After Barbara and the knight left, only Kaia and Jean were left in the tent, looking at each other.

Both of them looked unhappy. Although they were temporarily treated, the casualties were too serious.

You know, in the beginning, although they were attacked by the hillbillies, there were very few people who were really injured or seriously injured.

And yesterday, there were a lot of injured people. Those hillbillies with red spots on their bodies were just like taking medicine.

Both their physique and strength became extremely strong and fearless.

When they saw the signs of life, they rushed up and bit them, and even their fellow hillbillies were not spared.

"What is going on with that weird situation?

Are they infected with some kind of disease?"

Qin also frowned and sighed

"That's the only explanation..."

This sudden situation caught them off guard. The destruction of the magic circle was basically coming to an end.

But this sudden change disrupted their deployment.

What they didn't know was that something even weirder was happening in the forest at this moment.

In the forest

Those hillbillies with red markings on their bodies began to spread everywhere.

They would see all the creatures, including wild boars and pheasants, and even the hillbillies of the same tribe.

And all the infected animals or creatures would begin to spread red markings on their bodies in a short period of time, and their pupils would become completely black and lose their minds.

The infection spread in the forest...

The next morning

When the knights woke up again, everyone was stunned.

The original forest changed drastically after one night, and the originally green trees were now withered.

As if the forest had also been infected with some kind of plague, all the green disappeared, leaving only a dead silence, and there were many creatures not far away.

Not only were there hill people and abyss mages, but there were also various creatures such as wild boars and pheasants. They all gathered around the camp, staring at them covetously.

These creatures all had one common feature, their bodies were covered with red lines, and their pupils were pitch black.

The reason why those creatures did not attack was that they had been waiting for more creatures to gather together.

After the patrol officer discovered this scene, he immediately reported it to Qin.

"Captain Qin, it's not good!

We have been surrounded by those infected monsters!"


Qin frowned and walked out of the camp again to look at the periphery. When the various creatures that had surrounded the entire camp were already tightly packed, her scalp was a little numb.


"Pass my order!

All members of the Knights, assemble, we break out!"

Qin raised her sword high and shouted to the surroundings.

After Kaiya discovered this scene, he came to Qin's side.

After receiving the order, the surrounding Knights also began to gather and prepare to break out in one direction.

It is no longer a wise choice to stay here.

There are many animals in the forest, coupled with this strange situation.

No one knows what will happen if they stay here...

When the Knights sent a message, the monsters seemed to have discovered it and generally launched a charge at this time.

The number of hill people is nearly doubled compared to yesterday, and there are many animals mixed in!

But when these hill people and those animals charge together, it is like a wave that covers the sky and the earth, and it makes people feel cold from a distance.

A hill person rushed to a knight and raised his stick to attack, but was blocked by the knight.

Another hillman leaped high and flew directly towards a knight.

The stick in his hand fell down fiercely and hit the knight directly.

After being held by his companions, the hillman gave up the stick in his hand, stretched out his hand to grab the knight's thigh, opened his mouth and bit the iron armor.

The hillman's bite did not penetrate the defense of the armor, but the hillmen around him who were not afraid of death all flew towards the knight frantically.

The hillmen pressed the knight under them and kept biting all over his body.

All the hillmen were like crazy. In their eyes, everything seemed to be an enemy.

Such a scene left a deep impression on the knights present.

It also left them with the deepest shadow.

Fortunately, Kayao arrived in time and covered the hillocks with a burst of ice elemental power, and all the hillocks froze.

Kaiya also took this opportunity to rescue the knight.

The knights were also exhausted from dealing with the hillocks in front of them.

Facing the impact of these fearless monsters, even the knights with the protection of Kaiya and Qin were seriously injured.

After fighting desperately for a long time, they finally got out of the wind dragon ruins.

And when they left at the end, it was Qin who released the elemental battle skill, covering all the monsters chasing behind.

After suppressing the infected lines on their bodies, the entire knight group was able to escape.

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