The fruit was picked up and the fruit was picked.

"How about this box?"

Beidou randomly picked a box of good-looking fruit and opened it to show Bai Luo.

Sunset fruit can be found everywhere in the wild.

But some of the better-looking and sweeter ones are specially hired by the Adventurer's Association to pick and then resell.

Compared with Mora, adventurers care more about experience and adventure level, so they are still happy to accept this task that seems to be just a bargain for the employer.

After all, the task of picking sunset fruit is not dangerous, and you can also steal a few hill people's treasure chests by the way, and each gets what they want.

"How does it taste?"

Bai Luo glanced at the sunset fruit and asked uncertainly.

Because he knew that he had touched one of the boxes of sunset fruits. What if...what if something went wrong?

For example, a little sour?

Beidou did not doubt him, took out a sunset fruit from it and took a bite.

The sweet juice immediately filled her mouth, and some of it even flowed slowly along the corners of her mouth, which made her mouth salivate.

"You don't even need to put sugar in this thing to make juice, it's super sweet!"

Beidou said with great satisfaction, giving a thumbs up.

After all, these were all carefully selected by her, so how could the quality be bad?

"Thank you, Captain Beidou, how much Mora is needed for this box?"

Bai Luo touched his wallet and asked.

This time he learned to be smart. Before looking for Wan Ye, he went to the North Country Bank and took out a lot of Mora.

But when you are out, it is still the most comfortable to spend your friends' money.

"It's just a box of sunset fruit, not worth mentioning, just consider it as a gift from me."

After eating the sunset fruit in his hand, Beidou ordered people to seal the box of sunset fruit and handed it to Bai Luo.

But Bai Luo didn't take a penny for the Mora that he took out.

This thing is not a rare thing. Sometimes she would go to Wanmin Hall for a meal, and the tips she gave could almost buy half a box.

It's not necessary to charge money for such a small thing.

After thanking him, Bai Luo hugged the box of sunset fruit and got off Beidou's Death Star and went to Liyue Port.

He didn't worry at all whether Beidou would abandon him in Liyue, because according to the information he had, both Beidou and Ningguang seemed to be eager for him to leave Liyue as soon as possible.

Even if he really had something to leave immediately, Beidou would never sail if he didn't come back.

After getting off the ship and walking on the noisy dock, Bai Luo noticed that there was something wrong with the people following him.

They seemed to be buying things and bargaining with the vendors, but they came with nothing all the way and didn't buy any goods at all.

It seems... it should be the person who was responsible for tracking him.

Even if Bai Luo had found a way to get himself out of the vortex of Liyue, there would still be surveillance.

After all, no one wants a soldier from a free country to wander around the streets of their home, not to mention that Bai Luo's existence is equivalent to a soldier with nuclear weapons.

Bai Luo can still understand this level of tracking.

He understands, but he won't let the other party track him.

So after turning a corner, his figure disappeared completely. Seeing this, the people who were tracking looked at each other for a moment, and only a small number of people continued to look for Bai Luo's trace, and the others went back to report the situation.

In the next block, a young man in a black windbreaker squatted in front of a pastoral dog with a smile on his face.

The box containing sunset fruits has been replaced by Bai Luo with a backpack, and there are some herbs on the backpack.

"Good dog."

Bai Luo looked at the pastoral dog in front of him and tentatively stretched out his right hand.


This pastoral dog is very smart. After seeing Bai Luo's hand, it immediately understood what he meant.

Then it lifted its hind legs, wagged its tail and sat on his hand.


Fuck, whose dog is this? So... proactive.

Retracting his hand calmly, Bai Luo casually rinsed it in someone's bucket next to him and took out a sunset fruit from the backpack.

"Handsome dog!"

Seeing the sunset fruit in Bai Luo's hand, the dog actually showed a humane smile, and wagged its tail more vigorously than before, as if it had a small motor installed.

Obviously he had recognized what this thing was, and it should be

It should have been fed before.

"Woo woof!"

It opened its mouth and bit the sunset fruit in Bai Luo's hand without hesitation.

For the first three seconds, it was eating very happily and even smacking its lips.

But three seconds later, its tail, which seemed to have a small motor, suddenly stopped and was clamped between its legs.

"Woo woof..."

The dog stopped chewing and its two front paws were frantically scratching in its mouth, as if it had eaten something incredible.

But no matter how it scratched, its saliva still flowed all over the floor.

"Woo woof woof!"

After scratching for a while, the pastoral dog finally realized that it was futile. It whimpered and rushed to the side.

Finally, it plunged into the creek next to it.

A few minutes later, the pastoral dog's angry howling could still be heard downstream of the creek.

It sounded as miserable as the hillock man who was fucked by the teacher of the teaching institute all night.

Bai Luo: "..."

Not really, right? Beidou tasted delicious before. How could it be...

Looking at the bitten sunset fruit in his hand, Bai Luo once again cast his eyes on the orange cat who had been licking his paws and watching the show.

After noticing Bai Luo's gaze, the orange cat did not realize what he was about to face, and even made a cute cry with a little doubt.


A few minutes later, there were a few more cat meows among the wailing downstream.

"It doesn't make sense..."

Looking at the two sunset fruits with gaps in his hand, Bai Luo began to doubt his life.

Before Bai Luo touched this box of sunset fruits, we would never know whether this box of sunset fruits was sweet or sour. They would always be in a superposition state of both sour and sweet.

Only when someone tasted it, the superposition state suddenly ended, and the wave function collapsed, which would make it stable in one of the two flavors of sweet or sour. (I'm just kidding, don't take it too seriously... I admit my mistake in advance.)

Originally, Bai Luo thought that after Beidou ate the sunset fruit, it would give it a sweet taste, and it shouldn't change afterwards.

Unexpectedly, his situation has surpassed Schrödinger's cat. When its taste is already determined, he can still change its taste.

In other words, no matter whether this sunset fruit was sweet before, as long as he touched it, then this thing will only have one taste left.


Hiss... Bai Luo's sunset fruit is so terrifying.

Schrödinger's coffin lid can hardly hold it down.

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