After the journey, the traveler Kong took on a series of tasks called "The Forest Book" from Cole.

He took Paimon with him and set off on the journey again, starting his mission journey.

A few days later...


There were many corpses piled outside a certain experimental site, and several Fatui were holding torches and burning the corpses around.

The captain in charge held a torch and solemnly instructed the people around him

"All the bodies of these experimental subjects must be burned, and there must not be any residue.

This experiment is very dangerous, and all the experimental subjects must be destroyed."


The Fatui around nodded one after another, and threw down the torches in their hands. The corpses filled with wine were burning with raging fire.

Even from a distance, you can see that the bodies all have red lines on them.

Their faces also have the painful expression before death, but their eyes are numb, as if they suffered inhuman torture before they died.

And the group of Fatui next to them are a new group of Fatui who have been rotated in.

Because this experiment is too dangerous, even the personnel who participate in the destruction of the bodies will be rotated every week.

The captain looked at the new group of Fatui with pity, then turned and left, leaving the place to them.

In the laboratory, the doctor held a tube of reagent and laughed loudly.

"Hahaha! Great, it finally succeeded!"

The doctor looked at the reagent in his hand with shining eyes, which exuded an ominous breath.

After many days of research on the Heart of God corrupted by taboos, the doctor successfully extracted some useful things from it.

Now the reagent in the doctor's hand is the product of the fusion of the residue of the demon and the corruption of taboo knowledge.

This will serve as a new generation of biochemical weapons to enhance the power of the Kingdom of Winter.

The doctor narrowed his eyes and looked at the reagent in his hand, which exuded an evil breath.

He could even feel a power that was very similar to the corruption of forbidden knowledge.

The doctor looked at the reagent in his hand and nodded with satisfaction.

"With these things, the plan will be much smoother."

After so many days of experiments, although many experimental subjects were sacrificed and many resources were consumed, the research was finally successful.

The doctor took the reagent, turned around and walked outside. There was an assistant not far from the laboratory. The doctor carefully packed the reagent in a box and handed it to the assistant.

"Send this thing to Winter. It is very dangerous and there must be no mistakes."

This doctor is the newly made slice.

It is also the slice of the period when the doctor is most enthusiastic and crazy about research.

The great taboo experiment must have fearless courage and the courage to not fear risks.

In the previous experimental field, the experiment was discovered by the Queen not long after it started.

The Queen forbade the doctor to conduct such dangerous experiments with his body, and also forbade dangerous experiments in the winter.

The doctor had no choice but to let the new slice go to Inazuma to continue the experiment. Fortunately, after a long period of research, it was finally successful.

The sample of the experimental world was completed, and the first finished product was born.

Through the residue of the demon god, plus the power of corruption of taboo knowledge.

This reagent can give people very powerful power, even ordinary people can be compared to those with the eyes of God.

More importantly, its durability is not comparable to that of the evil eye.

It’s just that the infectiousness of this power is very strong and must be handled with care.

After the assistant took the reagent passed by the doctor and carefully put it into the box, he respectfully saluted

"Your will!"

After the assistant finished speaking, he turned and left.

The doctor stood there, watching the assistant's figure going away, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a dangerous arc flashed in his eyes.

"Good show...

It's about to start..."


A blonde girl was standing in front of the throne with her arms folded across her chest, and in front of her was kneeling an Abyss Apostle.

The Abyss Apostle of the People kept his promise, knelt on one knee in front of his chest, and reported respectfully in a low voice

"Your Highness!

After such a long time of investigation, I finally figured out the source of the abnormal movement.

The doctor was conducting a new experiment again, and this experiment was very different. Not only was it the same as usual, but it became more hidden.

They seem to be deliberately covering up something...

Just now, our spy hidden in Inazuma sent a message.

The doctor's secret research has produced results and is now on its way to Dongdong.

I wonder if we..."

Ying closed her eyes, then slowly opened them again, with a dangerous arc flashing in her eyes, and spoke softly

"The Fatui's behavior this time is so abnormal, there must be something to plot.

The action is so covert, what are they researching.

Such a secret research weapon must be extraordinary.

Intercept it! Use it for me!"

The Abyss Apostle bowed again, respectfully speaking softly

"Yes! Princess!"

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