family.

After all, didn't the demon god of the tornado, Diekarapian, also protect the people of Mondstadt with his divine power to maintain the wind wall and protect them, so that they could survive and not freeze to death?

As a result, they felt that Decarapian was hindering their freedom, they wanted freedom, and they thought Decarapian was a tyrant!

One thing to say, if it weren't for Wendy's divine power to blow the ice and snow away, I'm afraid that the urine of these people in Mondstadt would have been frozen and wiped out long ago.

In the final analysis, their temper is too good, and it is also because the Teyvat continent has a tradition of demon gods loving people, and the vast majority of demon gods are excellent to their own people, even heart-to-heart.

It's like Dycarapian, whom Mondstadt called a tyrant, is it really bad for the people of Mondstadt?

At the end of the day, Decarapian was also trying to protect the people of Mondstadt.

As a result, the kindness was directly treated as a donkey's liver and lungs.

According to the information obtained by Muyang's side, Decarapian may have taken the initiative to send him to death in the end, after all, Barbatos, who was only a wind elf at that time, how could he be Decarapian's opponent?


"Muyang, where are you and Barbara?" Muyang followed Barbara as he walked through Mondstadt, and from time to time someone came to greet Barbara, Muyang liked this feeling very much, and if the other party was his girlfriend, he would even feel a hint of romance.

However, at this time, Qin was @ Muyang in the chat group.

Muyang also talked to Qin about Barbara in the chat group before, but he didn't expect that at this time, Qin would come to disturb his "date" with Barbara.

"Well, we're here at the Wind God Statue now!" Mu Yang said directly.

"Okay, please tell Barbara and let her go to the Angel's Gift to heal Diluc senior!

Muyang: "Diluc, she's hurt, okay, I understand!".

Mu Yang looked at Barbara, who was still talking to him about Barbatos' great achievements, and said, "By the way, Barbara, I'm afraid we need to go to the angel's gift." "

"Ah, Mr. Muyang, do you also like to drink?" Barbara was stunned for a moment, a hint of disappointment flashed in her eyes, even a person like Mr. Muyang, do you like to drink?

"No, there is something you need to do, Mr. Diluc is injured and needs you to be treated!" Mu Yang shook his head slightly.

He's not very interested in drinking or something.

The angel's gift of apple stuff is actually very good!

"Mr. Diluc, all right, let's get over here!" Barbara was also curious.

As a little fan of the piano, Barbara is still very clear about the piano.

That Diluc had been his sister's rival.

The two have similar backgrounds, and their current strength seems to be similar.

Diluc joined the Knights of Favonius a few years before Jean, and even for a long time, Diluc was ahead of Jean.

He became the captain of the Knights of Favonius before Jean!

According to my sister, if it weren't for the incident at the beginning, the person who became the acting head of the regiment at this time might not have been her, but Diluc.

Now, Diluc is injured, which makes Barbara nervous, and Mondstadt is in danger again

Mondstadt is so big that even if Muyang and Barbara were running, it took half an hour to come to the Angel's Gift.

Seeing the injured Diluc, Barbara's heart also sank, as a doctor, Barbara could see that Diluc's injuries were not light.

Is the situation now dangerous to this point?

Even a powerful being like Diluc has been so seriously injured, so what about my sister?

At this time, Barbara also began to resent her weakness, and if she could, she wanted to become stronger!

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