The traveler Kong and Paimong were just about to walk away when they heard the voice of the vendor behind them.

But the traveler didn't care, as he was used to being ripped off along the way.

This vendor was already very light, and he didn't lack money to spend, so what if he gave more money?

But at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind, causing the traveler who was about to walk away to stop.

Even Paimong, who was holding a skewer and chewing it, was stunned, and felt a sense of intimacy in his heart.

"I'm here to eat mutton skewers!"

That innocent and lovely voice, that familiar tone.

The traveler immediately turned around and immediately found a short green figure appearing in his sight.

The traveler was very familiar with this figure, it was Ningguang's daughter!

She was also the one who issued the task of the Book of Thunder to him!

If it was Ningguang's daughter, I'm afraid she would be ripped off by the vendor as a stranger.


Although it doesn't matter if I get ripped off, I can't let Ningguang's daughter suffer this humiliation!

The traveler made up his mind, but before he could take a few steps, he suddenly heard the vendor's voice.

The vendor was full of respect, and quickly handed over several skewers of lamb that had been grilled on the side to the hands of the grass god Nashida, and said respectfully

"Your skewers! These are freshly grilled and specially prepared for you. Please accept them."

Nashida's eyes lit up, and she directly handed over the skewers. After taking a bite, she said with a satisfied smile on her face

"Thank you! You are a good person!"

After hearing those answers, the vendor instantly jumped up excitedly, with a face full of joy, as if full of glory.

"Hahaha! I'm praised, I'm praised!"

And some vendors in the surrounding stalls looked at the skewers vendor with envy.

Nashida tilted her head, looked at the vendor curiously, and didn't care and took another bite of the skewers.

A mellow meat smell, coupled with the fragrance of cumin, made the taste of the whole meat sublimate.

The fragrance burst out in the mouth, and a spicy smell came from the taste buds.

The tenderness of the lamb after being roasted by the fire, the taste after being sprinkled with cumin, and a little chili powder.

These flavors mixed together to form a unique fragrance, which is very tempting. It smells good and tastes even better. The saliva in the mouth is also secreted.

The little grass god Nashida happily covered her mouth and blew.


The traveler saw this scene and couldn't understand it.

Why doesn't Ningguang's daughter have to spend money on meals?

And looking at the happy face of the vendor, it seems that her identity is very special and very noble.

The traveler looked at the skewers in Nashida's hand, which were obviously better and more fragrant than his own, as if they were carefully made, and the skewers in his hand were no longer fragrant.

After the little grass god returned to Xumi, sometimes he would let Nilu dance a flower god dance.

Most of the time, he came to this street to look for food in his spare time.

As the number of visits increased, the rumor that Lord Grass God liked food and often came to this street to choose food gradually spread.

Many small shops appeared on this street that Lord Grass God often visited, all selling various snacks.

People competed with each other in the hope of getting Lord Grass God's visit.

This also made the flow of people on this street gradually increase.

But Lord Grass God was very particular. He only came three times in the morning, noon and evening, and each time he would only choose one snack and leave after eating!

But even so, many famous chefs in the vicinity still flocked to it.

They showed their skills and tried their best to be chosen by God among many chefs!

This also made this small street a famous food street in Xumi.

And the occasional encounter with Lord Grass God here has become the reason why this food street is so popular.

And now the appearance of the little Grass God instantly attracted the attention of everyone around. More and more people gathered here, but no one came forward to disturb him.

That is the delicious time for Lord Grass God, no one will disturb him at this time!



There is a stranger who has gone up!

Everyone around

Looking at the blond boy in surprise.

This blond boy was obviously a guy from outside, and he obviously didn't know the identity of the girl.

The traveler Kong didn't think much, and walked slowly towards Nashida with a smile on his face, and greeted her softly.

"Hi, hello, what a fate, we met here!"

Originally, Nashida was enjoying the food happily, and when she was eating vigorously.

Suddenly, a voice came to her ears, a sudden familiar voice.

Nashida turned her head in confusion, and when she saw that it was the traveler, she instantly exclaimed.


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