The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

Even the Knights built a defense boundary at the border of the Wind Dragon Ruins, and built sentries and arrow towers.

It's just that the entire Wind Dragon Ruins are too large, and the Knights can block it.

It's just the necessary place for the Wind Dragon Ruins to contact other places.

At this moment, Qin was holding a pen and writing on a letter a summary of the monsters in the previous battle, the infected hill people.

After so many days of fighting and exploration, I finally learned some information about those black lines and monsters.

In order to record this information and send a letter to neighboring countries for help, Qin began to write in the letter.

A strange infection and monster appeared in Mond.

After being infected, red stripes begin to appear all over the body. When the pupils turn black, they lose their minds and attack all living things around them.

The infection can be transmitted to animals and is extremely contagious.

Humans can also be infected by it. Once scratched or bitten by it, lines will appear from the wound and spread upwards.

The wound cannot heal in a normal way and will transmit intense and strong stinging pain. Only elemental power can evolve and remove it.

But elemental power cannot purify people or creatures that have become monsters again!

The infected person will be eroded by the mind, and red lines will appear on the body.

The infection can be transmitted directly through blood, saliva, and indirectly through the air.

The infected air will appear black fog...

Elemental power can purify the early infected and the uninfected infected and the black fog.

But there is no way to completely cure the infected who have been completely infected.

And the stronger the will, the slower the infection.

The reason for this conclusion is that at this moment the entire Wind Dragon Ruins are shrouded in black fog.

The black fog was still spreading from the ruins to the surroundings.

Once you stay in the range of the gray fog for a long time, red lines will appear on your body.

At the beginning, the gray fog was very light, but it became thicker and thicker as time went by.

The thick places turned into black fog, and began to spread to other places, and then gradually became thinner.

And those infected monsters rarely leave the range of the gray fog.

Or the monsters in the range of the gray fog are more difficult to deal with, as if they have some kind of blessing.

When Qin wrote to the end, he hesitated in the name column...

After considering the characteristics of that monster, Qin finally wrote three words in the name column!


The letter was not only sent to Liyue, but also to Zhidong Kingdom.

This letter was sent to all the neighboring countries around.

I hope that after getting this information, they can pay as much attention and take precautions as possible.

Qin was not sure whether the monsters had broken through Mondstadt's blockade and entered the territory of other countries.

Qin could not care less now. As time passed, more and more areas were infected.

People with the Eye of God and some priests were near the gray fog outside the city every day, releasing elemental power and purifying the sky covered by the gray fog.

But this could only delay the spread of the gray fog...

When the crisis began to break out and the infection began to spread, the Knights withdrew from the ruins of the Wind Dragon.

The ruins of the Wind Dragon were sealed...

No one was allowed to approach, and they tried to prevent the things inside from running out.

As the infection spread...

Langguan Gorge was also sealed!

After a few days...

Benlang Ridge was sealed!

With the blockade and sinking, all personnel were transferred to a safe area, and the spread of the infection was suppressed.

But the good times did not last long...

The infection also began to mutate and had a latent period.

The infected person will not have obvious red spots, lines all over the body, and the pupils will not turn completely black.

The infection will lurk in the person's body, making him a source of infection.

All those who have come into contact with it will be infected, but they will not know until many days later that it will break out.

The person who breaks out will immediately have red lines all over the body, and when the lines spread to the top of the head, they will frantically attack everything around them.

For a time, everyone was in danger!

This sudden phenomenon immediately aroused the vigilance of the Knights.

After observation and experimentation, the exact time and period were finally obtained.


The incubation period of the infection is 14 days!

The Knights have strengthened their daily inspections, and at the same time, they are purifying all residents and residential areas with elemental power.

All residents who feel that their bodies are abnormal can go to the nearest church for purification and healing!

Purifying the elemental power in the early stage before the outbreak of the infection can effectively solve this infection.

However, there are countless people coming for purification every day, and everyone suspects that they have been infected.

And there are not many people who have the Eye of God and elemental power.

Even Klee helps Barbara with elemental power purification every day.

Although the Knights have been trying to control the infection, the effect is minimal.

The infection has begun to spread...

The crisis has begun!

Where will Mond go?

(, Character Theater

The character that appears in this issue is Qin

Reader "I wonder what you think of the slacking wind god?"

Qin "Lord Barbatos? He is a god who yearns for freedom."

Reader "Then do you know that the wind god is a drunkard?"

Qin "I know, Lord Wind God is a god who loves poetry and wine."

Reader "You don't care at all that Lord Wind God is always slacking off?"

Qin: "It's really annoying when there are important things that can't be found.

But even when faced with important things, we are left to handle them ourselves, which is a manifestation of Lord Wind God's trust in us!

How can I disappoint Lord Wind God?"

Reader "..."

No hope, this is a die-hard fan of the wind god, identification completed.


The author asks for a wave of small gifts

Power for love!


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