The missionary was very calm before, but now he was panicking.

The power of the demon residue was his main means of attack and his biggest support.

The reason why he was not abandoned by the doctor was that he was one of the first people to follow the doctor to defect to the winter, and he took the initiative to accept the injection of the demon residue.

Now...his power has disappeared.

The first thing he considered was not whether he would die here, because in his opinion, the instructor would never watch the little devil kill him.

He only cared whether his power would disappear forever and whether he would be abandoned by the doctor because of it.

He knew the doctor's temper very well.

After barely dodging the boulder pushed by Cole, the missionary climbed up while the other party pushed the boulder again.

But after climbing up, there was no trace of Cole in front of him.

This also made him alert at the first time, because he didn't think that this guy ran away, he should be hiding in the dark, ready to...


The missionary first felt a chill in his lower back, followed by a heart-wrenching feeling.

Holding back the pain, he swung the knife back, but it was empty.

Because he overlooked one thing, Cole was not an adult, but a child.

So Cole, who judged from his movements that this attack would not hit him, pulled out the dagger and stabbed it to the other side of the symmetry.

"Tsk tsk, it hurts my waist just by looking at it."

Bai Luo, who was hiding in the dark and watching, felt a chill in his lower back for no reason.

This girl is really brave!

Both of his kidneys were stabbed, and the missionary almost fainted.

However, as an ascetic, his willpower was stronger than that of ordinary people. In addition, after his body was strengthened by the residue of the demon god, he did not completely lose his ability to resist.

It was just that he underestimated how high the hatred value of Ke Lai was.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss--"

The sound of the mechanism sounded, and the missionary felt his knees tightened. The steel wire contracted and he knelt down, which was already a little unstable.

Before he could stand up again, the dagger in Ke Lai's hand had already cut his tendons.


Even the missionary, facing this situation, couldn't help but wail.

"Teacher... instructor!"

He looked at Bai Luo, who was sitting not far away, and stretched out his hand, wanting to ask the instructor for help.

But the one holding his hand was not Bai Luo, but a tender little hand covered with blood.

In the missionary's desperate eyes, Cole held a dagger and cut his tendons.

And she cut very slowly, just to let the missionary know what torture is.

Looking at the instructor who was still indifferent until now, the missionary finally understood.

This so-called training was a scam from beginning to end.

"Remember me?"

Cole took off the mask of the fire debt handler on her face and said expressionlessly.

But her slightly trembling hands exposed her true mood now.

"It's... it's you?!"

Of course the missionary remembered Cole, she was the last experiment when he was doing the experiment.

But in his impression, the child died in prison because he couldn't bear the power of the demon remnants.

It was he who personally asked Bai Luo to deal with it...

"Bai Luo!!!!"

Thinking of this, the missionary finally understood what was going on.

He never thought that Bai Luo didn't deal with the child according to his order, and raised her to this age!

"You don't deserve to be called that name!"

Kole kicked him in the chin, dislocating it.

Then she turned over and sat on the missionary who was trying to get up, holding the dagger in her hand high.

One, two, three times...

Meat flew everywhere, blood splashed everywhere.

Kole kept stabbing the dagger into his back and then pulling it out, as if she wanted to vent all the resentment and grievances of the past years on the missionary.

Bai Luo did not stop her.

He knew that this kind of thing was not suitable for a child like Kele to do.

Everyone understands the truth, but you still have to complain about what you should complain about, scold people who should be scolded, and vent your anger.

After all, a lifetime of hatred and pain cannot be relieved by the so-called truth, nor can it be relieved by time.

It can be smoothed out.

Time will not help us solve problems, it just makes those things that were originally plain no longer important.

And hatred and pain will be more unforgettable.

Maybe this is just an exaggeration in the eyes of others, but only Cole knows.

How heavy is the straw that weighs on her?

Maybe this is also a kind of wear and tear.

I don’t know how long it took, when the missionary’s screams became weaker and weaker, and the dagger was stained with a little dirt, the dagger in Cole’s hand finally slipped to the ground.

"Woo woo..."

Cole thought she would never cry in this life, because in the year when she started wandering, she felt that she had cried dry tears.

But looking at the bloody missionary in front of her, a sense of grievance surged in her heart.

"Woo ah ah ah ah——"

She raised her head and cried loudly, tears slid down her bloody cheeks and fell on the missionary's bloody body.

She killed the missionary, the past, and all the hatred in her heart.

She cried like a child, a newborn baby.

No... or she was originally a child, a little girl who was forced to mature by the world, but deep in her heart she still liked beautiful clothes, cartoon stickers, and longed for someone to rely on.

She cut off her beautiful long hair and wrapped herself in a thick shell, just to resist the malice of the world.

Her voice was hoarse and her eyes were blurred by crying.

But she still didn't stop.


Bai Luo, who had walked to Ke Lai and wanted to wait for her to vent and take her away, was suddenly stunned.

Because he could sense that some changes had occurred nearby.

For example, under his feet.

A rustling sound was heard, and the land that was originally stained red by blood began to crack.

"Could it be..."

With a smile on his lips, Bai Luo knew that his plan was probably successful.


Cracks appeared on the Star-Picking Cliff, and countless young buds pushed through the hard soil and stubbornly emerged from the ground.

They grew and entangled rapidly as if they had eaten fertilizer.

Finally, they surrounded Kelai in the center.

A bud about to bloom bent the fragile flower stem and just hung in front of Kelai.

The Cecilia flower, representing the true love of the prodigal, gradually bloomed, and a green gem appeared in the pistil.

Looking at Kelai who was shaking for a few times and wanted to fall, Bai Luo reached out and hugged her.

"Okay, let's go home."

Listening to Bai Luo's familiar voice, Kelai gradually calmed down and fell asleep.

As for Bai Luo.

He looked at the grass-attributed evil eye on his waist, and then looked at the grass-attributed divine eye in front of Kelai.

After holding it in for a long time, he finally said a word.


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