After the wine was poured out, the wine was still in the pot.

Anna was stunned for a moment after hearing Beidou's words. Although she didn't know why Beidou asked her to stop, she still did it.

"You don't think I poisoned you, do you?"

The experienced Anna naturally saw Beidou's thoughts at a glance, pointed at Wendy beside her, and explained softly.

"This is a normal reaction of my hangover soup, it won't kill you!

When you wake up after drinking this soup, you won't have a headache."

Beidou looked at Wendy lying on the ground, rolling her eyes and spitting foam in silence.

Beidou looked at the two crew members who had fainted and spitting foam at his feet, and finally shook his head gently.

"Let's assume that what you said is true. Do you have any soup to wake them up?

You can't drink your soup after they faint from drunkenness and faint again, right?"


My soup can make people sober. I see that two of your crew members seem to have fainted. How about giving them some too?"

After hearing Anna's words, Beidou immediately laughed dryly, lifted up his two crew members with one hand, and laughed


I don't need it. I'll take them back to the room. You can do with the bowl of soup in your hand."

Beidou lifted up the two crew members and walked away.

Beidou left very quickly, as if there was something terrifying chasing him.

Anna stood there, scratching her head strangely, a little confused

Finally, she could only sigh helplessly.


What a pity! Is such a big bowl of medicine going to be wasted?"

After thinking for a moment, Anna had to slowly pick up the bowl of medicine in her hand, and sighed softly when she reached the side of the boat.

"It's a pity that this medicine can only be used for gods. I'm afraid it will really happen to mortals."

Anna glanced at Wendy again, knowing that her soup should have worked.

It's just that the sequelae seemed a bit serious, and the process was quite exciting. Wendy actually fainted directly.

This was originally a dose prepared for gods, and ordinary people couldn't drink it.

Anna slowly threw the bowl of medicine in her hand into the sea below.


Originally, a group of fish were swimming happily around the big ship, because there would be no predators around the big ship.

Those predators on the seabed would not dare to approach because of the existence of the big ship.

So when there is a big ship, the area around the big ship is the safest shelter.

But just as these fish were swimming happily, something suddenly seemed to fall from above and fell into the sea.

The nearest few fish came forward curiously.

Some things had fallen from the boat before, some were food, and some were useless things.

So whenever something fell, the surrounding fish would all go to investigate, and if it was food, they could eat it directly.

But when those fish approached the strange object, they all turned up their white bellies.

Those fish with white bellies turned up began to float up slowly.

And such a scene spread from the falling object to the surrounding areas like a plague, at a very fast speed.

The fish in the whole circle around were like a plague, all staring with their eyes wide open, their mouths wide open, their bodies floating, and the whiteness slowly floating up.

Anna looked at the fish gathering below on the boat, and a smile appeared on her face.

"I think...

Those fish will like my soup."

Fish: Thank you!

After seeing the horrific scene in front of them, the fish in the distance were frightened and scattered around frantically.

It was as if there was something terrible chasing them.

And the predators who had been staring at the fish not far away were excited when they saw their food rushing towards them!

The predators opened their mouths and rushed towards the food with bloody mouths.

But the fish that used to avoid them seemed crazy at this moment.

They didn't care about the existence of these predators at all, but fled forward frantically.

Just when some predators had food in their mouths and were enjoying it happily.

Suddenly, a very strong bitter taste came from their senses.

Afterwards, these predators stayed quietly in place, like the fish before, with their mouths wide open and their eyes wide open.

As if dying with eyes wide open,

's body also began to float up slowly.

Others slowly sank and fell to the bottom of the sea.

After seeing this scene, a group of predators who reacted in time.

Instantly became a member of the fleeing fish, and followed those who were originally their food, and fled to the distance together.

Behind them, it seemed as if there was a death god urging them to move forward.

Anna threw the soup in her hand, and then slowly left the splint and walked towards the room of the little grass god Nashida.

She was unaware of the underwater battle royale that happened on the seabed, after all, the little grass god Nashida was still waiting for her.

Anna's soup exploded underwater like a plague bomb on the seabed.

All the fish touched by it rolled their eyes and floated on the sea.

These floating fish, which could not be seen at a glance on the sea, formed a desolate and tragic landscape!

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