The story of the dead is a mystery.

Inazuma, one of the seven nations of Teyvat, is located in a closed archipelago in the far east of the Teyvat continent.

Compared with the [ice] of winter, this country surrounded by thunderstorms and named after thunder and lightning is dominated by the element [thunder].

Although it is a fleeting lightning, the thunder general Baal who rules Inazuma believes in eternity.

No... to be precise, it is not Baal, but Baalzeb.

Although Baal and Baalzeb share the name of the god of thunder.

But perhaps even the residents of Inazuma don’t know that the god who currently rules them is not the previous Baal, but Baal’s sister Baalzeb.

The thunderstorm that gave Ningbing Duhai Zhenjun a headache had a good solution when it came to Bai Luo.

That was the Lady Cangjing.

He finally understood why Gongji asked him to bring Lady Cangjing here.

The water mirror she condensed avoided the terrifying thunderstorm very well, and took this not very strong sailboat through the endless thunderstorm.

After the thunderstorm, even Bai Luo couldn't help but sigh.

No wonder the planner didn't depict the process of the protagonist passing through the thunderstorm. That kind of terrifying scene... there really aren't many mobile phones that can handle it.

"Go take a rest, leave the rest to me."

Looking at Lady Cangjing who put away the water mirror, Bai Luo said to her.

Lady Cangjing didn't be polite to him this time. It was also a big expense for her to protect the entire sailboat through the thunderstorm.

After saluting Bai Luo, she turned back to the cabin.

After instructing the servants to take good care of her, Bai Luo threw the dagger in his hand and wrapped it around the observation deck.

Gently pressing the switch, the steel wire connected to the dagger moved him and brought him to the observation deck.

"Is that the outlying island?"

Looking at the red island at the end of the sea, Bai Luo couldn't help but sigh.

Even though he had seen its full appearance in the game, seeing it again still gave people a very unreal feeling.

Before Bai Luo arrived at Inazuma, the Fatui had already infiltrated this eternal land.

According to the information he had, General Raiden had already issued a national isolation order and an eye hunting order under the guidance of the Fatui who arrived in advance.

Now what he had to do was to find a suitable opportunity to obtain General Raiden's Heart of God and then bring it back to winter.

"What the hell!"

Every time he thought of this, Bai Luo felt annoyed.

No matter how you look at it, Inazuma is indeed the easiest country to get among several countries.

But he was familiar with the plot and knew very well that the Thunder General who was staying in the castle tower was not Baelzebub at all, but a puppet created by the other party.

Even if he was lucky enough to see Baelzebub hiding in the Pure Land of One Heart, Bai Luo could not snatch her God's Eye at all.

It was one thing that he could not beat her, but the most important thing was that the Heart of God was not with her at all.

After Bael died in the war of Kanreya, Baelzebub cut off all ties with Sky Island, and even the Heart of God, which represented her identity, was handed over to the Yae God Child of Narukami Taisha by her.

Who is Yae God Child?

The great priestess of Narukami Taisha, Inazuma, was in charge of all matters of the shrine and was a follower of Inazuma Thunder God Baelzebub.

Baelzebub himself once said that even if she drew her sword to cut the other party, the other party would dodge it.

At present, the only one who could survive a single blow from Baelzebu should be the son.

He needs three swords.

In short... let's go to the island first.

Everything will be discussed after we get to the island.

His current identity can be said to be an envoy of the Kingdom of Winter. At least, the Thunder God cannot kill him so far.


The remote island belongs to the Narukami Islands and is the only way for foreigners to enter Inazuma.

During the period of the national isolation order, if you want to really set foot on the territory of Narukami, you must first pass the remote island.

This island full of maple trees is under the jurisdiction of the Kanjo Bugyo.

People must hold various certificates to enter and exit this place, and these certificates often require complicated procedures and some special relationships to obtain.

If you can't get the certificate smoothly, you can only stay on the remote island for a short time, and with other outsiders stranded here, you can take a look at the red maple and blue tiles and the deserted fishing village.

This is not a problem for Bai Luo, the twelfth executive officer of the Fatui.

Because both the Kanjo Bugyo and the Tenryo Bugyo in the Three Bugyo have been infiltrated by the Fatui.

The so-called Three Bugyo are actually responsible for

The agencies that manage various affairs of Inazuma are Kanjo Bugyo, Tenryo Bugyo and Sha Bugyo.

Sha Bugyo, headed by the Kamisato family, is the cultural representative of Inazuma, responsible for sacrificial activities and celebrations and entertainment. It is the most popular of the three Bugyo.

Tenryo Bugyo of the Kujo family is the security director of Inazuma, responsible for executing government orders, and in charge of all the shogunate armed forces except the Okuji and Hatamoto who are directly under the shogun. At the same time, he has the authority to issue passes.

Kanjo Bugyo of the Hiiragi family manages the financial center of Inazuma, is responsible for national finances, and has the authority to issue passes like Tenryo Bugyo.

One of its responsibilities is to strictly review the identities of those entering and leaving Inazuma, and to uniformly manage foreign personnel on the outlying islands.

As the ship gradually approaches the port, the appearance of the outlying islands becomes clearer.

Compared with the port in winter, the docks are no longer covered with thick snow, but red maple leaves.

There were not many ships at the dock. Apart from the fishermen's fishing boats, there was not a single cargo ship.

This was incredible for a prosperous port.

Seeing the ship approaching, the soldiers in Inazuma costumes at the dock did not show hostility, but stood up straight, as if they were welcoming some important person.

The Fatui, led by the Fire Debtor, came to the dock surrounded by the Inazuma soldiers.


Looking at the entire Teyvat continent, if there is anyone who respects the twelfth executive officer of the Fatui, it is definitely the Fire Debtor.

Because all the Fire Debtors who exist in the entire Teyvat continent today were trained by him.

"Long time no see, Ah Qi."

After entering the Fatui special training unit, they no longer had their own names.

There were only code names.

Only after leaving the training unit and being able to serve the Queen would they have names again.

For example, Bai Luo's code name is BK201.

And the code name of this Ah Qi is 9527.

It’s not that Bai Luo is joking with him, he is really the 9,527th person to join the Fatui.

“Instructor! I have asked the people of Chuyu Trading Company to prepare a table of authentic Liyue dishes, specially for the instructor to welcome you!”

Bai Luo’s hometown is Liyue, which is no secret among the Fatui.

The Fatui respect the strong, and not all executives are from Zhidong.

For example, the lady is from Mondstadt.

There is even an executive who is from Inazuma.

“Forget about the welcome, I have important things to do this time. Please arrange it as soon as possible and send me to Inazuma City.”

The scenery of the outlying island is nice, but the people Bai Luo really needs to contact are all in Inazuma City.

He can’t wait to take a look.


After getting off the boat, he noticed the fox sculpture erected by the dock.

In Inazuma, this kind of sculpture is very common and can be seen from time to time on the roadside.


He always felt that this sculpture was staring at him.

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