The old man was buried in the grave, and the old man was buried.

The Goethe Hotel is one of the largest and most luxurious hotels in Mondstadt. Every time the badminton festival comes, it is full of tourists and businessmen from various countries.

But in recent years, there are no tourists here, because it is completely booked by the Fatui.

Three years ago, Anastasia, the counselor of the Fatui's mission, rented this place indefinitely as an embassy in the name of executive officer Pantalone.

From the guards at the door to the cleaning staff, they have all been replaced by members of the Fatui.

This also makes many people sigh, perhaps only people like the Fatui, who are rich and powerful, will do such a thing?


Luke stood up straight immediately after seeing the black figure coming from a distance.

Originally, Luke was the captain responsible for the security of the Goethe Hotel. Unfortunately, Kaia had taken too much information from him. Finally, the counselor Anastasia took the lead and removed all his positions and arranged him at the door, becoming the gatekeeper.

But he had no complaints, because the body of Krober, who was charged with similar crimes, had not yet been fished out of the wine lake.

"Open the door."

Although he was wearing a mask, no one dared to doubt his identity.


Luke immediately helped him open the door of the hotel and watched him enter the hotel.

As for the girl on his back...

Who cares? Just keep an eye on the door. If you anger the instructor, you will be demoted to cleaning the toilet.

Bai Luo did not ask anyone to help him, and took Cole back to the room alone.

Because the plague on Cole has not been completely cured.

Just because he could ignore these things, it didn't mean that others could ignore them.

Placing the still sleeping Cole on the white bed, Bai Luo walked into the bathroom and began to fill the bathtub with water.

Perhaps the child had been tortured by the whispers of the demon god for too long. After suddenly becoming quiet, her tense nerves finally relaxed.

The fatigue of the long journey, coupled with the mental torture, finally made her unable to bear it and fainted.

When the water was almost filled, the door of Bai Luo's room was knocked.

The visitor was Lyudmila, the female Fatui envoy who often whispered with her companions near the teleportation point.

After Bai Luo came back, he asked her to help get some medicine.

Although these medicines were not enough to cure Cole's disease, they could alleviate some of her pain.

After pouring the liquid medicine into the bathtub according to the proportion, Bai Luo came to Cole's side.

The sweat odor from the long journey and the traces of the plague on her skin made her body full of a strange smell.

Bai Luo did not despise her. After helping her take off those worn-out clothes, he also helped her remove the bandages wrapped around her body.

The bandages had already turned yellow and were even connected to her skin and flesh. When removing the bandages, some skin and flesh tissue with a strange smell would be torn off.


The eyelids of Ke Lai, who was in a coma, moved slightly. This level of pain had already made her show signs of waking up.

Seeing this, Bai Luo slowly raised his arm.

Over the years, he has studied a set of methods on how to knock people out without hurting them.

He called this Bai's physical deep hypnosis method.

And now, he used it on Ke Lai.

After a muffled groan, Ke Lai's head tilted to one side and she lost consciousness again.

After making sure that she had fainted, Bai Luo carefully continued to remove the bandages on her body.

After removing all the bandages, Bai Luo couldn't help but sigh.

Compared to the past, this child has grown so much.

Carefully picking her up, Bai Luo walked into the bathroom and placed her in a bathtub filled with liquid medicine. Except for her head, her entire body was soaked in the liquid medicine.

The liquid medicine worked very well. Cole's originally frowned brows slowly relaxed, and he even snored faintly.

After soaking for a long enough time, Bai Luo fished her out, applied ointment, and re-wrapped her with bandages.

But before he could put clothes on her, a hurried knock on the door interrupted him.

After opening the door, standing outside was Anastasia, the highest-ranking Fatui member in Mondstadt besides Bai Luo.

"Instructor, Mr. Garyfla was assassinated before leaving Mondstadt. It seems that..."

Anastasia did not continue to speak. As

The counselor of the Fatui, she knew very well what that flame represented.

She even had some doubts whether the method of making those data and people disappear from the world was done by the adult in front of her.

"I will leave the matter of putting pressure on Mondstadt to you. You are good at this kind of thing. When something out of control occurs, notify me again."

"I understand!"

After getting permission, Anastasia agreed directly.

She liked this kind of boss who delegated power, and Bai Luo also liked this kind of subordinate who took charge of everything.

The two of them were in a mess... ahem, they were in love.

Speaking of which, I have to hurry up and do some tricks. After all, it was a task arranged by the Queen herself, and I have to work hard.

Before that, I'd better change the little guy into a new set of clothes.

The previous set... could almost be described as naked.

After taking a new set of clothes, Bai Luo returned to the room.

But after opening the door, she was greeted by a sharp fruit knife.

The angle of Cole's attack was very tricky. If she was caught off guard, she would definitely succeed.

The reason why she was able to travel in the Seven Kingdoms for so long without any trouble after Bai Luo left was not only because of the plague of the natural protective layer and the power of the demon god residue, but also because of this assassination technique.

Unfortunately... she chose the wrong opponent.

The person who left her this assassination technique was Bai Luo.

And how could Bai Luo be hurt by her own tricks?

Avoiding the wound on the opponent's wrist, Bai Luo pinched her arm, first took away her fruit knife, and then threw her back on the big bed.

After Cole turned over and sat up, she activated her trump card without hesitation - the power of the demon god residue.

As a result, the whispers that had been bewitching her in the past and asked her to use this power disappeared at this time.

Those powers could no longer be used.

"Why... why?"

"Because it is just the remnant of a demon god, and I... have the breath of a living demon god!"

Throwing the clothes in his hand to Ke Lai, Bai Luo explained.

So far, he is quite satisfied with this kid.

He is vigilant enough and ruthless, and every knife is aimed at his neck.

Much better than the group of debt collectors he trained.

If I had known earlier, I would have brought him back with me. Maybe I could have formed a CP with K423.

"Then... who are you?"

Staring at Bai Luo in front of him, Ke Lai did not put on the clothes thrown by the other party immediately, but asked vigilantly.

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