The wind can bring a lot of information.

For example, the suppressed sword intention of Kenshin Himura, or the smell of alcohol on Big Sister Beidou... and the special fragrance that seems to come from Lady Ningguang.

And Fengyuan Manye is best at judging whether there are enemy ships or traces of sea beasts in the distance from these information.

There is a faint fishy smell in the sea breeze, which is not like fishy smell, but a bit sticky, like a big octopus on the seabed.

But if it is just an octopus, it is okay.

Because with the strength of the Southern Cross Fleet, it can definitely turn the big octopus into octopus balls on the dinner table tonight.

But the problem is... the breath mixed in the wind is too dangerous.

Even Fengyuan Manye couldn't help shaking his hands.

The last time I felt this way was at the Inazuma Castle Martial Arts Field.

Could it be...

"Manye! What's going on?"

Beidou has climbed up the rope to the top of the observation deck. She frowned and asked solemnly.

When Xu Liushi came to her just now and told her to change the route, she thought the guy was joking.

But after the other party said that it was Fengyuan Manye's notice, she couldn't keep calm.

So far, the boy has made a total of 17 predictions, and almost every time he perfectly predicted the coming storm, helping the fleet to save countless losses.

Since he said so, it means that he has definitely discovered something.

"What's dangerous? It's on our route."

Manye pointed to the front of the fleet and said with certainty.

"Do we have to change the route? If we take a detour, it may disrupt the original plan. In this way... even if we prepare sufficient resources, we may run out of resources before reaching Inazuma."

Beidou said in a low voice.

She was not kidding. The new route cannot be completed by turning the rudder.

It also requires the navigator to carefully arrange and arrange it to avoid the location of some reefs and the territory of some sea beasts.

This project is not ordinary.

"The wind will tell me a lot of things, but this time... the wind is also trembling because of that guy. In addition to the danger, I can't even piece together too much useful information."

Closing his eyes and feeling it again, Fengyuan Manye said with certainty.

Beidou also felt this clearly.

The usual sea breeze, whether it is fierce or gentle, basically blows in one direction.

And this time... the wind is a bit chaotic.

"Change the route! Get ready for battle!"

After noticing the abnormality, Beidou was stricter than Wanye had imagined. She not only asked the navigators to start planning a new route, but also asked the combatants to prepare for battle.

Because she had noticed that the danger that Wanye mentioned should not refer to natural disasters, but... some living things.

Whether it was a sea beast or something else, Beidou would definitely not be afraid.

Because she had killed the so-called sea beast with her own hands.

Almost everyone in Liyue knew the reputation of Beidou, the big sister of the Southern Cross Fleet, and they loved to talk about her after dinner.

Even the storyteller in the Heyu Teahouse, in addition to telling the deeds of immortals and demons, occasionally told the story of this captain.

There is a phrase circulating in Liyue and Inazuma: "The fins turn into the dark sea, and the tail touches the distant mountains."

The fishermen learned this sentence from the shore and sang it over and over again. The song spread farther and farther, and became a popular fishing song.

Beidou used to sing this fishing song with her crew, but she never sang it again since a certain period of time.

Because the [big fish] named Haishan, whose fins turned into the dark sea and whose tail touched the distant mountains, died in her hands.

Haishan is in the sea.

It is like a fish and a dragon, as big as a nightmare, as powerful as a god, and can raise a wave tens of meters high with a light blow.

Those who risk their lives on the sea will always meet Haishan.

Beidou wanted to see it since she was nine years old, hoping to cut off its head. She challenged Haishan many times, but all ended in failure.

Until that time, she finally sang this ballad that she had heard since she was still in her cradle, carrying the best sword on her back and the most water-savvy sailor, and went straight to the big fish named [Haishan].


The battle lasted for four days. In the storyteller's story, she stepped on the huge waves and had the sky above her head. She fought with Haishan for more than four days like an immortal. In fact, only their people understood how difficult it was for them to defeat Haishan. The Southern Cross fleet only brought elite personnel and used cannons, fishing guns, bows and arrows, and ropes to barely contain Haishan. Beidou fought with the captured Haishan for several hours, but could not determine the winner until dark. Fortunately, Haishan was only strong at night, and the daytime gave them enough breathing space. In the early morning of the fifth day, the first ray of light from the rising sun shone on Haishan's face. Beidou took action. This blow cut through the clouds and the moon, like a mountain and a sea, and completely cut off the head of the fish dragon! At that moment, a purple thunderbolt descended from the sky, and Beidou's Eye of God fell in front of Beidou who was fighting bloody in this very special way.

This purple thunderbolt was the best gift given by the gods to those who defeated the mountains and the sea.

Because of this incident, Beidou also had a very nice nickname.

Dragon King.

But compared to this nickname, the people of the Southern Cross Fleet still preferred to call her Big Sister.

The news that there was danger right ahead of the route soon spread throughout the Southern Cross Fleet.

But except for the merchants on board, no one was afraid of this so-called danger.

Could anything more dangerous be more dangerous than the sea mountain?

But as time went on, the so-called danger gradually appeared in front of everyone.

Dark clouds covered the entire sea area, and from time to time there were bursts of thunder coming from the clouds. The rumbling sound was more like the roar of some kind of giant beast than thunder.

The whole sky seemed to be split by something, half black and half blue.

The horrifying scene even made some timid guys piss their pants.

"What on earth is this...?"

Standing on the dragon head in front of the Death Star, Beidou felt his scalp tingling.

In the dark clouds, you can occasionally see the body of some creature accidentally exposed, but it is only a small part that is exposed, and you can see how big its body is.

Even the sea mountain that they killed with all their strength is nothing in front of this giant beast.

This thing has completely deviated from the category of the word "beast", and can even be described by another word.


The black cloud also noticed the existence of the Southern Cross Fleet, and was sweeping towards this side with bursts of roars.

And Beidou can only do one thing.

"Everyone prepare for battle!"

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